[ROM][N5][5.1.1_r24 (LMY48W)][Layers][UBERTC GCC 4.9.4] LiquidDark

  • Hi. Mit der aktuellen Version vom 26. kann ich leider keine PlayStore-fremden Apps installieren. Weder über TB oder aus einer .apk
    Wenn ich es doch versuche kommt direkt ein reboot :/
    Ansonsten läuft soweit alles gut :thumbup:

    Edit: gibt es eigentlich die Möglichkeit das standardmäßige NavBarIcon-Design einzustellen?

    Versuch mal SoftKeyZ aus dem PlayStore.

  • Versuch mal SoftKeyZ aus dem PlayStore.

    Jo danke, klappt wunderbar :thumbup:

    Die Swype-Eingabe funktioniert mit der AOSP-Tastatur nicht... Hat jemand ne Idee?

    Ich hab gerade noch eine kleine kosmetische "Unebenheit" entdeckt:
    Bei manchen Benachrichtigungen im Notification Drawer wird die oberste von einem grauen Balken verdeckt. Ich weiß nicht inwieweit das noch Bugs von Liquid oder vom offiziellen Build sind aber ich poste das einfach mal hier :)

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von godfather22 (28. April 2015 um 12:25)

  • [size=18]LD-LP-20150503-1504-liquid_hammerhead


    Spoiler anzeigen

    - Camera works
    - Fix CM Theme Manger


    * android/
    8fbb730 Track kernel auditor upstream
    e04e339 Remove old camera repos

    * kernel/lge/hammerhead/
    b4db2ef ipv4: Missing sk_nulls_node_init() in ping_unhash().
    18b3c82 net: wireless: bcmdhd: Silence some unnessecary noise

    * packages/apps/SlimLauncher/
    153aff8 Add settings to switch between CM drawer and paged drawer and add a vertical drawer along with some cleanup and changes to follow drawer grid size columns
    535e156 Merge "Trebuchet: Finalized the pivot of the scaling letters" into lp5.1
    34034f2 Merge "AppDrawer: tweak animations and layout" into lp5.1


    * packages/apps/Camera2/
    44b6807 Camera: Disable Camera Launcher when both Front and Back sensors are not detected
    2d3c4a0 Camera2: disable 4k snapshot when samsung4k is enabled.
    b8d5777 Camera2: Samsung 4k Camera workaround.
    ba24e60 Camera2: fix video recording for older drivers
    97468a0 Camera2: Remove settings preferences only once
    42d377e Camera2: Stop using GPS when going to background

    * packages/apps/LockClock/
    fafa209 Automatic translation import

    * packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
    6951d60 Automatic translation import

    * packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
    5c81d89 Automatic translation import


    * packages/apps/SlimLauncher/
    548541b Trebuchet: Finalized the pivot of the scaling letters
    8963955 AppDrawer: tweak animations and layout
    96dc235 AppDrawer: Add highlighting scrubbing and offset
    3577e72 App drawer: add animations and letters to make things pretty
    7db2ca9 App Drawer: take dynamic grid updates
    cc42b0c App Drawer: fix drawer visibility after cancelling widget drop
    94a3294 App drawer smooth scrolling
    f4f442b Trebuchet: App Drawer - clean up open/close animations
    7cab974 Trebuchet: Implement new app drawer.
    4f747e3 Add button customisation

    * prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.9/
    cc946e3 5-1-15

    * prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/
    46e416a 5-1-15


    * device/lge/hammerhead/
    7cd6f87 Use prebuilt cache

    * frameworks/av/
    70f601c nuplayer: Fix bitrate propagation
    fdcbe93 Revert "nuplayer: Modify seek and resume latency calculation"
    f1b7e99 audiopolicy: fix crash in camcorder during voice call
    d25de8c Audioflinger: fix for hardware accelerated effects memory leak issue
    4d64068 mpeg2ts: Clean up HEVC format checks
    6e1d0bc mpeg2ts: Enable timestamp reordering for HEVC TS content
    46af7fe audio policy: validate stream type received from binder calls.
    c472fbd stagefright: Configure codecs correctly in the mediatek platform
    69ad762 Ensure there is no two same storages showing on the computer.

    * packages/apps/Bluetooth/
    6b606da [2/3]Bluetooth: add "Accept all files" option for incoming files

    * system/netd/
    552dd7e netd: Fix concurrency error for iptables command
    e351268 SOFTAP: Notificate the STA (dis)connect message
    9fe55b0 Avoid leaking file descriptors
    4880fa7 netd: Add new flag for QCOM's hostap extension
    207ec63 netd: fix concurrency error during iptables execution
    97a592e netd: add support for ipv6 tethering when using non default apn
    ad5ef9a netd: Fix 64bit incompatibility issue for NDC commands
    01098f0 Add support for ipv6 tethering stats
    d5854f5 netd-client: support for intercepting socket and connect
    3ce986e netd: IPV6 tethering support
    9c48bd2 wlan: Add softap support through ndc commands.
    8ee01cb netd: Add enhanced routing support


    * device/lge/hammerhead/
    3e7dc10 Hammerhead: Boot with SELinux Permissive
    07ff876 mm-camera-interface: Retry in case of timeouts

    * packages/apps/KernelAdiutor/
    6dcb4e6 Bump version to
    5da0f38 version beta
    7ffd04a Fix gamma profiles not showing up and add a wakelock section in misc
    ff7b88e version beta

    * packages/apps/SlimLauncher/
    269703a Fix drawer labels
    5ad22b4 Some fixes for overview mode
    7cabd7d Fix all apps button disappearing
    84fb551 More cleanup from merge
    77c67ab First pass of the Launcher Overlay interface / impl
    a49e2c7 Updating ItemInfo objects in the worker thread
    6f2cf22 Updating icons for sortcuts when the target app updates.
    39db00a Keeping icons in disabled state when SD-card is unmounted
    4113532 Cleanup after merge
    f3411f7 Avoid db exception on L and above
    0a94f28 Fixing wrong package check when adding shortcuts
    e5cf481 Ensure that FirstFrameAnimatorHelper doesn't set play time when animation is complete
    7eaad37 Ignoring specific db exception to workaround Bug. 18554839.
    39b08d1 Don't try to create an app state instance during restore.
    6596fbe Disabling auto addition of managed profile shortcuts
    e4cf3eb Updating default page indicator asset
    bef1ce4 Fix a couple regressions from resetting AppsCustomizeTabHost
    c41d36b Prevent multiple workspace state animators from being started
    a356ee0 Add callback which got missed in refactor
    3f21e64 Adding a few null checks. 1) During migration, if launcher2 has deleted user data, migration oes not happen 2) If Launcher3 does not has bind widget permission, QSB would be null.
    dd13aac Fixing NullPointer Exception when user is deleted.
    2474fd9 Adding shortcuts corresponding to ManagedUsers automatically.
    1bd65c5 Removing some duplicate methods
    2113224 Proguard changing methods required for click feedback aniamtion
    a6054f4 Removing InstallWidgetReceiver related obsolete code.
    e68d8b4 Updating page indicator assets
    3719f1b Fix folder hint text color. Likely a regression from upgrading the Activity theme
    28a3cd9 Overlay shouldn't show up above Intro screen
    6e4de03 Adding a couple memory optimizations to Launcher
    1904bc1 Moving methods which update internal sets on a separate thread
    42fe478 Fixing insets of launcher clings
    29f3008 Make sure DragLayer layout params are of the correct type
    1c90fb3 Updating backup restore logic
    1fb9608 Loading internal default layout if partner layout fails to load
    6f208c2 Fix edge case where LauncherOverlay scroll woudln't be reset
    b9ebeed Add InsettableFrameLayout layout params to easily ignore insets
    75df544 Was seeing some duplicated icons in the migration flow
    5b21fc8 Allow LauncherOverlay to access and manage insets
    37ce7fe Some resource fixes for drop target
    86c9afd Removing landscape string overrides
    a956d49 Removing AccessibleTabView and some other dead code.
    47cb8e2 fix build
    01fdc0d fix build
    b207578 Refactoring layout parsing code
    3ad1b13 Removing all traces of Market button and TabIndicator
    c0c5b1c Adding ability to list folder items in separate file
    91682eb Fixing some IconCache methods not thread safe
    3beca13 Deleting workspace items from db which have an invalid placement
    1fad5f6 Not opening all apps again when AppInfo or Uninstall is selected
    41b08e1 Showing widgets in a disabled state, when running in safe mode
    4de7ca7 Add more Launcher files to delete on Clear Launcher Data
    db34f57 Use LauncherCallbacks model instead of method overrides
    c0ed928 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
    d357d58 Adding NPE check in InstallShortcutReceiver
    545bd8a Moving the focus indicator instantly to the target position, instead of begining the next animation from the middle.

    * vendor/liquid/
    0b87eb8 Edit init to match system/core

    [size=18]Update Gapps[/SIZE]
    -TBO Gapps 26.04.2015
    -Thyrus DarkMTRL Addons 01.05.2015

    and more !!!!

    LiquidDark für Nexus 4|Nexus 5|Nexus 5X|Nexus 7|Moto E|Moto E 2015|Moto G 2013|Moto G 2014|Google Android One
    Community G+

  • Erstmal danke für das Update :D
    Leider kann ich immer noch keine .apks installieren und das System hängt sich nach etwa 2:30minuten auf :/
    Korrektur: nachdem ich die ersten paar male Aufhänger hatte scheint sich das jetzt wohl gelegt zu haben

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von godfather22 (3. Mai 2015 um 19:43)

  • Erstmal danke für das Update :D
    Leider kann ich immer noch keine .apks installieren und das System hängt sich nach etwa 2:30minuten auf :/
    Korrektur: nachdem ich die ersten paar male Aufhänger hatte scheint sich das jetzt wohl gelegt zu haben

    Hm kann alles an apk's installieren, System läuft bei mir stabil wer weiss was da quer schießt ! Hast Du fullwipe gemacht oder von einer LIquidDark drüber geflasht, nur mal so Interesse halber? Hatte das problem mit MybackupPro und TitaniumBackup das es mit der Wiederherstellung nicht wirklich so funktionierte wie es sein sollte, weiss aber nicht ob es am Rom lag oder an den apps selber haben aber alle beide die letzten tage ein update bekommen für SDK ver. 21+, habe dieses mal kein Fullwipe gemacht um zu testen :jaded:

    LiquidDark für Nexus 4|Nexus 5|Nexus 5X|Nexus 7|Moto E|Moto E 2015|Moto G 2013|Moto G 2014|Google Android One
    Community G+

  • Von der Version vom 26. ausgehend hab ich keinen FullWipe gemacht. Von 5.0 zu 5.1 schon. Ja das Problem ist, dass jedes mal wenn ich eine apk installieren will, also sofort nachdem ich auf installieren drücke das system neu startet :/
    Hab jetzt einfach um Viper4Android nutzen zu können aus einem Backup über TB eine update.zip gebastelt und die geflashed. Es gibt also keinen Grund zur Eile ;)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von godfather22 (3. Mai 2015 um 22:59)

  • nur so eine allgemeine frage......gibt es hier oder bei google+ keine ankündigungen von neuen versionen mehr?
    habe heute gesehen, dass es schon eine datei vom 7.5. gibt....
    ist kein grosses ding, aber ich wollte es einfach wissen, wo ich nachschauen muss...

  • So, wie ich das verstanden hab werden nur stabile Versionen angekündigt, es werden aber auch instabile und Vorabversionen hochgeladen. Ich flashe nur noch die angekündigten Versionen, weil ich schonmal wegen einer anderen einen FullWipe machen musste :)

  • So, wie ich das verstanden hab werden nur stabile Versionen angekündigt, es werden aber auch instabile und Vorabversionen hochgeladen. Ich flashe nur noch die angekündigten Versionen, weil ich schonmal wegen einer anderen einen FullWipe machen musste :)

    So ist es :thumbup:

    LiquidDark für Nexus 4|Nexus 5|Nexus 5X|Nexus 7|Moto E|Moto E 2015|Moto G 2013|Moto G 2014|Google Android One
    Community G+

  • LD-LP-20150510-1507-liquid_hammerhead


    Spoiler anzeigen

    - New Kernel LiquidDark (CM Base)
    Add IO Scheduler: SIO, FIOPS, V(R), ZEN, FIFO, TripnDroid
    Enable Fast Charge
    FSYNC: On/Off Support
    Faux SoundControl
    -Add Viper4Android remove MusiFX
    -Change chrome Navbar keys
    -Fix Theme.Material.Dialog.Alert.Dark
    -update Thyrus DarkMTRL Addons 08.05.2015
    Changelog see here:


    * frameworks/base/
    20b404f clean up 2
    d0831a6 Clean up Initial Dark Material
    751f912 Initial Dark Material Lollipop
    8dbb023 fix
    f151e7e Initial Dark Material

    * frameworks/native/
    bd4bc3c Add 3GB dalvik heap and hwui memory

    * vendor/liquid/
    921b18b Revert "[3/3] CmHardwareService: add sepolicy"


    * frameworks/base/
    bd495da Themes: Make parse() method in FontListParser public


    * android/
    0913db3 Track liquid contactscommon

    * device/lge/hammerhead/
    5216e32 Add new Kernel

    * frameworks/base/
    acc409b change chrome sysbar icon

    * kernel/lge/hammerhead/
    89619cf Update wcd9320.c
    6b0fcec Revert "Makefile: Restructure and Add Graphite Flags"
    aa9159f Add my deconfig
    60a48d1 msm: kgsl: Schedule adreno_start in a high priority workqueue
    5721f0b Sound Control: add line gain to cached and register lock
    2ba1b02 Sound Control: separate locking mechanism for recording and playback
    23e53adc Sound Control: let register lock be dependent on different hw revisions
    b6b7037 Sound Control: Misc clean up for newer WCD9xxx SOCs
    728fd22 Sound Control: expose direct register manipulations to userspace
    71245d5 Sound:change speaker boost
    dd2a61f derp
    029a07e1 TRIPNDROID DEFAULT IO Schedulers
    3c63fcd Defconfig: Enable Fast Charge
    962b9cd fastcharge: Cleanup and fixes
    1a74b83 fastcharge: New enhancements
    0704674 fastcharge: initial Nexus 5 adaptation
    47d6891 fastcharge: increase battery charging current to use higher input current
    54eb8cd sched:features: Disable Gentle Fair Sleepers
    e33b650 bcmdhd: Decrease to 250 ms
    35c66ed arm/dt: msm8974: Lower GPU voltage constraints
    fc5dd43 Makefile: Restructure and Add Graphite Flags
    d127606 fs:sync: On/Off Support
    0406426 Makefile: Remove wrapper
    a714251 block: Add TripnDroid IO
    071a509 sound_control: initial code push for Headphones gain userspace interface.
    f2dbb79 fix
    4e36bc3 Defconfig: Add IO Schedulers
    ba2f41f Missing Lines
    0f59c9c block: FIFO IO Scheduler
    fedb9ce Block: ZEN IO Scheduler
    ac2e64b block: V(R) I/O scheduler
    ded9b5e Add SIO and FIOPS i/o schedulers

    * packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
    bf3653d Expose colors from array
    c9ea02a Exposed hard coded text colors for starred/group tiles.

    * packages/apps/KernelAdiutor/
    a7b2f3c Fix some governors not being tunable
    1efa46e Import translations from crowdin
    c14b0c9 version
    ff24013 Update README.md
    e8e9707 Make navigation drawer smaller on tablets
    85ab04d Add option to set own background image
    56fbd8c Move json file to root of app's data folder and add unfinished thermal settings
    0c69232 Remove donation link
    580a345 Update README.md
    beab524 Import translations from crowdin
    b65fa87 Rearrange code formatting

    * packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
    ddf9eb8 Use android.graphics.FontListParser
    93bd896 Revert "Use android.graphics.FontListParser"

    * packages/providers/TelephonyProvider/
    c6ad84d Add proper DB upgrade path.
    fb2a277 APNs: Add statement to update carriers table to include read_only column
    ecdea83 Properly upgrade DB

    * packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
    350f6f9 Re-apply launcher icon packs on update


    * device/lge/hammerhead/
    aedc606 Revert "Use prebuilt cache"
    3964024 EGL: alone adreno

    * frameworks/base/
    716232e SystemUI : NavigationBar fixes
    3849bc0 Change sysbar "Icon Menü" big

    * hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8974/
    7196dca hwc: Avoid redoing GPU comp under certain conditions
    710f208 hwc: vds: isActive need to be set for wfd using vds solution

    * hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8974/
    91a4fac mm-video-v4l2: vidc: vdec: handle flush while codec config ETB for hevc decoder

    * packages/apps/SlimLauncher/
    9a93266 Trebuchet: always set initial wallpaper offsets


    * android/
    71b8597 Add Viper4Android

    * frameworks/av/
    ced9c54 Revert "audio: Update timestamp for offload playback after EOS."
    11909b2 stagefright: httplive: Bring in line with upstream
    0f7631d Revert "nuplayer: do not use cached source for wvm content -- DO NOT MERGE"

    * kernel/google/msm/
    f5d2446 smd_pkt: Add sanity check to avoid unregistering the driver twice

    * packages/apps/Settings/
    ac92f76 add back viperfx, launch from settings picked from ungültiger Link new file: res/drawable-hdpi/ic_settings_viper.png new file: res/drawable-mdpi/ic_settings_viper.png new file: res/drawable-xhdpi/ic_settings_viper.png new file: res/drawable/ic_settings_viper_teal.xml modified: res/values/liquid_strings.xml modified: res/xml/dashboard_categories.xml modified: src/com/android/settings/SettingsActivity.java

    * packages/apps/SlimLauncher/
    0776b27 SlimLauncher: add all the resources

    * packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
    bdc0572 Use android.graphics.FontListParser

    * vendor/liquid/
    443e425 V4A modified: config/common.mk

    and more !!!!

    LiquidDark für Nexus 4|Nexus 5|Nexus 5X|Nexus 7|Moto E|Moto E 2015|Moto G 2013|Moto G 2014|Google Android One
    Community G+

  • Ich kam erst heute dazu und habe versucht einen Flash der Version vom 10.05 mit Full Wipe zu machen. Beim Installieren sagt mir TWRP

    E:Error executing updater binary in zip '/sdcard/TWRP/LiquidDarkTrex/LD-LP-20150510-1507-liquid_hammerhead.zip'

    Error flashing zip

    und bricht ab. Habe mein Nandroid wieder eingespielt.


    Kaum sieht man sich sein Bild nochmal genauer an, erkennt man dass er nen neueren Bootloader braucht.


  • Hätte noch einen kurzen Einwurf. Das mit dem Bootloader habe ich natürlich geschafft und die Rom läuft auch einwandfrei wie immer.

    Ich wollte gerne wissen, ob es eine Möglichkeit gibt, diese schwarz/weiss eingeblendeten Meldungen vom Lockscreen bei deaktiviertem Display abzuschalten? Diese gab es ja in den Vorversionen auch schon, nur hatte ich immer vergessen zu fragen. Manchmal geht das Display 2 oder 3 mal hintereinandern an und zeigt mir dann Uhrzeit/Wetter und die eigentliche Lockscreen Notification "erhaltene Email oder WA-Nachricht" nochmals in Monochrome an.

    Hoffe ich habe das einigermassen beschreiben können.

  • [size=14]LD-LP-20150518-1638-liquid_hammerhead[/SIZE]


    Spoiler anzeigen

    - Android 5.1.1_r2 LMY47X
    - Add Blacklist
    - Big Kernel update
    - Liquid Optimizations (O3, STRICT, GRAPHITE, LTO, A15_QUAD optimization)


    * android/
    2f3e2f2 Add Sony org
    e52f9d2 we track aosp for this by default. This means we can track optipop without breaking anything

    * build/
    dd35b93 lunch: sort the choices
    6d5e44d Build with 4.9

    * device/lge/hammerhead/
    d86e5f2 hammerhead: Give unpriviledged users write perms to USB storage
    ad54214 hammerhead: Fix apps2d to usb storage

    * frameworks/base/
    21f2594 add overlay to enable adb by default for debugging purposes should be set to false in device tree or removed from device tree once the device is booting.

    * frameworks/opt/telephony/
    ca837c1 Merge "Make mImsPhone static. DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE" into 5.1

    * kernel/lge/hammerhead/
    f63f1cc net: wireless: bcmdhd: Silence some unnessecary noise
    572b084 cpufreq: cpu-boost: Resolve deadlock when waking up sync thread
    20ec6fb net: llc: use correct size for sysctl timeout entries
    f6a822a defconfig: Enable SECCOMP and CRYPTO_AES_ARM
    870e1e4 kgsl: switch back to allocating from highmem
    4fbae45 msm: camera: isp: Validate input parameter for vfe_write and vfe_read
    2a94b02 msm: mdp: Validate input arguments from user space
    42cd851 scripts/dtc/libfdt: add integer overflow checks
    f8cf75d msm: camera: isp: Validate reg_offset and len parameters
    08a28bc msm: mdss: Add NULL pointer checks in mdss_mdp_wb_set_secure
    b1e4c65 msm: camera: ispif: Validate vfe_intf parameter
    b3d0dca msm: camera: add check for csid_cid to prevent of overwrite memory
    564d481 ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Fix timestamp query during gapless transition
    2b472ee fbcmap: prevent memory overflow
    56131f2 msm: camera2: cpp: Avoid ion_free with invalid handle
    001903f msm: vidc: Re-enable VP8 4K support
    0f68689 Revert "[media] v4l2: vb2: one more fix for REQBUFS()"
    1ef334f hammerhead_defconfig: Enable CRYPTO_AES_ARM
    3b1d9da ARM: 8120/1: crypto: sha512: add ARM NEON implementation
    6541eae ARM: 8119/1: crypto: sha1: add ARM NEON implementation
    1d21263 ARM: 8118/1: crypto: sha1/make use of common SHA-1 structures
    98857f3 crypto: arm-aes - fix encryption of unaligned data
    06044d0 CRYPTO: Fix more AES build errors
    6ee7603 ARM: add .gitignore entry for aesbs-core.S
    f753bf5 ARM: add support for bit sliced AES using NEON instructions
    99d593b ARM: move AES typedefs and function prototypes to separate header
    075b4c8 ARM: 7837/3: fix Thumb-2 bug in AES assembler code
    b857946 ARM: 7723/1: crypto: sha1-armv4-large.S: fix SP handling
    9e78ac8 ARM: 7626/1: arm/crypto: Make asm SHA-1 and AES code Thumb-2 compatible
    9e1af8b arm/crypto: Add optimized AES and SHA1 routines
    ab8e756 kgsl: allocate from lowmem
    192a09d camera: exclude fab code from chip id check for IMX179
    15ceacf ion_iommu_heap: allocate only with order=0
    8d03338 msm: qpnp-power-on: print the power off reason
    e3f0c75 sched,cgroup: Fix up task_groups list
    c7f279e kgsl: allocate shared memory one page at a time
    5ff628d msm: kgsl: Get rid of KGSL_FLAGS_STARTED
    866d27b msm: kgsl: Clear pending transactions from VBIF on hang
    379bd86 msm: kgsl: Modify which MMU clocks are enabled/disabled
    f6ec7e3 msm: kgsl: Prevent adreno stop after gpu is power collapsed
    ccda642 msm: kgsl: Check for mmu pagefault before recovery
    27bcc31 net: ipv6: allow choosing optimistic addresses with use_optimistic
    acff660 hammerhead_defconfig: enable SLUB_DEBUG and SLABINFO
    113e4eb vfs: check if f_count is 0 or negative
    a811d24 kgsl: do not vmap/memset to zero-out pages
    a37c9c8 net/ping: handle protocol mismatching scenario
    38139bc cgroup: remove synchronize_rcu() from cgroup_attach_{task|proc}()
    b0d6a56 usb: dwc3: gadget: Protect against ep disabling during completion
    ddf9f5b net: ipv6: Add a sysctl to make optimistic addresses useful candidates
    c224bfb net: wireless: bcmdhd: Remove Gscan support for HH
    7480a6f lowmemorykiller: enhance debug information
    1dc343d mm, oom: make dump_tasks public
    e25f74e fs/seq_file: Use vmalloc by default for allocations > PAGE_SIZE
    c7e0a19 fs/seq_file: fallback to vmalloc allocation
    42fe35c nick kvfree() from apparmor
    ef1a935 lowmemorykiller: make default lowmemorykiller debug message useful
    d1fd072 hammerhead_defconfig: Enable CONFIG_SECCOMP.
    2a5073c seccomp: Use atomic operations that are present in kernel 3.4.
    256a733 seccomp: implement SECCOMP_FILTER_FLAG_TSYNC
    2c12009 introduce for_each_thread() to replace the buggy while_each_thread()
    00a1676 seccomp: allow mode setting across threads
    f1903f6 seccomp: introduce writer locking
    a055c25 seccomp: split filter prep from check and apply
    2fe27d4 sched: move no_new_privs into new atomic flags
    f92e058 ARM: add seccomp syscall
    d861574 seccomp: add "seccomp" syscall
    5ea27f9 seccomp: split mode setting routines
    4d4fede seccomp: extract check/assign mode helpers
    34fa363 seccomp: create internal mode-setting function
    3037872 MAINTAINERS: create seccomp entry
    9c72f1d CHROMIUM: ARM: r1->r0 for get/set arguments
    5956a3b CHROMIUM: seccomp: set -ENOSYS if there is no tracer
    d423b58 CHROMIUM: ARM: arch/arm: allow a scno of -1 to not cause a SIGILL
    2544712 CHROMIUM: arch/arm: select HAVE_ARCH_SECCOMP_FILTER
    d6eebdf CHROMIUM: arch/arm: move secure_computing into trace; respect return code
    ee89e43 CHROMIUM: arch/arm: add asm/syscall.h
    03a8f7c samples/seccomp: fix dependencies on arch macros
    a72d474 seccomp: fix build warnings when there is no CONFIG_SECCOMP_FILTER
    2371174 seccomp: ignore secure_computing return values
    a38408cf seccomp: use a static inline for a function stub
    ec1fe3b Documentation: prctl/seccomp_filter
    fcf7758 Change-Id: I7c9d49079d4e18390c2d520513a4afd55e6eaa3e
    f7bf2b9 ptrace,seccomp: Add PTRACE_SECCOMP support
    5157a00a seccomp: Add SECCOMP_RET_TRAP
    ebe1f69 signal, x86: add SIGSYS info and make it synchronous.
    9b2c2ce seccomp: add SECCOMP_RET_ERRNO
    f2b6e6f seccomp: remove duplicated failure logging
    019b4f6 seccomp: add system call filtering using BPF
    cb4235f arch/x86: add syscall_get_arch to syscall.h
    4393255 asm/syscall.h: add syscall_get_arch
    131fba8 seccomp: kill the seccomp_t typedef
    d20101c net/compat.c,linux/filter.h: share compat_sock_fprog
    074d3a4 sk_run_filter: add BPF_S_ANC_SECCOMP_LD_W
    f3e8704 Fix execve behavior apparmor for PR_{GET,SET}_NO_NEW_PRIVS
    a82143a Add PR_{GET,SET}_NO_NEW_PRIVS to prevent execve from granting privs
    7eebfc5 ALSA: compress: add num_sample_rates in snd_codec_desc
    b15e283 ALSA: compress: update struct snd_codec_desc for sample rate
    3237f5d ALSA: compress: update comment for sample rate in snd_codec
    cdbe7d8 ALSA: compress: remove the sample rate check
    35801d4 ALSA: compress: change the way sample rates are sent to kernel
    b2db0a8 msm: mdss: ensure retire fences are signaled during panel off
    e5f887a msm: mdss: keep clocks on during kickoff operation
    3ed16e4 msm: mdss: avoid clocks on if panel is not on for command mode
    d6d1078 msm: mdss: refactor command mode vsync control logic
    94949ad hammerhead: remove cm deconfig

    * vendor/liquid/
    74ebd55 Add the new Sony Device's
    39d7f42 vendor: liquid: change how device combos are added


    * build/
    c94d11d Liquid Optimizations V1

    * device/lge/hammerhead/
    2d6ea9a BoardConfig clean up
    7b0222a Hammerhead: Liquid Optimizations V1

    * frameworks/base/
    e62313e [1/3] Improve PreviewsColumns Implementation

    * packages/apps/SlimLauncher/
    19a8aec Automatic translation import

    * prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.9/
    0f80f1d 5-17-15

    * prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/
    dbcfd00 5-17-15


    * packages/apps/LockClock/
    ecfe031 Automatic translation import

    * packages/apps/Mms/
    8791d47 QuickMessage: bring back mark as read

    * packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
    3988a79 [2/2] Use files instead of blobs
    ff1bab8 [3/3] Improve PreviewsColumns Implementation
    d1d2a8e Automatic translation import

    * packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
    8fd765a [1/2] Use files instead of blobs
    c169904 [2/3] Improve PreviewsColumns Implementation
    3b2e3e3 Automatic translation import


    * external/sepolicy/
    2abfe25 Make recovery domain permissive so we can set SELinux permissive

    * external/stagefright-plugins/
    008c66a stagefright-plugins: Add -Wno-psabi for ARM64 builds as well

    * frameworks/av/
    baf5836 audio: Fixed streamType for non-media streams

    * packages/apps/Stk/
    bb928c0 Remove CAF Chinese translations
    37b3c0a Update app icon
    734b52a Stk: EL AOSP translation modification
    9d299a4 Stk: Make the text a little smaller
    8db70e3 Stk: Move CAF strings and create slim strings
    adb3ee5 Stk: New launcher icon

    * vendor/liquid/
    12a932a Revert "Revert "cm: build: Implement shared library caching""


    * android/
    8f41b27 Track blacklist repos

    * device/lge/hammerhead/
    373c707 Hammerhead: Change read_ahead to 1536 kb

    * frameworks/base/
    c714d04 Blacklist (1/8): change Icon
    f97a550 Blacklist (1/8)

    * kernel/lge/hammerhead/
    1c62f82 L2 cache and bus bandwidth overclocking
    0ca75f0 More overclocking options
    971c2ae CPU overclocking

    * packages/apps/Dialer/
    557ed89 Blacklist (3/8)
    badbf40 Keep InCallUI in memory (2/3)

    * packages/apps/Settings/
    2f7e64a Blacklist (2/8)

    and more !!!!

    LiquidDark für Nexus 4|Nexus 5|Nexus 5X|Nexus 7|Moto E|Moto E 2015|Moto G 2013|Moto G 2014|Google Android One
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