[4.4.4] SlimKat [hammerhead][stable 9.0][weekly 8.20]

  • die nächste Stable ist da
    Stable 6.0

    neu Gapps gibt es auch
    Gapps Build 6


    • Fix Topmost feature
    • Fix battery charging percentage color applier
    • Fix Battery stat app
    • TRDS: Fix Volume panel background
    • Add ASCII logo to edify script
    • more translations

    Device Specific:

    • Geeb: Update fingerprint for 4.4.4
    • G2: update loki,recovery: Add a loki script as a recovery transformation step,Fix the loki product name
    • Yuga: use retail name for PRODUCT_MODEL,re-enable "Eject SD card" option,yuga: fix /dev/input/event11 permission,major upstream CM
    • hammerhead: major kernel upstream,update to LINUX 3.4.94
    • manta: update fingerprint to 4.4.4
    • flo: update fingerprint to 4.4.4
    • HLTE: Move to common msm8974 repo,fixup permissions for inputs,disable world_phone overlay,Fix GPS problem for CDMA variants
    • msm8974-common: remove network modes overlay,Fix audio context sepolicy error
    • deb: Update fingerprints to 4.4.3 OTA
    • m8: add bdroid config,enable LCD KCAL sysfs support,LCD_KCAL: Color Control driver for M8,lcd_kcal: Correct the copyright information

    Known Bugs:

    • I9300/t0lte/N7100: Graphical glitches on some games
    • Falcon: Slower boot time (~20-30s)
    • moto_msm8960: Graphical glitches in landscape (disable hardware overlays to solve
    • Skyrocket: Ondemand causes random reboot. (stick with Interactive)
    • P31xx: Screen-Off-Animation ignoring our hwrotation=270 (disable screen off animation to solve)
  • Update: Weekly 6.2 (momentan noch nicht drin, kommt aber sicherlich bald)

    Es sind 2 neue Features implementiert

    1. Quiet Hours


    You ever wished to setup your quiet hours different on different days? No problem anymore. A big interface allows now nearly everything you can imagine to setup your quiet times exactly like you want to have. For more info see this post: https://plus.google.com/11282099455588…sts/ZGZKbbCPXHJ

    2. Slim HeadUps


    Under the title.....heads up meets SlimKat....SlimKat meets Google IO....we merged an own heads up version into our source. The difference to the known other solutions is that we stay near to googles idea. Heads up is for important notifications and for nothing more. We do not use blacklists or similar or do not need to parse long settings values.....with ease you can simply enable it on the apps you want with a long press on the notification. It is deeply integrated into the system and feels simply natural now for every app. Of course we have on top some useful features, native heads up support on dialer MMS and email app and most important a lot work went into fixing the remaining bugs of the hidden heads up aosp code.

    For more information check following links:

  • Neue Version online

    Das Slim Team dreht nun ganz durch ... wooow ... goil!

    ...vielleicht schaffen sie ja 7 weeklys in 1 woche. :O_o: :D :P


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    [FONT=Georgia][size=12]"In Rente/R.I.P"
    Zenfone2, Huawei T1 10, Nexus 4, CR11S, Moto G/Play, Nexus 5,
    TF700T, TF300T, EVO 3D, A2109A, Wildfire, Defy+, Archos G9 ...[/SIZE]
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  • jein wg changelog ... der alte changelog wurde nur etwas ergänzt ...

    z.b. -->

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    Nexus 9
    Fire TV (Box & Stick)[/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT=Georgia][size=12]"In Rente/R.I.P"
    Zenfone2, Huawei T1 10, Nexus 4, CR11S, Moto G/Play, Nexus 5,
    TF700T, TF300T, EVO 3D, A2109A, Wildfire, Defy+, Archos G9 ...[/SIZE]
    Meine Beiträge können Spuren von Ironie und/oder Sarkasmus enthalten!
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  • ...das stimmt wiederum!

    eben gelesen:


    Well some devices broke on Jenkins due that not all dependencies were updated (due of the move from the vendor repos) All devices which received a weekly are safe and all is fine.

    I was just tooooo lazy to start a bunch of devices by hand. Starting weekly is just one icon to press lmao

    On another note...the only change for us is the back button thingy.


    Seems there was an updated version of slim this morning ....Thought I'd mention in case you didn't know @Minux31......

    There were no changes. They rebuilt them all only because a few devices failed, but the nexus 5 build was good.


    Only one change is interesting (others are concerning other devices) : bikeryder007

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    [FONT=Georgia][size=12]Moto Z Play
    Nextbit Robin
    Nexus 5X
    Nexus 9
    Fire TV (Box & Stick)[/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT=Georgia][size=12]"In Rente/R.I.P"
    Zenfone2, Huawei T1 10, Nexus 4, CR11S, Moto G/Play, Nexus 5,
    TF700T, TF300T, EVO 3D, A2109A, Wildfire, Defy+, Archos G9 ...[/SIZE]
    Meine Beiträge können Spuren von Ironie und/oder Sarkasmus enthalten!
    Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen lesen Sie die Packungsbeilage oder fragen einen Menschen mit Humorverständnis...[/SIZE][/FONT]

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von MuggelPu (9. Juli 2014 um 15:32)

  • Es wurden alle builds neugebaut, weil beim ersten Anlauf einige Geräte nicht geklappt haben. Es dürfte sich nichts für unser Nexus 5 geändert haben...

    Edit: die letzten Beiträge hat mir tapatalk erst vorenthalten [emoji19]

  • ;)


    There will be a new 6.3 weekly today for hammerhead...just started Jenkins

    ungültiger Link

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    [FONT=Georgia][size=12]Moto Z Play
    Nextbit Robin
    Nexus 5X
    Nexus 9
    Fire TV (Box & Stick)[/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT=Georgia][size=12]"In Rente/R.I.P"
    Zenfone2, Huawei T1 10, Nexus 4, CR11S, Moto G/Play, Nexus 5,
    TF700T, TF300T, EVO 3D, A2109A, Wildfire, Defy+, Archos G9 ...[/SIZE]
    Meine Beiträge können Spuren von Ironie und/oder Sarkasmus enthalten!
    Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen lesen Sie die Packungsbeilage oder fragen einen Menschen mit Humorverständnis...[/SIZE][/FONT]

  • Zitat

    Arrrrg I did **** unpublished the build....will fix it


    Android File Host Link

    ;) jop ... iwas is ... aber schon bekannt ;)


    Yes, new build is coming soon

    Android File Host Link


    Originally Posted by kufikugel
    Yeah your issue was something other.

    The one mentioned here well....you know this what I wanted to fix I saw on cm....I believed Roman....code looked good....fast test as well....result....I should not believe him always

    Whatever I fixed it....new 6.3 build is building and will be up in some minutes.

    Sorry again for that...sometimes.**** happens should always only believe on my own code lmao

    Neue Version Online nun ;)

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    [FONT=Georgia][size=12]Moto Z Play
    Nextbit Robin
    Nexus 5X
    Nexus 9
    Fire TV (Box & Stick)[/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT=Georgia][size=12]"In Rente/R.I.P"
    Zenfone2, Huawei T1 10, Nexus 4, CR11S, Moto G/Play, Nexus 5,
    TF700T, TF300T, EVO 3D, A2109A, Wildfire, Defy+, Archos G9 ...[/SIZE]
    Meine Beiträge können Spuren von Ironie und/oder Sarkasmus enthalten!
    Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen lesen Sie die Packungsbeilage oder fragen einen Menschen mit Humorverständnis...[/SIZE][/FONT]

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von MuggelPu (10. Juli 2014 um 23:52)

  • hier ist noch ein Auszug aus dem Changelog


  • Weekly 6.4 ist da


    • HeadsUp: Correctly add and remove the window
    • QuiteHours: Extra daily times
    • Major frameworks/base updates aosp caf
    • Major frameworks/av updates aosp caf
    • Major frameworks/native updates aosp caf
    • Update to recovery (TWRP)
    • display-caf-new updates
    • audio-caf updates
    • media-caf-new updates
    • libhardware updates caf
    • libhardware_legacy updates caf
    • frameworks_opt_telephony updates
    • hardware/ril updates using CM's caf for qcril "without msim"
    • Update Nova Launcher to version 3.0.2
    • More Translations
    • hammerhead kernel updates

      • Revert "arm/dt: hammerhead: set power down vbatt level to 3.05V"
      • Revert "power: max17048: power down if the battery voltage is too low"
  • So die Weekly 6.6 ist demnächst verfügbar, Download ist dann an gewohnter Stelle zu finden :)


    • add remote view tile
    • do not block home button if incoming call is a background call
    • enable hex color picker for quicksettings styles
    • Settings: Make sure time-range summaries match
    • frameworks/base updates aosp caf
    • frameworks/av updates aosp caf
    • frameworks/native updates aosp caf
    • display-caf-new updates
    • media-caf-new updates
    • frameworks_opt_telephony updates
    • packages_services_Telephony
    • Update to recovery (TWRP)
    • more translations
    • switch to 4.8 toolchain
  • [size=8]Nen kleines PS :P oder besser gesagt "EIN INSIDER FÜR OUTSIDER" :P

    [size=14]Kann angehen das es manche schon "geplant" haben aber wollte es hier nochmals erwähnen....[/SIZE]
    Hier gibbet "inoffizielle" SlimKat versionen:
    ---> Google+ <---

    Im mom ---> Slim-hammerhead-4.4.4.build.6.7-UNOFFICIAL-20140722-1154.zip
    157.81 MB 2014-07-22 13:52:04

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    [FONT=Georgia][size=12]Moto Z Play
    Nextbit Robin
    Nexus 5X
    Nexus 9
    Fire TV (Box & Stick)[/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT=Georgia][size=12]"In Rente/R.I.P"
    Zenfone2, Huawei T1 10, Nexus 4, CR11S, Moto G/Play, Nexus 5,
    TF700T, TF300T, EVO 3D, A2109A, Wildfire, Defy+, Archos G9 ...[/SIZE]
    Meine Beiträge können Spuren von Ironie und/oder Sarkasmus enthalten!
    Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen lesen Sie die Packungsbeilage oder fragen einen Menschen mit Humorverständnis...[/SIZE][/FONT]

  • Stock SlimKat neuste merges/commits etc .... echten changelog gibbet nich.

    hat einer auch grad bei xda gefragt was neu is :)

    Zitat von Garrykd

    As far as hammerhead is concerned, I believe absolutely nothing :D
    (There is the bump in kernel toolchain but that might have been in the last version of 6.6)

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    [FONT=Georgia][size=12]Moto Z Play
    Nextbit Robin
    Nexus 5X
    Nexus 9
    Fire TV (Box & Stick)[/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT=Georgia][size=12]"In Rente/R.I.P"
    Zenfone2, Huawei T1 10, Nexus 4, CR11S, Moto G/Play, Nexus 5,
    TF700T, TF300T, EVO 3D, A2109A, Wildfire, Defy+, Archos G9 ...[/SIZE]
    Meine Beiträge können Spuren von Ironie und/oder Sarkasmus enthalten!
    Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen lesen Sie die Packungsbeilage oder fragen einen Menschen mit Humorverständnis...[/SIZE][/FONT]

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