Tapatalk Update auf Version 3.0.7 BETA

  • Hallo @ All,

    Es wurde soeben das neuste Plugin (3.0.7 BETA) für Tapatalk eingespielt.



    XenForo 1.x Plugin Version 3.0.7 BETA released

    - solved issue that cause push sent to the author of the post
    - solved issues found in error logs when flood protection fails. This is not really an error, but in this beta the error reporting is verbose and controlled exceptions appears as errors on the log. In this version these controlled errors are suppressed so your error log will be empty of these.

    If all of you confirms these issues solved, next version will be released as stable one.



    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Maestro2k5 (8. Mai 2016 um 21:36)

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