Tapatalk Update auf Version 3.0.4 BETA

  • Hallo @ All,

    Es wurde soeben das neuste Plugin (3.0.4 BETA) für Tapatalk eingespielt.



    XenForo 1.x Plugin Version 3.0.4. BETA released

    - solved issues found in error logs. There is still one issue about some \x01,\x97 characters that cause some post/messages save fail. Is not directly plugin issue, but we added more debug info when these errors appears so if you have one of them after install this beta, please send us the xenforo error log.
    - improved support for twitter indexing
    - minor smallbanner cosmetic changes



    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Maestro2k5 (8. Mai 2016 um 21:32)

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