Beiträge von dogidog

    This is an issue on all Pie Roms. Are you using a theme to get files dark? Its definitely not themed in the Rom which is likely why you have the issue with the text.

    Nop, i don't know why it's black. I don't use the dark them :/

    EDIT : i found why it was dark, if i choose night mode in android message, Files turn into night mode too ... I'll keep it light.

    Hey, i'm using the pixel launcher. On Quick step gesture is working good. On pixel the gesture is just a little bit different to access to recent app. And for files explorer i had this issue since the beginning and i had it on AndroïdX too. I think it's an issue from Google, i saw a Reddit topic about that. And after 1 day of using the new build, just a major issue when i reboot the phone, sometimes camera isn't working so i need to reboot 2/3 Times. That's all ! It's an Amazing rom :)

    EDIT: I had the same camera lagg issue than the previous build, a reboot fix it too.

    If you want a more "Google Pixel"-feeling you should have a look at the launcher "Lawnchair" (Lawnchair_2.0-601.apk) together with the Magisk module "". Maybe it is what you want ...

    I'll keep the pixel launcher but thank you.

    Hey, i'm using the pixel launcher. On Quick step gesture is working good. On pixel the gesture is just a little bit different to access to recent app. And for files explorer i had this issue since the beginning and i had it on AndroïdX too. I think it's an issue from Google, i saw a Reddit topic about that. And after 1 day of using the new build, just a major issue when i reboot the phone, sometimes camera isn't working so i need to reboot 2/3 Times. That's all ! It's an Amazing rom :)

    Thank you for your hard work ! Just a little thing with gesture on pixel launcher, to view recent app you need to draw up 2 times. It's different than quickstep launcher. Is it normal ? And another thing, "Files" explorer keep closing when you select more than one file to delete.
    Speed improvement looks good :)