Tapatalk Update auf Version 3.0.9 BETA

  • Hallo @ All,

    Es wurde soeben das neuste Plugin (3.0.9 BETA) für Tapatalk eingespielt.



    XenForo 1.x Plugin Version 3.0.9 BETA released

    This finally will be the last beta before the release of the stable 3.1.0 plugin. All the feedback received from previous version is ok and there is only one minor issue with smartbanner that is solved in this last beta. We want to hint you all to go ahead with the installation of this last beta so you have time enough to tell us if something still wrong.
    If you are upgrading from 2.x versions, remember that you should completly remove the mobiquo and library/Tapatalk folders and put the new ones, because the file structure changed from 2.x branch to this new 3.x plugin and override files only is not enough.

    Thanks to all people that participated in the beta, with their help, the plugin is more robust and fast.

    - solved issue with ios native smartbanner for BYO apps.



    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Maestro2k5 (8. Mai 2016 um 21:39)

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