[size=18]Temasek's UNOFFICIAL CM13 BUILDS[/SIZE]
A WORKING version TWRP is required i use @USBhost latest version
Clean Install
1. Download the appropriate ROM using links provide in the second post.
2. Download the appropriate GApps following the links in the second post.
3. Ensure you’re on the latest vendor image from google - USBhost
3. Back up any and all important data.
5. WIPE DALVIK/CACHE/DATA/FACTORY RESET.6. WIPE SYSTEM. <<-- You don't have to do this unless you want too
7. Flash the ROM in recovery.
7.1. DO NOT FIX PERMISSIONS AFTER FLASHING, doing so will cause a bootloop.
8. Flash the GApps.
9. Reboot Device.
Dirty Flash
1. Download the appropriate ROM using links provide in the second post.
2. WIPE CACHE/DALVIK. (I find wiping /SYSTEM can stop some issues with play store F/C’s)
3. Install the zip from recovery.
4. Install GApps (ensure that they are from the same build, otherwise you must do a clean installation when using a newer GApps package)
3.1. DO NOT FIX PERMISSIONS AFTER FLASHING, doing so will cause a bootloop.
5. Reboot Device.
Shared Google Drive Device Folder (have Rom shared directly to your Google Drive Folder)
see here for further - USBhost
Basketbuild Download - Backup Download Location (OR for those not in Google Shares)
Im ROM Download Ordner befindet sich noch die Datei >> "TemasekBuildFingerprintFix20150425"
Diese einfach drüber Flashen und die nervige Fehlermeldung ist Geschichte. Kein bearbeiten der build.prop mehr nötig... Falls man aus unerfindlichen Gründen die aktuellste vendor .img net flashed...
Changelog >> OTA APP oder
SuperSU Stable & BETA
https://www.android-port.de/themen/super-s…46-stable.5076/[DLMURL="https://www.android-port.de/attachments/24036/"]Den Anhang 24036 betrachten[/DLMURL]
CM Themes Sammlung
https://www.android-port.de/themen/cm12-th…e-diy-app.6553/[DLMURL="https://www.android-port.de/attachments/24037/"]Den Anhang 24037 betrachten[/DLMURL]
CM Themes Sammlung
CM Team, CyanogenMod
Orignally forked from CyanogenMod
Kernel Source
Device Tree
Temasek Source
Rom Source
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