ich komm dich dann aber mal besuchen in Tacostadt
nee aus dem schönen NRW....
[size=8]gesendet von irgendwo[/SIZE]
ich komm dich dann aber mal besuchen in Tacostadt
nee aus dem schönen NRW....
[size=8]gesendet von irgendwo[/SIZE]
[size=8]gesendet von irgendwo[/SIZE]
[size=8]gesendet von irgendwo[/SIZE]
Das wäre echt Zufall...
so in 2h endlich Feierabend und schon wieder WE
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[size=8]gesendet von irgendwo[/SIZE]
nee bin ich nicht Taco
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[size=8]gesendet von irgendwo[/SIZE]
und schon die V26
Revert "Move dalvik-cache of /system back to /cache"
- This breaks custom kernels. FIX IT!
i9300 Stock cm kernel - Update WiFi drivers from 1.61.47 --> 1.61.58 - Omni
i9300 Stock cm kernel - cpufreq_conservative: Improve support for micro idle accounting - Omni
- The minimum sample rate calculations of the current conservative
implementation assume that there is not micro idle accounting present, however, we do have that capability in our idle estimates. As a result, we can support lower polling intervals just like ondemand does.
smdk4412-common: camera: don't defer picture if CAF is in progress - dhiru1602
- CAF is considerably slower than Auto or Touch Focus and since we are deferring the picture while CAF is in progress, there are delays while taking the picture and these delays are sometimes huge.
- Disregard the CAF state since we could Touch to Focus if required.
Settings: AppOps/Privacy Guard: Fix up misaligned switches.
frameworks/base: remove some duplicate ringtones/notification sounds
Keyguard: do not show maximized on simpin and several fixes
- to show a maximzed widget container on first boot when simpin
or puk is requested does not make any sense. In this case
show it as normal view
- fix sometimes unresponsive unlock handle on maximized widgets
and bring it to front (happened only in combination with
lock before unlock)
- a bit codecleanup and centralize
- fix animation was visible on screen turn on. Now it is directly
maximized visible
vendor/cm: Remove unused audio mk files
- These are empty and useless.
vendor/cm: Recheck /data for selinux labeling
- This simply adds checks for selinux labels for files under /data/misc/wifi which were not labeled correctly for some devices
vendor/cm: Fix Dialog Mobile Broadband MMS APN
Updated cm source.
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Guten morgen,
zum Glück hab ich mittagschicht und muss nicht morgens um 5 kratzen:-)
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Danke, nur leider ist das heute in nem Bereich den ich ganz und gar nicht mag. Blödes Hochregallager.... :spitoutdummy:
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[size=8]gesendet von irgendwo[/SIZE]
Ja alles gut, nur wie immer viel Stress und gleich ab zur Nachtschicht...
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N'abend zusammen...
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Vielen Dank euch wünsche allen ein schönes und besinnliches Fest...
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