• 2. Update heute.

    Zitat von molesarecoming

    i just learned that the flag needs to be applied for tablet UI aswell. and it needs to be set when rebooting into android with pie activated. both is already on git. it kinda sucks for me. i honestly think this is the most stable pa that has ever existed, and then google pulls the 4 layer bull****. its just not fair, at least a week without a new "gate" would be enough, just one week. i'll probably re-upload 07 later.

    Zitat von molesarecoming

    its up again

  • Neues Build ist online!

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  • Neuer Build vom 27.MAR online


    Just a small heads up,

    Bugfixes and stylefixes for PaPrefs, things are more readable
    Mako: less default brightness in the low-end, it was too bright
    Autobrightness curve adjustments -- sorry about the confusion, it has gotten actually way more intuitive than i remember from the ICS days. This is maniac103's commit, probably CM, he did a great job with this
    PerAppColor fixes against crashes + hybrid toggle longpress
    Mako: DRM Libs for movie playback

    +Aaron Gascoigne is cooking up something interesting currently, depending on who builds when there might be something else in it in some builds but i dont wanna spoil the surprise - it won't be in todays mako build.

  • Moin

    Habe die Rom jetzt seit ein paar Tagen drauf und bin bisher eigentlich auch zufrieden. Habe die Phablet UI aktiviert, nur finde ich da die Statusbar einen ticken zu klein, aber so wie es aussieht lässt sich die dpi der statusbar nicht Einzel ändern sondern nur im gesamten mit der Navibar, Notification bar etc., oder?! Dann muss ich wohl damit leben, solange ich sie drauf habe ^^

    Was mich wundert, der Dev ist doch selbst ein deutscher, ich Frage mich warum er die ganzen Settings nicht noch ins deutsche übersetzt??

    Gesendet von meinem Nexus 4

  • NEWS zur neuen Version


    im releasing a small revision update in a couple of minutes - just to keep the dependencies up to date. pie2 is a bitch to get right but its taking form. im working on this locally so as to not split it up into a million commits again - its easier for other roms to pick up then. i used a couple of days to experiemnt with displaying statusinfos like clock and notifications while pie is not shown but i always end up with something that either doesntlook right or it downright gets in the way of something.
    the solution will be a new UI that we're building from the groundup, its called pie-strip. basically a very thin statusbar kind of thing that has pie activated by default. it displays clock, notifications, statusicons plus a ticker. it'll be just a few pixels wide. you'll be able to get to that UI via hybrid engine, systemUI will have a layout container for that, 2000p perhaps. the other UI's stay as they are, pie will also be usable in extended desktop mode of course. the 0% thing will probably go.
    i can't say exactly how long but trust me i wanna get this out as fast as possible, its just a huge chunk of code right now.

    Neues UI Design


    it'll be where your pie is. if you move pie from snappoint to snappoint it'll hopefully move aswell, although i dont know yet if this is possible. in the worst case it simply behaves like the statusbar.

    Download siehe Startpost
    PDroid Patches wie immer ;)

  • Krass, Statusbar an der Seite? Kann da jemand ein paar genauere Screenshots machen bei Gelegenheit? Würde mich mal interessieren wie das im Detail aussieht

    Gesendet von meinem Nexus 4

  • Noch gibts das nicht. Das kommt mit PIE 2.0.


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