hier mal meine all time favorites aus dem classic konsolenbereich:
master system:
1. world of illusion
2. alex kidd in miracle world
3. phantasy star
4. r-type
mega drive:
1. revenge of shinobi
2. wonderboy in monsterworld
3. ea hockey
4. sonic the hedgehog
5. gynoug
super nintendo:
1. jimmy connors pro tennis tour
2. zelda - a link to the past
3. street fighter
4. super mario world
5. secret of mana
playstation I :
1. final fantasy 8 (glaub ich) :zwin:
2. resident evil
3. gran turismo
4. tekken 3
5. metal gear solid
nintendo 64:
1. zelda - ocarina of time
2. 007 - goldeneye
3. donkey kong
4. banjo-kazooiee
5. diddy kong racing
sega dreamcast:
1. resident evil code veronica
2. skies of arcadia
3. soul calibur
4. virtua tennis 2k
5. giant gram wrestling ( yeah...vader roxx)