RasBeanJelly (4.2.2 mr1 | JQD39)

  • [size=36]RASBEANJELLY für das [color=DeepSkyBlue]Nexus 4[/color][/size]

    [color=SeaGreen]/[/color][color=Yellow]/[/color][color=Red]/[/color] WAS IST RASBEANJELLY

    Mit ICS und dem Galaxy Nexus startete der Entwickler die ROM "rascreamsandwich" für sich und seine freunde zu entwickeln,diese sagten ihm er soll die Versionen öffentlich teilen für alle.
    Eines tages schenkte ihm Morfic ein Nexus 7 somit begann er neben dem Galaxy Nexus auch dafür ROMS zu erstellen,
    leider wurde das Nexus 7 geklaut aber das stoppte rascarlo (der Entwickler der ROM) nicht.
    Und endlich ist es so weit, rasbeanjelly für das Nexus 4 ist verfügbar!

    [color=SeaGreen]/[/color][color=Yellow]/[/color][color=Red]/[/color] FUNKTIONEN


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    siehe Post Nummer 2

    [color=SeaGreen]/[/color][color=Yellow]/[/color][color=Red]/[/color] ROM DOWNLOAD
    hier geht es zum download

    [color=SeaGreen]/[/color][color=Yellow]/[/color][color=Red]/[/color] CHANGELOG & FEATURES
    findest du immer auf der download Seite
    [color=#333333][font='verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif']
    [color=SeaGreen]/[/color][color=Yellow]/[/color][color=Red]/[/color] FLASH
    Die neuste Version von TWRP wird empfohlen.
    - full wipe wenn man von einer anderen ROM kommt, ansonsten nicht.
    - wipe cache
    - wipe dalvik cache
    - flash zip
    - flash gapps
    - (opt.) flash kernel - ROM kommt mit stock Kernel
    - reboot
    [color=#333333][font='verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif']
    [color=SeaGreen]/[/color][color=Yellow]/[/color][color=Red]/[/color] NEUE VERSIONEN
    [color=#333333][font='verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif']
    [color=SeaGreen]/[/color][color=Yellow]/[/color][color=Red]/[/color] MODS, THEMES, GOODIES
    [color=#00579c]opethrocks[/color] [DLMURL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2028644"][MOD] opethrocks' black & blue mod for rasbeanjelly mako - xda-developers[/DLMURL]

    [color=SeaGreen]/[/color][color=Yellow]/[/color][color=Red]/[/color] SOURCE

    [color=SeaGreen]/[/color][color=Yellow]/[/color][color=Red]/[/color] XDA-BEITRAG
    [color=#00579c][DLMURL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=34981366"]Hier geht es zum XDA-Beitrag[/DLMURL][/color].

    [color=SeaGreen]/[/color][color=Yellow]/[/color][color=Red]/[/color] DANKSAGUNGEN
    [color=#00579c]Morfic[/color] and [color=#00579c]Simms22[/color] for being my friends and for being them.
    [color=#00579c]fitsnugly[/color] for euroskank
    [color=#00579c]brainmaster[/color] for his continous support in the crespo and grouper threads with his Boot.img with init.d support
    [color=#00579c]lichti1901[/color] for his awesome mods for maguro and toro
    [color=#00579c][DLMURL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=34671251"]GideonX[/DLMURL][/color] for his FAQ and his continous support
    Android Open Source Project

  • [color=SeaGreen]/[/color][color=Yellow]/[/color][color=Red]/[/color] FUNKTIONEN

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    *** INITIAL BUILD ***
    - Frameworks:
    .power menu: reboot and screenshot
    .rasbeanjelly ui, black background, blue holo glow
    .package verifier enable to false
    .def install non market apps default to true
    .expanded desktop
    .expose rotation lock in quick settings
    .remove drawable for quick settings tile. black background
    .fix notification icons not animating till ticker is updated
    .use holo alert drawables
    - Frameworks/Settings:
    .build tweaks header
    .status bar clock and battery customization
    .long press back to kill app (no toast yet)
    .allow volumes to be unlinked
    .make the volume overlay more functional
    .volume rocker wake
    .volume rocker music control
    .option to control cursor in text fields using volume keys
    .volume adjust sound preference
    .performance increase in thumbnail handling
    - Settings:
    .expose build date
    .remove system update
    - Contacts:
    .landscape option
    - Phone:
    .remove color overlay in incall touch ui
    - DeskClock:
    .set default alarms time

    - Frameworks:
    .fix notification icons not animating till ticker is updated
    .use holo alert drawables
    .remove GB alert drawable from reboot menu
    .improve tethering notification icons
    .performance increase in thumbnail handling
    .audioService: don't adjust volume when vol-downing to vibrate or silent
    .clear all button on recent apps
    .changed behaviour of the volume wake

    - Frameworks/Settings:
    .revert to stock tiles behaviour
    .SystemUI: Statusbar Clock and Date actions
    .customizable lock screen targets
    .Prevent scanning during DHCP process (commit to aosp)
    .GlowPadView : Re-enable magneticTargets
    .navigation bar customization
    .open ACTION_DATA_ROAMING_SETTINGS onClick for the RSSI tile
    - Settings:
    .Changed the way that date format selector is shown (commit to aosp)
    .Settings: fix storage measurement for device without emulated sdcard (commit to aosp)
    .Format change at "Mobile network type" value (commit to aosp)
    .Makes the add button for new APNs appear in the action bar (commit to aosp)
    .Grey out settings icon when it is in disabled state (commit to aosp)

    - Frameworks:
    .4.2 Transition: Notification Header datetime click
    .Smooth Spinners: Makes the loading "spinner" animation smoother in non-holo apps
    .Framework Track Control: Switch from broadcast to audio service
    .move location tile from temporary to always visible state. Use 'location' + state.label for tile text
    .remove bits and graphic for notification_panel_bg. Use black
    .Add framework definition to include Torch
    .use a dark black for status_bar_close_on/off
    .Toast: fix force close if called from system service (commit to aosp)
    .Memory leak due to bad destroy sequence (commit to aosp)
    .SystemUI: fix delay in applying am/pm setting for notification clock
    .Fix FindBugs issues: (commit to aosp)
    IntProperty: Infinite recursive loop
    SQLiteSession: Null pointer dereference
    UsbStoreActivity: Null pointer derefence
    LocationManagerService: No relationship between generic parameter and method argument
    ActivityManagerService: Call to equals() comparing different types
    ChooseAccountTypeActivity: Possible null pointer dereference
    RuimRecords: Possible null pointer derefence
    .added onLohgClick to battery tile to turn screen off
    .added onLongClick to user tile to open ACTION_SYNC_SETTINGS
    .Framework: Bring Long press back kill app toast back
    Lockscreen VolCtrls : Don't raise volume on skipTrack
    - Settings:
    .FindBugs: Call to equals() comparing different types (commit to aosp)
    .Correct check box visibility in Display / Brightness (commit to aosp)
    - LatinIME.
    .i is now I

    - Frameworks:
    .add switch on/off action to onClick for Location tile. Keep onLongClick for default action
    .add screenOffTile
    .add ACTION_DISPLAY_SETTINGS for onLongClick behaviour of the batteryTile
    .Possible leak in android_emoji_EmojiFactory_newInstance (commit to aosp)
    .tiles. use few new icons for airplane_off, auto_rotate, bluetooth_off, brightness_auto_off/on, default_user, settings, wifi_no_network
    .add switch on/off action to onClick for rssiTile. Keep ACTION_DATA_ROAMING_SETTINGS for onLongClick
    .Don't collapse quicksettings bluetooth and wifi after change state
    .add rebootTile. onClick reboot, onLongClick reboot recovery. SU permissions needed for SystemUI

    - Frameworks/Settings:
    .NavigationBar: Custom height
    .SystemUI: HSPA+ Support
    .Fixed typo in Recreating an Activity documentation (commit to aosp)
    .Fix logging typos in GpsLocationProvider (commit to aosp)

    - Phone:
    .Phone: Fix NPE in PhoneUtils::toLogSafePhoneNumber (commit to aosp)

    - Frameworks:
    .enable copy/paste for google talk
    .remove duplicate cesium.ogg
    .AudioPackage5 contains duplicated bad-case filenames (media clean up)
    .ResolverActivity: don't use Holo Light
    .Use most specific attributes for distinguished name display (commit to aosp)
    .Navbar : Padding fix
    .Re-code volume rocker wake and volume rocker music control
    .TIME_TICK was not occurred at the end of DST for one hour (commit to aosp)

    - Contacts:
    .If there's a contacts DB change while the dialpad is open, reload the cache instead of dropping it.
    .make contacts and people packages match the rasbean ui

    - frameworks:
    .revert "re-write of volume rocker and volume rocker music control"
    - frameworks/settings:
    .add notification light cutomization
    - packages/apps/contacts:
    .fix white on white for land contact_detail_fragment
    - packages/apps/mms:
    .make mms match the rasbean ui
    - packages/apps/settings:
    .build volume rocker only on selected devices

    - frameworks:
    .edit reboot tile to act like a powermenu tile: onClick power_menu, onLongClick power_menu_reboot
    .more black theming
    .Highlight the clear button in the recents view when clicked
    .Quick Settings: Swipe to switch
    .Quick Settings: Fix flip-to-settings animation
    .add torch tile
    .Fix for truncated sentence in "Find on Page" field (commit to aosp)
    .fix typo for symbol (commit to aosp)
    .Fix array index oob in Matrix3f.loadRotate(). commit to aosp)
    .frameworks: Display missing text on SimUnlockScreen (commit to aosp)
    - frameworks/settings:
    .quick Settings Pulldown: Left or Right side option
    - packages/apps/settings:
    .Fix for battery temperature display (commit to aosp)
    .Fix for F/C in WifiConfigInfo (commit to aosp)
    .Force closed at settings application when delete Misc files (commit to aosp)
    .add 2 steps to navigation bar height: 20dp and 0dp (hide). 0 for those using gestures or pie
    .Option "None" replaced "Open" in Wi-Fi AP Settings of Wi-Fi Hotspot (commit to aosp)
    .Fix of Settings application sort crash (commit to aosp)
    - packages/apps/deskclock:
    .Make package match the overall ui
    .Make analog clock available as a lockscreen widget.
    .Use holo blu for circleTimer. Keep red for redDiamond alert
    - frameworks/ex:
    .Use holo_blue_light for chips
    - packages/apps/mms:
    .use white for message_count_color

    - frameworks/base:
    .Re-implement magnetic targets
    .Adjust kernel data stack TCP parameters to optimize performance
    .power: Add CPU boosting interface
    .Add CPU boosting hooks
    - packages/apps/settings:
    .Use separate PreferenceScreen for volume rocker behaviors
    - bionic:
    .Krait enhancements from caf
    .FORTIFY_SOURCE: remove memcpy overlap checks
    .bionic: Optimizations for gettimeofday and clock_gettime
    - device/lge/mako:
    .mako: optimize for krait
    .mako: tune for cortex-a9
    .mako: enable get time of day helper
    - hardware/libhardware:
    .power: Add POWER_HINT_CPU_BOOST
    - system/app:
    .update SuperSu
    - system/xbin:
    .update s .mako: optimize for krait
    .mako: tune for cortex-a9
    .mako: enable get time of day helper
    - hardware/libhardware:
    .power: Add POWER_HINT_CPU_BOOST
    - system/app:
    .update SuperSu
    - system/xbin:
    .update su

  • Also im direkten Vergleich dazu läuft es runder. Es fühlt sich einfach besser an und man hat ein sicheres Gefühl.

    Es ist flüssiger. Ich nutze jedoch den Trinity Kernel. Dieser Kernel und die ROM lieben sich einfach.

    Auf ein paar Funktionen von CM10 muss jedoch verzichtet werden, was ich aber verschmerzen kann.

    Die ganze ROM ist dunkel desgined. Der Navbar glow ist extrem schnell. Das missfällt mir ein wenig, ist aber so von rascarlo angedacht.

    Läuft momentan auf den neuesten AOSP Binaries.
    Wenn Du magst, kann ich ein paar Screenshots machen.

    Auf jeden Fall ist sie einfach irgendwo "anders" als CM, und wird gewiss nicht jedem gefallen.

    via my ? awesome Nexus 4
    Ready for more Android awesomeness?
    [DLMURL="http://www.android-port.de%22%5d...then check this out![/DLMURL]

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Maestro2k5 (21. April 2015 um 23:02)

  • Nur mit der Rom?
    Kann mir eigentlich nicht vorstellen, dass das nur an der Rom liegt. Gerade, wenn du das nur bei WA hast.
    Welchen Anbieter hast du? o2 soll die letzten Tage massive Probleme gehabt haben.

  • Ne ich habe Base....
    konnte mir das zuerst auch nicht wirklich vorstllen, kann sein das das auh bei facebook etc. ist, dann fällt es mir da aber nicht so auf^^
    Habe auch erst gedacht das liegt am kernel, deswegen habe ich andere ausprobiert, bei denen das aber genauso war.
    Erst als ich RasBeanJelly runtergschmissen habe lief es, deswegen bin ich zurzeit auf der Stock ROM.

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