Huawei P9 - Android 7.0 Beta Firmware (EMUI-EVA-C900B040SP11-log) - Update

  • Hallo und guten Tag,

    seit Gestern ist eine Beta Version von Android 7.0 für das Huawei P9 verfügbar. Es handelt sich um die Version (EMUI-EVA-C900B040SP11-log), welche durchaus stabil arbeitet und auch ohne root installiert werden kann. Ich selbst habe es Heute auf meinem Huawei P9 installiert. Das ganze ist auch ohne Datenverlust möglich (zumindest in meinem Test).

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    1. Backup eurer Daten anfertigen
    2. Herunterladen der Update Datei
    3. Datei entpacken
    4. Ordner "dload" auf eurer MicroSD erstelllen
    5. kompletten Inhalt der in den "dload" Ordner kopieren

    1. öffnet eure Telefon-App
    2. folgenden Code eingeben: *#*#2846579#*#*
    3. Punkt 4 "Software Upgrade"auswählen

    4. Punkt 1 "SDCard Upgrade"auswählen

    5. Installation wird gestartet
    6. Neustart mit Einrichtungs-Assisistent startet
    7. Freuen und Android 7.0 genießen ...
    Wenn alles korrekt gelaufen ist sollten alle eure Daten und Apps noch vorhanden sein.

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    • This update is for system version EMUI 5.0. EMUI 5.0 optimizes the camera, battery management, and Phone Manager, and adds multi-user mode, to provide a secure and unique experience for you
    • Added multi-user mode, which allows you to share your device and apps and protects your data and privacy Optimized the Phone Manager, making it easier to change settings and convenient to manage with more powerful functions
    • Optimized the interactive gestures, enabling you to swipe left and right to switch between the mode and settings screens
    • (Re: multi-user mode): Added a mode, which allows multiple users to access the same app with segregated personal data and privacy protection
    • Added the Huawei-developed ROG power saving technology for the first time, which decreases the screen resolution to save battery power.
    • Optimized the Phone Manager, which helps you manage your device more easily and conveniently.
    • Optimized battery management, which allows you to check the battery power and battery power consumption for any period within two days.
    • Optimized traffic management to automatically add the traffic leftover from the previous month to the current month
    • Optimized the Weather app so that it can forecast weather for each hour including the probability of rainfall Added an entry for third-party social networking apps, such as WhatsApp, eSpace, and Skype, in the contact details screen
    • Optimized the networking speed when international roaming is on.
    • Optimized the registration time when the network connection is interrupted for environmental reasons…l/changelog.xml

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    [COLOR=#ff0000]Wie immer übernehmen wir (, der Entwickler, Ich oder andere User) keine Garantie in einem Falle des Bricks/defekts eures Gerätes.
    ALLES geschieht auf eigene Gefahr, daher schaltet euren Kopf an und handelt mit Bedacht.[/COLOR]

    4 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Maestro2k5 (29. Juli 2016 um 09:18)


    Für das Mate 8, wie soll das funktionieren?


    Mate 8 users can use the OTA link to update their device by clicking on the link captured in this thread (hint: replace changelog.xml in the URL with, or just click this link to begin the download) over on our forums. The OTA link will update you to build version EMUI-A168-L19C900B040SP11-log. Note that the -log suffix indicates that this build is indeed only a beta build (so don’t expect everything to work perfectly). P9 owners can use the OTA links captured in its respective forum as well, specifically the build version labeled EMUI-EVA-C900B040SP11-log

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