Beiträge von T-REX600


    --- Android 5.1.1 ---
    - CM Theme Manger -
    - DarkUI -
    - Custom Quick Settings -
    ... and more more more

    --- Fullwipe ---


    Spoiler anzeigen


    * android/
    c25bb8d Remove tegra and exynos repos
    4d98d14 Add new host

    * device/lge/hammerhead/
    62e7b36 Revert "Build Kernel GCC 5.0"
    a1d4b04 Revert "Update"

    * frameworks/base/
    63c921e Fix theme FC caused by new quick settings
    376c98d QuickSettings: Add long click support
    4f55f95 systemui: Fix ClassCastExceptions
    48248df SystemUI: fix incorrectly sized navbar back icon
    7f2b836 Fixing memory leak in RenderBufferCache
    4e7acab SystemUI: StatusBar: completely unbreak MSIM bar
    e11e030 Fix "pm list permissions" crash if resource string missing
    cb1f51f Stop thread before deleting object reference
    03a344d framework:Thread synchronization for UI update

    * hardware/qcom/display/
    c5dea5b Revert "Lets not assume kernel source is always present"

    * packages/apps/Settings/
    6c52ce2 Disable clicking on build date and liquid version

    * vendor/liquid/
    bebfe79 drop xt897c, unified with xt897 modified:


    * android/
    6482b4a Change UBERTC/arm-eabi-5.1

    * build/
    971847e build: Changed Some Colors

    * device/lge/hammerhead/
    c9d0300 new Default Wallpaper

    * frameworks/base/
    2c2d3a5 Notifications: Fix dark text on dark background:
    6610a04 Use Theme.Material.Dialog.Alert.Dark
    a61b563 Themes: Add palettized icon background support
    2de7551 Chrome Navbar button to system

    * hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8660/
    7808f06 hwc: rotator is not supported on msm8660 (msm7x27a)
    4fb9c6c display: Properly handle NO_IOMMU case
    f517fc3 Merge "display: Add msm8660 as a valid target" into lp5.1-caf-8660

    * kernel/lge/hammerhead/
    efa61ed cpufreq: cpu-boost: Resolve deadlock when waking up sync thread

    * packages/apps/AudioFX/
    934342d Bring AudioFX to Leanback Launcher

    * packages/apps/LockClock/
    a9d5e24 Automatic translation import

    * packages/apps/Settings/
    f8fa76e Settings: Change Theme Icon for Dark color:material_deep_teal_500
    c63e001 Change Strings (Dark)

    * packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
    ab6137a Automatic translation import

    * prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.8/
    7cdcb06 4-24-15

    * prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.9/
    5e14ed8 4-24-15

    * prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-5.1/
    9717e1c 4-24-15

    * prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/
    9729a25 4-24-15

    * prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/
    5eb2799 4-24-15

    * vendor/liquid/
    c4e4f20 Add Galaxy Tab S 8.4


    * build/
    939ad4d Fix bash colors

    * external/google/
    b9d3342 Fix build
    66f867f google: Update to v3 analytics.

    * frameworks/base/
    c00d907 Fix my error
    d5dfc16 Fix signal annunciators missing issue
    322b756 Headsup: squashed update (1/2)
    c8497a8 FWB: Add music tile (1/2)
    0848267 Remove legacy ThemesTest
    fbfcdc8 frameworks/base: Zen mode add 10 and 12 hours downtime
    f144b9b Force Expanded Notifications (1/2)
    8b995ee Return of Silent mode (1/2)
    06f8bea Themes: Add palettized icon background support
    c1d4a20 SysUI: Invert notification backgrounds

    * kernel/lge/hammerhead/
    10920c7 net: llc: use correct size for sysctl timeout entries

    * packages/apps/Settings/
    2a06701 Headsup: squashed update (2/2)
    2d92459 uncomment notification settings
    93db621 Settings: Force expanded notifications
    2da8512 Settings: Add music tile (2/2)
    03684b4 Settings: add Silent mode toggle (2/2)
    10c8061 Fix sim notifications.
    314989d LiquidDark logo for all Theme
    420ffeb Settings Background black:

    * packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
    d1c089d Don't assume all default components come from one package


    * android/
    7f499d7 Track a bunch of liquid repos
    057aa8c 5.1.0_r5 -> 5.1.1_r1

    * build/
    00f8b3c Dalvik: disabling verify-bytecode
    20314b4 change ASCII art
    20dae0b change script.Print

    * frameworks/av/
    a95795b Audiopolicymanager: handle incall sonification without checking output refCount
    2c8bd51 audiopolicy: Cleanup and fix compilation warnings

    * frameworks/base/
    abcf087 Fix copy paste
    5807949 Update
    064a47a remove not defined
    8bf8ef5 Change tint xml
    76426ce (1/2) Darken Material Dark UI
    cd20a33 Contacts/Dialer/InCallUI: Dark theme, (1/7):
    ee33f5b [DO NOT MERGE] Fixed NPE when trying to animate a window without display
    80004ef Fixing to fail android.JobScheduler.TimingConstraintsTest#testSchedulePeriodic in TV test.
    b826e2c AccessibilityNodeInfo refresh returns a stale state. - DO NOT MERGE
    c910b42 When scanning unbundled apps, only install the expected APK tree
    e34c722 CEC: Explicitly turn on screen for remote control passthrough
    1bad3a9 Fix NPE if FPE service does not exist.
    03e4461 Disable more hotkeys while in setup.
    e48f399 Write correct checksum when formatting partition
    d987acc Define the capability to speed up MT call audio
    fbc8e11 Avoid crashing on corrupted notifications.
    a5c61d3 Prevent activities from being started during setup wizard.
    d8fc7a2 Move Noto Sans Tai Le to the end of the font fallback list.
    7fe3563 utils: Introduce ScreenType class

    * hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8974/
    5a68fa2 mm-video: venc: handle zero-length invalid EOS buffers
    abaaae2 mm-video-v4l2: vdec: Exit if default set format failed for output port also
    68a65b7 mm-video: vdec: hevc: Avoid crash while handling extra data
    be2f0a2 mm-video-v4l2: vdec: change preferred default color format order

    * packages/apps/Bluetooth/
    34eded7 Bluetooth: fix StaleDataException when pairing with other device

    * packages/apps/Settings/
    3ef2152 Update
    60d85a5 change color
    2e1abca clean up
    75c6511 new color
    9138378 (2/2) Darken Material Dark UI
    6faf504 Settings: Material Black

    * vendor/lge/
    cdd6da7 Merge pull request #96 from CandyDevices/c5.1
    696892f g3: use bacon's thermal-engine
    07cdb94 Update D855 Lolli-Blobs
    d0a9510 Update ls990 Lolli-Blobs
    be072b5 Update D852 Lolli-blobs
    ed35c3b Update D851 Lolli-Blobs
    d759f55 Update D850 Lolli-Blobs

    * vendor/liquid/
    1980ff7 Build Kernel Adiutor from source
    079a625 APN: Remove deprecated ATT APN, add VoLTE-compatible APN
    f447e91 Add chromium prebuilt support [2/2]
    3b719cc Add Pre-Built Chromium option back


    * android/
    cd2b998 Revert "add back ls stats and updater"
    68cb12d Track the LiquidDark
    4b2bede Build Kernel Aduitor and add floating button support repo
    4a2e393 Remove unneeded *s
    d86dc50 Track the liquid packages installer and nfc
    55186e9 Some cleanup

    * build/
    7762ab2 Add chromium prebuilt support [1/2]
    74a2e87 Merge tag 'tags/android-5.1.1_r1' into 5.1

    * external/libpng/
    80a4474 Merge tag 'tags/android-5.1.1_r1' into 5.1

    * frameworks/av/
    2dcdd8f stagefright: Fix the unhappy path in ACodec configuration step
    c8fac97 audio: Fix ringtone mute issue
    cd92c1d audio: Reduce device switch delay
    e5a5e84 nuplayer: Fix audio EOS notifiy on AudioSink not ready
    6354b42 Revert "nuplayer: Add cached lookup of track duration"
    9ecb204 Revert "Audio streaming error when playing a stream that contains "end of file"."
    e4e3608 Revert "audio: Fix issues during device switch"
    34d858a Revert "NuPlayer: Disable widevine flag for L3 content"
    6762b62 stagefright: Be more tolerant of missing metadata for FFMPEG codecs
    fbb50b3 camera: Add support for mediatek cameras
    344b458 stagefright: httplive: Fix switching for HLS live use-cases
    25455ae nuplayer: Fix for persist.debug.sf.noaudio when resuming
    f2820b5 audio: Fix for camcorder shutter playback issue on BT
    456187b libstagefright: Fix for testException
    1fe6352 audiopolicy: Fix Audio record permission CTS failure.
    60b639c audio: Fix fast playback of Ringtone for SCO call
    791e142 audio: Fix for ringtone playback issue on USB AOA
    5445801 NuPlayer: Don't maintain timeStamp if state is running
    e8107ad CameraService: Fix recursive lock acquire during client destruction.
    8f15b64 Initialize the start time if not specified in meta data
    c6aae46 Screenshots info is not updated when device is plugged in MTP mode
    2888b17 mediatek: Port AV changes
    179383d DO NOT MERGE - audio policy: fix DeviceVector::getDevicesFromType()
    4f38e90 DO NOT MERGE - audio policy service: fix possible memory overflow

    * frameworks/base/
    9d2cdd5 Change LiquidDark logo mask
    daa7c17 Add new Wallpaper
    98624d5 update all Sounds
    71e660f change LG sytem sounds
    122456d [1/3] frameworks/base: Add NFC polling setting

    * frameworks/opt/net/ims/
    4ccbe54 Add interface to determine whether the IMS service is available

    * frameworks/opt/telephony/
    b1480d2 IMS phone instantiation: add polling on base phone creation

    * packages/apps/AudioFX/
    6a1e58d Automatic translation import

    * packages/apps/Camera2/
    3f5ee99 Camera2: readd storage selection support (1/2)

    * packages/apps/Gallery2/
    59c2f7c Gallery2: readd storage selection support (2/2)

    * packages/apps/InCallUI/
    c801965 Don't hide end call button until call is disconnected

    * packages/apps/Settings/
    a279100 Remove telephony leftover
    7008528 Settings: Change LiquidDark Logo
    c98b84b fix string
    9dd0423 Settings: Add Download Center
    6d2e6eb remove strings
    167c79f Liquid-version in strings
    af2d8dc remove nl slim-strings
    061cc38 Liquid-version in strings
    7c1504f SuperSU change in setting menu
    3c6a642 remove Anonymous Stats and updater (2/3)
    5168b33 NFC Polling Mode (2/3)
    3cfca4d really fix qs modified: res/layout/qs_item.xml modified: res/layout/settings_qs_tiles.xml

    * packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
    7445db8 Block overflow menu during setup. DO NOT MERGE

    * vendor/lge/
    9216262 v4xx: kangbang rilblobs from d850's lollipop release

    * vendor/liquid/
    5ac8c9b SwIqiBmp fix path
    1a4c58e Build LD Wallpapers app
    7d399f8 remove stats overrides
    2397490 Build without BOOTANIMATION
    990718f more fix backup on dirty flash
    231c68e Fix Build error
    f577ed1 X-Reality
    c18d8ac new release Name (zip) LiquidDark
    ad640a1 Build SU package



    Spoiler anzeigen

    [COLOR=#ff0000]- Android 5.0.2 r1 LRX22G -
    ( Android-5.1.0_r3 is in labor , comes in next days )[/COLOR]

    * android/
    6d27828 UBERTC/arm-eabi-4.7 not longer support

    * frameworks/base/
    f8a4a24 utils: Introduce ScreenType class
    f3a55e7 msim: Fix FC on null mLeftClock
    5f9fc18 msim: Fix FC on null mNetworkTraffic

    * prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.9/
    edfaf21 4-7-15

    * prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/
    7fb8926 4-7-15

    * vendor/liquid/
    c85fd87 Turn art optimization to everything (Thank Sykopompos)


    * packages/apps/Eleven/
    35dfae7 Automatic translation import

    * packages/apps/Terminal/
    7bd9b18 Automatic translation import

    LED Notification gibt es noch nicht, Layers geht auch noch nicht richtig ist erst eine Beta :D. LiquidSmooth hat noch gar keine fürs N5 draußen deshalb erstmal warten wird in den nächsten Tagen noch behoben. GUI kommt wieder in Dunkel sobald Layer wieder richtig läuft. Jupp die Schnelleinstellungen machen ein FC dies hängt an den QS Tile Einstelleungen da ist noch der Wurm drin :D aber wie gesagt die nächsten 5.1 Builds werden besser :thumbup:

    --- Fullwipe ---


    [size=14]Google Play Store 5.4.11

    * android/
    e76c78d Change LockClock to cm-12.1
    648725d push vendor/liquid to 5.1
    b426062 external/android-clat to ld

    * packages/apps/LockClock/
    97a3670 New Material icon

    * packages/apps/Settings/
    5c0e1f7 Settings: change liquid dark logo

    * prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.9/
    492de84 4-7-15 (UBERTC)

    * prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/
    1ec87a1 4-7-15 (UBERTC)

    * vendor/liquid/
    6b4ae38 revert theme


    * android/
    e25f183 Track cm's system/core

    * build/
    f98961b Merge branch '5.1' of into 5.1
    1cc5136 Fetch 5.1 device tree branches

    * frameworks/av/
    1311704 Revert "audiopolicy: fix merge derp"
    dcbad1a audiopolicy: fix merge derp

    * frameworks/base/
    c426333 Bootani: Change android-logo-shine

    * packages/apps/Eleven/
    35dfae7 Automatic translation import

    * packages/apps/Terminal/
    7bd9b18 Automatic translation import

    * vendor/liquid/
    124b7d8 Turn art optimization to everything
    57c0a4f Liquid 4.1!
    f22ece8 Add Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (2014 Edition)
    0a040a5 [2/2] vendor_slim: implement system-wide Torch service
    13c1124 Cyanogen fix for deep sleep and latest play services [2/2]


    * android/
    44a8673 Track our telephony packages (rro)
    a9c8fbf hardware/qcom/keymaster to ld
    737c426 Fix all pfad display-caf
    929eb06 Hardware Diplay to Slim 5.1
    78f2e01 Change to main Git
    f78de1c Merge "changes for ti motos modified: default.xml" into 5.1

    * build/
    12d7046 "LMY47I"
    a4746c4 Fix target name for boot signer.
    b7c0f25 build: Add support for additional kernel config snippet
    a56f51e releasetools: Add bootable image signing

    * device/lge/hammerhead/
    27bdcef Merge branch '5.1' Stock Volume and SELinux
    4c46f5c Revert Stock Volume "controlled by kernel"
    bf9bfdb Update
    60155cf build: Boot with SELinux Permissive
    613aa79 hammerhead: Add support for 5.1 bootloader (HHZ12f)
    259326e hammerhead: Update build fingerprint and description to LMY47I
    f9784f7 Build with new UBERTC GCC (Kernel)
    167d742 old Kernel
    185c00c dependencies: Kernel and LGE Vendor to 5.1

    * frameworks/base/
    9b98deb Change Navbutton
    64eb2ec Chrome Navbar button to system
    660a7a7 more black notification_overlay icon
    b525497 Add new Wallpaper
    3361bbf update all Sounds
    fb04a2d change LG sytem sounds
    3d57b90 change android-logo-mask
    42ecbed change LiquidDark logo mask
    f41e2c2 Telephony: Add a config item to control fetching APN from OMH card

    * frameworks/opt/net/wifi/
    bc7d58e WifiController: fix high perf lock sometimes not respected
    4fc1520 wifi: Set the mode at native layer

    * packages/apps/Contacts/
    a15e7bf Exposing hard coded resources for type 2 overlay access [3/6] Have to expose hard coded hex coding to changeable resources for theming purposes. For the Layers type 2 overlays

    * packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
    f5122df Exposing hard coded resources for type 2 overlay access [4/6] Have to expose hard coded hex coding to changeable resources for theming purposes. For the Layers type 2 overlays.

    * packages/apps/Dialer/
    cc315ef Exposing hard coded resources for type 2 overlay access [5/6] Have to expose hard coded hex coding to changeable resources for theming purposes. For the Layers type 2 overlays.

    * packages/apps/InCallUI/
    3462410 Exposing hard coded resources for type 2 overlay access [6/6] Have to expose hard coded hex coding to changeable resources for theming purposes. For the Layers type 2 overlays.

    * packages/apps/Settings/
    a580caf settings:Download Center "RRO Layers"
    71cd4fe fix string
    6f3c794 Settings: Add Download Center
    ead10b6 Liquid-version in strings
    41bba46 change strings
    3c2b5f2 SuperSU change in setting menu
    82a1608 remove Anonymous Stats and updater (2/3)
    a145796 settings: update Liquid Logo
    37f2b27 remove empty settings this is now under imei info & and sim

    * vendor/lge/
    e6f1507 v4xx: ship widevine firmware

    * vendor/liquid/
    1f6ea64 FFMPEG plugin on


    * android/
    52545cc changes for ti motos modified: default.xml
    880a438 use ubertc instead of old unofficial sm
    8a87540 Go back to bluedroid staging branch
    51150a1 make 5.1!

    * bionic/
    8909195 Revert "Revert "bionic: libc: Added path to vendor build properties file.""

    * frameworks/base/
    bb287f4 Layers : We don't need to change the volume panel background.
    52042c5 Exposing hard coded resources for type 2 overlay access [1/6] Have to expose the hard codded hex coding to changeable resources for theming purposes. For the layers type 2 overlays.
    60edba7 RRO: reintroduce lost ResTable insert of assets
    aa47047 Revert "base: Fix the problems for runtime overlay."
    653315b add some more drawables


    * external/sepolicy/
    0959152 Merge tag 'android-5.1.0_r3' into HEAD

    * frameworks/base/
    94fbe32 Hack to Fix Build...fix this later modified: packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/
    a6f43e1 more fixes

    * frameworks/opt/telephony/
    ca4b1a0 Allow a device to include its own RIL subclass
    2e001da telephony: Use reflection to create command interface (RIL class)
    8ec25b8 RIL: Make RIL subclassable

    * frameworks/wilhelm/
    4684b5a Merge tag 'android-5.1.0_r3' into HEAD

    * hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8960/
    c37af8f audio: add Fast profile for USB playback
    5ec16a1 audio: Retained VOIP Mute State during device switch

    * hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/
    ef33462 post_proc: add support for virtualizer capability query

    * packages/apps/Bluetooth/
    cee59c2 fix build modified: jni/com_android_bluetooth_btservice_AdapterService.cpp

    * system/netd/
    a7fbb8b Merge tag 'android-5.1.0_r3' into HEAD

    * system/vold/
    b240c85 vold: add ro.vold.umsdirtyratio property[/SIZE]