Beiträge von AA1973
Marshmallow First Beta Release 11.10.2015
] Oct 11, 2015: Cataclysm Oct 11, 2015 Beta Release(524MB)
Oct 11, 2015: Everything from LP has been added to MM except:
- Quick PIN Unlock
- Enable Notification Ticker
- Layers 2.1Release Notes. benzo-gapps-M-20151011-signed-chroma-r2
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Here we go peeps
This is the first Marshmallow Cataclysm release, hope you'll enjoy it.Use default installation within AROMA please.
- This is a beta, there may be some bugs considering the huge changes and the little testing time
- Clean flash is mandatory.
- Root works out of the box, using Chainfire's ramdisk (included in Cataclysm kernel), should be safe to flash another kernel (who doesn't change the ramdisk IE EX).
- Should be safe to restore the backup, battery and toggles won't be restored for now.
- I've adopted the Google UI tuner to handle toggles, it's not perfect but will improve it.
- Some per-app options are buried due to how Google implemented some of them, will improve them
for wake led etc go to app --> notifications
for allow background data on battery saver go to app --> data usage
- Some features are obsolete (cause are already baked in), so have been removed, to name few:
Disable volume adjust beep
Disable Gnow gesture
Silent mode
Ringer mode toggle
Expandable volume panelDownloads are on OP:
MD5: 3ad321fce8b622520af00b7b11ecd0a4
SHA1: 93ac3730de2f175226b8d7e2807efde94c952fd3Changelog:
Everything from LP has been added to MM
- Quick PIN Unlock
- Enable Notification Ticker
- Layers 2.1This doesn't mean i won't add them in the future.
I hope you'll be more like:
Natürlich nicht, alles wie immer für lau
Gesendet von meinem ONE A2003 mit Tapatalk
Am Ende des Tages muss unterm Strich eine schwarze Null stehen. Mindestens. Ansonsten macht das keinen Spaß, oder?
Und ja, ich hoffe, daß sich CCMT nicht wie Cheetah Mobile entpuppt.Gesendet von meinem ONE A2003 mit Tapatalk
Externer Inhalt von externen Seiten werden ohne Ihre Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.Durch die Aktivierung der externen Inhalte erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt werden. Mehr Informationen dazu haben wir in unserer Datenschutzerklärung zur Verfügung gestellt.
Beta 07. August - Changelog seit der letzten Stable vom 20. Juni (in Fett die Änderungen seit letzter nightly vom 03. Juli).
Aug 07, 2015: Sources updated to android-5.1.1_r9 (LMY48I).
Aug 07, 2015: Layers: SystemUI toggles FC fix, fix sorting of overlays list.
Jul 10, 2015: Layers: expose toggles rearrange and lockscreen wallpaper dialog text.
Jul 02, 2015: Lockscreen: double tap to sleep.
Jul 01, 2015: Fixed possible Smart Radio white list settings FC on first launch.
Jul 01, 2015: Lockscreen: Allow cropping wallpaper vertically.
Jul 01, 2015: Color picker: less cryptic default button.
Jun 26, 2015: Longpress status bar settings wheel for Cataclysm settings.
Jun 25, 2015: Hide bluetooth status bar icon when disconnected.
Jun 25, 2015: Wake on notif: make pocket extraction detection optional.Download is available on AFH and hopefully soon on BB.
edit: Should be safe to dirty flash it.MD5: 4994023f9365860b957c5700fcc472a8
SHA1: 27f790eed9d10317c4cb83d3f0835b4f1255cb2fZitatCataclysm Beta Aug 07, 2015
Despite some people made fun of "Cataclysm" and "security" word together due to the closed source nature of the former, while their program instead, to check $$ premium features, have to connect to an external private server and that part of the code is not open so it's safe to assume that their program with the unlimited priviledges which xposed offers at some point is connecting and sharing data to an unknown server probably through an encrypted channel without user knowledge and the code isn't open source, well i really care about security. (and Cataclysm btw don't send a single packet anywhere by itself)So i've postponed my trip by few hours so could merge the new security fixes and release this update.
Besides the security fixes there's nothing much and i'm glad Cody Toombs aknowledged what i've had already pointed out about his latest changelog being extremely wrong.Didn't have time to add anything else, just few layers fixes and new translations.
This is the first time that i've merged the new translations from getlocalization so i'm not sure everything will be correct as i can only trust the users there. I apologize if there will be any issue but this is a beta and the only way to test things.
If you see anything wrong please head to and contribute to it.Happy summer and see you in September .
Hau rein, MuggelPu
Alles Gute
Dann flash doch einen Custom Kernel, der den kexec hardboot Patch drin hat (Hells, etc)
Sent from Nexus 5 (MultiRom) Cataclysm/PureNexus [HC b19L]
Welche Rom mit welchem Kernel hast du als Primary eingerichtet?
Sent from Nexus 5 (MultiRom) Cataclysm/PureNexus [HC b19L]
LOL. Bei weitem nicht @vergilbt. Glückstreffer. Nutze die App nur schon ein paar Tage
Disk Usage…droid.diskusageP.S. @vergilbt Ölteppich?
Geht auch ohne.
Primary Rom Ja.
Secondary Roms Nein. -
Danke @MuggelPu
Hab es erst noch geflasht
MultiRom Recovery Update auf 30.06.2015 mit TWRP 2.8.7.X
26.06. // Update 4.02
Zitat von flar2[SIZE="3"][COLOR="Navy"]Update!!![/COLOR][/SIZE]
-Renabled the gcc wrapper and manually fixed all compiler warnings, just in case any of these were causing instability with linaro -o3 build.
-Add f2fs support to fstab in ramdisk (thanks [MENTION=4473900]amaces[/MENTION] for the script). This is untested, but you should be able to flash on f2fs converted cache and data without using a dummy kernel[SIZE="5"]
-fstab supports f2fs
-fix compiler warnings -
24.06//Update 4.01
Zitat von flar2[SIZE="3"][COLOR="Navy"]Update!!![/COLOR][/SIZE]
-Fix a bug where max freq could be stuck at a lower frequency if thermal throttling is active during boot up
-Add fsync control (was not in version 4.00)[SIZE="5"]
-fsync control
-fix bug in max freq