Wartungsarbeiten 21.10.2015

  • Hallo @ All,

    wir möchten euch darüber informieren, dass wir heute, Mittwoch, 21.10.2015, in der Zeit von 00:10 bis 0:40 Uhr, das Forum kurz offline nehmen werden um geplante Wartungsarbeiten durchzuführen.

    Auf unserer ToDo-Liste stehen:
    - Update auf die XenForo 1.5.2 Forensoftware



    Today, we are pleased to release XenForo 1.5.2. This release fixes a number of bugs and issues that were found since the release of 1.5.1.

    Importantly, this release includes a fix for a potential security issue discovered by Miguel Ángel Jimeno (@migueljimeno96). The issue employs a tactic known as "reverse tabnabbing" in which a link that opens in a new tab contains code that can redirect the original tab to another URL, which could be used as a phishing attempt. We strongly recommend all customers follow one of the below methods to fix this security issue.[/URL]


    Method 1: Upgrade to the New Version

    You may upgrade to XenForo 1.5.2 to fix this issue. You should upgrade as you would to any other release. See further below in this announcement for more details on this release.

    Method 2: Install the Patch (for 1.5 Users)

    Download the patch zip file attached to the end of this message. It contains 2 files:



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