[FONT=Book Antiqua][size=36]PacaPong[/SIZE][/FONT]
ZitatAlles anzeigen[size=18]Pong + Pacman + Space Invaders![/SIZE]
- 2 players
- gamepad support
- 1080p
- 60 fps
ZQSD work as well as WASD
ESC quit
F toggle fullscreen
R restart
M mute music (why would you do that?)
Current version is 1.3. Made for mini Ludum Dare 58. Any questions or reactions? I love to hear 'm! @dickpoelen or dick@kingpenguin.nl
Have fun playing
[size=18]Install instructions[/SIZE]
OSX: if you get an error saying the file is damaged and can't be opened, you have to switch to "allow applications downloaded from anywhere" in system/security & privacy.Linux: you may have to enable "allow executing file as program" for the runner file. It's under properties/permissions.
Download pacapong_windows.zip(5mb)
Download pacapong_osx.zip(5mb)
Download pacapong_linux.zip(4mb)