• [COLOR=#000000][size=36]Quelle: [DLMURL]http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1650293[/DLMURL]

    Hello everyone, I have almost finished my two new rom, with and without support Jkay mod!Take your choice!!!


    TWO RELEASE: "Pure MoNsTeR" and "Jkay MoNsTeR"[/SIZE]

    [size=36]Full support Vertumus MOD (battery, ecc...)
    - Based on XWLPG Firmware and Vertumus 4.5 Theme
    - XXLPX Modem ( Testing )
    - Integrated BLN function
    - Integrated Overclock Setting
    - Original Samsung Boot Animation
    - No Wipe....
    - SuperSu + CWM
    - Deodexed and Zipaligned
    - Root & Busibox
    - Removed Samsung apk
    - Fix for home button lag
    - Build.prop Tweaks
    - Sysctl.prop Tweaks
    - Trebuchet Launcher e Apex Launcher
    - New Status bar with 15 toggle and text (Only in Pure Monster )
    - Battery 1%
    - Google Play 3.5.19 Fixed
    - Automatic EFS Backup
    - Init.d support
    - MultiLanguage
    - Phone Call Rec Mod with Reduction of noise ( Fixed )
    - Enable All rotation
    - CRT OFF Flashlight FIX
    - 4 Way Reboot e Torch in Lookscreen
    - No SMS into call logs
    - No SMS to MMS Conversion
    - MMS FIX
    - Best Audio Sound (Beats audio lib)
    - Youtube Fix
    - Quik GPS Fix
    - Integrated Sip function
    - Full support NFC (Zip in download section only for i9100P)
    - New Camera APK Mod ( with triggers )
    - Disable power on screen when unplug USB
    - Google Music
    - Original ICS Clock
    - Original ICS Mail
    - Original ICS Calendar
    - Google Car
    - Google Gallery + Gallery 3D ( Bravia Engine )
    - Setting mod (characters sizes, on/off CRT effect and Lockscreen only in Pure Monster)
    - Torch on/off in Lockscreen
    - New Siyah Kernel 3.3.1 ( 4 tap in home button inverted the colors )
    - Transparent AccuWeather!!!
    - Support live wallpaper in Lockscreen
    - Great battery life and stability[/SIZE]

    Da der Koch anscheinend ständig alte Releases löscht bitte den Download direkt von der Quelle beziehen.
    "The rom automatically copy in sdcard/Apps : Airdroid, BLN Control Free, PolarisOffice and Samsung PhotoRetouching..."

    Changelogs und Downloads unter:

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Maestro2k5 (28. Dezember 2014 um 21:47)

Jetzt mitmachen!

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