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[KERNEL][N5] UBER Kernel
Dann muss ich ja gleich noch mal neu ziehen.
Ich habe den Uber seit heute morgen drauf. Performance im Vergleich zum Code Blue annähernd gleich.
Akku lässt sich noch nichts zu sagen, da ich bis vor kurzem am Ladegerät war...ich beobachte und berichte... -
...hat denn einer eine Meinung, welche Version am fluffigsten läuft...mich verwirren die vielen Versionen leider.
Habe jetzt mal die Linaro Faux genommen,... -
Also ... dat Muggel hatte ne längere UBER Pause
Nu aber seit UBERTC (Toolchain zum Kernel bauen) wieder auf UBER & natürlich UBERTC. Bin wirklich sehr zufrieden ... vermisse @hellsgod scho fast garnet mehr :android_girl:
Soll heißen kann mich erstmal glücklich machen.... :nailbiting:
...mal gucken....wo das da im DL ist...
gefunden. gezogen. geflashed
UBER 5.1 Updates - March 20, 2015
I've officially deemed the 5.1 merge stable and have made update kernels. If you wonder what the 5.1 merge looks like here it ishttps://github.com/Cl3Kener/UBER-…dd...de551c92b7
No other changes were made which means there are no KitKat updates this round. I do not know if these will work on 5.0.2. They probably will but no guarantees so if you flash on 5.0.2 you do so at your own peril.
Main: http://uber.oceighty.co/HAMMERHEAD/UBER-L/
Mirror: Theme DIY -
UBERTC Updates - March 27, 2015
First of all, thank you for your feedback on UBER Toolchains and also some of the pull request and idea requests that you have sent me either via PM, email, or github.I've decided to change the output directory from the home folder to inside the toolchain source repo in the /out folder similar to how Android does things. Many people have pointed out that they have multiple hard drives and it's confusing to build on one partition and then have the completed toolchain show up on the other etc. This way no matter where you sync that toolchain your output folder will remain consistent.
I also added a bunch of different scripts options that you can use to try and tune toolchains for your CPU architecture. It makes the toolchains much smaller and the builds take less time which makes sense if you are like me and only own one device. As I stated in my previous post you can achieve the exact same optimization with a generic toolchain that you can with a tuned toolchain but you have to make sure you add all of the cortex tuning flags to your builds manually. Tuned toolchains use the specific cortex flags by default on all things it builds.
I still would recommend you use the generic builds, especially if you are uploading for your friends with different devices or for a large ROM Team but I figured I would at least give you some options and ideas to play with.
Also note that you can easily modify what I've done by simply opening the scripts and looking for these values for example and modifying them. --with-float=soft --with-fpu=neon-vfpv4 --with-cpu=cortex-a15 --with-tune=cortex-a15 . I only used soft for float in the example scripts I made because hard may not work on all targets. You are welcome to change to hard if you think that is beneficial for your device.
Warning: If you modify them and they fail to compile I am not responsible! I only tested these scripts and tunings.
Happy Developing!
Chet -
Uber-l kernel updates!!!
ZitatApril 4th, 2015
Today the kernel has undergone an overhaul! We now are running bleeding edge F2FS!!! Not the old hacky stuff from about a year ago that was originally introduced to the N5 in Kitkat
In order to easily facilitate this change in F2FS (it requires new mounting options) I've made two F2FS Mods that will replace you F2FS mounting option in fstab with the new ones.
Enforcing: https://basketbuild.com/filedl/devs?de…h_Enforcing.zip
Permissive: https://basketbuild.com/filedl/devs?de…_Permissive.zipThis will only change mounting options and will not make any other changes to your current ramdisk to facilitate the greatest compatibility possible.
If you are running OptiPop 5.1 there is not need to flash these zips the ROM already has the latest mounting options.
There seems to be a lot of confusion about why there are so many kernels. I've decided to drop building with Google Toolchains. The original idea I had when I started was to build with different toolchains to educate the user that there IS a difference between different toolchains. The downloads on the Google kernels have always been very low and performance of these kernels is no where near the same as on the Linaro/UBERTC kernels so I've decided to drop them now to avoid future confusion. There are still many different options for you to choose from!
Besides these two major changes, I've also included the latest KCAL drivers in the kernel and some other misc goodies.
Enjoy the Updates!
Cl3KenerLollipop Links
Main: http://uber.oceighty.co/HAMMERHEAD/UBER-L/
Mirror: #Code_Blue -
Neuer Test Kernel online...
Hab den Kernel mal zur aktuellen Terminus Bokrom geflasht
So probiere ihn jetzt auch mal!!! Hoffe er bringt noch einmal Schwung!! Hoffe Akku Laufzeit ist ähnlich wie beim hells!!!
Ich hatte heute mit´n Test Kernel von 22ten 2 Reboots .. aber viel zu spät gemerkt... kann und möchte net behaupten das es am Kernel lag.
Habe jetzt mal den vom 22ten drauf mal schauen!! Wie wir wissen läuft jedes nexus anders!!!
Meins mag den chrystel oder wie der heißt nicht!! Bootet erst gar nicht mit dem über schon:D:D:D
Der Kernel vom 22ten is ja ein "Test-Kernel" ... ich weiß muss ich dir net erzählen ... nur nochmals als Erinnerung @ all >>
Bei so nen Sachen sollte einem immer bewusst sein das man mit Reboots etc rechnen muss! Wer lieber etwes Stabiles möchte >> Relesase und UBER Ordner beachten
Jepp das wissen wir;), aber immer nur mit dem kernel unterwegs zu sein wo nichts passiert , weil man weiß er läuft super, ist auch langweilig:D:D:D! Und flashen auf eigene Gefahr!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!
Infos für Dev´s & Co >>
UBERTC Updates - April 22, 2015
This week I've added support aarch64 kernels to UBERTC. You'll find the script here: https://github.com/UBERTC/uber-sc…roid-4.9-kernelI was too late with this script for it to become part of the Banks' weekly toolchain updates to bitbucket but I did manage a build for all of you 14.10+ (glibc 3_4_20) users.
All other toolchains have been updated on https://bitbucket.org/UBERTC/ (14.04 LTS and above or glibc 3_4_19+) as well as http://uber.oceighty.co/TOOLCHAIN/(14.10+ or glibc 3.4.20)
UBER-L Kernel Updates - April 24th, 2015
Zitat3.4.107 UBER Kernels have been released! I was tired of waiting for 5.1.1 kernel source (and N5 Factory Images for that matter) so we are pushing updates today!
Downloads and Changelog on XDA OPhttp://http://forum.xda-developers.com/google-nexus-5…d-4-10-t2626179
Also note that I merged 3.4.107 into the Kitkat kernel and produced a test build in the test folder for those still using Kitkat.Enjoy!
Edit: There seems to be some talk about the authenticity of my GCC 6.0 commit. It was authored on April 13th, 2015 to my test branch and at the time I was the first. Anyone who tries to claim I kanged it or reauthored it today doesn't realize that I can' just simply merge branches when updating kernels so I had to recommit my commits to francosound and release branches (because of different settings from test/master branches) If doubt arises refer to this page for the original commithttps://http://github.com/Cl3Kener/UBER-L/commits/test?page=5. Enjoy the rest of your day!
Hier noch der Screenshot vom Ende des letzten Laufs
Sicherlich war fast nur WLAN aber trotzdem ne klasse Leistung
@MuggelPu zufrieden mit dem Screenshot :-p
Jetzt mitmachen!
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