[APP] LG Stock Kamera für AOSP/AOKP/CM

  • Mahlzeit allerseits,

    für alle die die Stock Kamera bei AOSP vermissen hat sefnap von xda die Kamera portiert :)

    Original Thread @ XDA

    Ein paar Features funktionieren unter Nicht-LG-Roms leider nicht:

    No Object Tracking. You know that thing where a grid of little boxes shows up on the screen and one of them will turn green as the camera focuses? That's missing.
    No Audio Zoom. It's still enabled in the UI, but I've patched out all the methods relating to it, as they caused crashes.
    No transparent navigation bar.
    No rotating navigation buttons.
    Performance tuning - it's possible that this will run slower than it would on an LG ROM. The LG rom includes a class called org.codeaurora.Performance that does some kind of performance tuning. It depends on native code that's not included in AOSP, so I patched out the references to it to avoid crashing. I haven't noticed a difference, but I can't easily compare them side-by-side.


    1.) Download .Apk @ DevHost
    2.) Installieren und Fertisch :D



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