[ROM][N5] Validus v7 by Ground Zero Roms

  • [COLOR=#000000]Ich möchte Euch diese, wie ich finde, sehr gelungene auf AOSP basierende ROM für unser Nexus 5 vorstellen. Die ROM läuft sehr flüssig, Bugs hab ich keine festgestellt.[/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#ff0000]Flashen geschieht auf eigene Verantwortung![/COLOR]

    [size=36][COLOR=#ff0000]VALIDUS 13[/COLOR][/SIZE]
    [size=18][COLOR=#000000]by Ground Zero Roms[/COLOR][/SIZE]

    [COLOR=#0000b3]Quelle: XDA Thread[/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#ff0000]Validus 13 Features + ChangeLog[/COLOR]


    Custom Logos in About Phone Section and The Void(Custom Settings)
    Normal or Center Clock Mod with possibility to change color;
    Custom Data formats in Status (day, month and year);
    Notification drawer & Notification row Transparency, custom Colors and custom image;
    Customizable low battery pop-up warning;
    Option to enable notification light when screen is on;
    Alternate default app picker;
    Network stats in status bar;
    Network stats custom colors;
    Network stats hide if there's no traffic;
    CRT with 5 options: don't show, collapse horizontal, collapse vertical, collapse orientation dependent, scale down;
    CPU info overlay;
    Wifi name in notification drawer;
    Slide through status bar to adjust brightness;
    Screenshot quick trash;
    Notification drawer shortcuts;
    Custom battery styles (normal, percentage, circle, circle with percentage, doted circle, doted circle with percentage);
    Custom battery colors and animation speeds;
    AOKP custom system animations;
    Animate carrier label when collapsing panel;
    Navigation bar customization;
    Navigation ring customization;
    Improved scrolling cache;
    New power mwnu from SlimRoms;
    RAM bar;
    Power connect/disconnect notification support;
    Immersive mode (a.k.a Expanded desktop);
    Active display from ChameleonOS;
    Lockscreen tragets and shortcuts from SlimRoms;
    Lockscreen widgets from SlimRoms;
    Lockscreen PIN key pad shuffler;
    Lock before unlock the new way from SlimRoms;
    Dark Symmetry is Back!! (TRDS Port From SlimRoms) Thanks Beergang!!
    3.5 update

    Moved to an AOSP base (bye bye CM)
    Lost a few things like theme manager(New and improved coming soon) and a few lil toys that i never used
    but will probably be implemented in the near future.
    fb: lock statusbar recreation and release after ticker is done
    Camera: don't display picture size unless supported
    Camera: Add ZSL support for Samsung/Qualcomm cameras
    Camera: Fixes Mako continues focus problem
    Camera: Fix Smart Capture label display
    Camera: TrueView Returns!
    Torch: Don't show variable brightness options when using the camera iface
    Torch: make torch to a real system app
    Torch: add better error handling and added fallback mechanism
    Settings: enable/disable lockscreenwidgets preferences
    Settings: One does not simply become a Developer
    Settings: add Device on Advanced Options for device-specific settings
    Settings: fix quickpulldown summary and clean up code
    Native: sensorservice: Fix init sequence for pre-1.1 API sensor HALs
    Native: libs/ui: Fix crash issue because of null pointer access
    Native: surfaceflinger: Set max acquired buffer count
    Native: GlES2: Add NULL check
    Native: sf: work around for no EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE support
    Telephony: Fix NT_MODE case statements
    BatteryService: fix FC on boot until battery stat is present
    PhoneWindowManager: fix navbar behaviour in expanded mode after 4.4.2 merge.
    systemUI: split the broadcast receiver in phonestatusbar
    GlobalActions: collapse all panels if global action is shown
    fb: small cleanup and fixes in navbar transitions
    WindowManagerService: fix application transitions in expanded mode.
    Base: Stylus Gestures
    Base: Toggle Stylus Pointer Icon
    fb: Dark Symmetry (TRDS 3.0) and new theme engine preparation
    fb: add theme switch (TRDS) to navbar and navring
    QS: add theme switcher tile (TRDS)
    fb: add ticker entries only if we are not recreating statusbar
    Keyguard: disable statusbar clock for dashclock, lockclock and desclock
    SystemUI: Add double tap to sleep gesture
    Framework: Change stock Clock-Click Actions
    Keyguard: let the user drag the challenge down if widgets are disabled
    Add an option/category in Dev Set to customize the device hostname
    Framework: Fix QuietHours Vibrate
    Fix Immersive confirmation in expanded mode.
    Fix ResTable_config::CONFIG_* typo (MCC vs MNC)
    plenty more coming....


    Dialer: Consistent white dialer
    Dialer: trds: dialer update
    In-Call: UI from blue to white
    Mms: improved mms bubbles
    Native: Update HWUI config for xxhdpi/2GB devices
    Settings: recover last location state during on/off switch
    Settings: Apn settings fixes / code maintainence (1/2)
    Settings: Fix FC when trying to adjust radio band via *#*#4636#*#* dialer code.
    Settings: Always show band 0
    Settings: fix exception in BatterySipper.getQuickNameIconForUid
    Settings: Dont show "Erase SD Card" when there is none
    Settings: Address adb backup/restore denials.
    Settings: Fix elapsed time formatting.
    Settings: reorder app security to top
    Settings: Bluetooth: Set alias name only through Rename option
    Settings: Bluetooth: Don't set a null alias before unpairing
    Settings: Fix null pointer exceptions in NetworkPolicyEditor
    Nfc: Fix NPE in RegisteredAidCache
    Camera2: notify the gallery that camera storage path was changed
    Camera2: add ability to call needAutoFocusCall when using continuous picture
    Camera2: fix power key shutter default behaviour
    Camera2: move back out as privileged app
    Gallery2: Storage configuration options gallery side (2/2)
    Gallery2: Fix invalid private access.
    Gallery2: jni: fix C99 inline linking
    Art: Fix NewLocalRef, NewGlobalRef to handle cleared weak globals.
    DownloadProvider: DownloadProvider: don't allow backups.
    DashClock: Fix plurals on gmail and calendar selection
    Browser: Remove Incognito mode from quick controls since it no longer exists in the ...
    Bluetooth: Fix bluetooth phonebook sync problems on some car kits
    DeskClock: Provide compatibility to existing AlarmClock shortcuts.
    DeskClock: trds: fixed bottom bar color
    Torch: move back out as privileged app
    System core: healtd: Send messages to Android log, not the kernel log
    Frameworks: services: don't clear wallpaper when SystemUI disconnects.
    Frameworks: fix remaining blue dialog dividers
    Frameworks: Sleep Screen Shortcut
    Frameworks: QS: let's welcome LocationTile to 4.4
    Frameworks: SystemUI: Add LongClick SwitchButton (1/2)
    Frameworks: trds: consistent glow for menu dropdown and popup
    Frameworks: privacyguard: Share privacy package name between activity stacks
    Frameworks: Check for homeAsUp status when collapse actionbar widget
    Frameworks: fix possible NPE on power key handling
    Frameworks: Revert "Fix a bootloop problem when /data/system/usagestats/usage-history.xml...
    Frameworks: Fix broken XML parsing idiom.
    Frameworks: XmlUtils#readThisMapXml should handle null keys.
    Frameworks: Fix appwidgets not updating
    Frameworks: Fix blacklist support
    Frameworks: Prevent nullPointerException by updateBondedBluetoothDevices
    Frameworks: NPE in SearchManager.triggerSearch
    Frameworks: Swap volume buttons when the screen is rotated by 90 or 180 degrees
    Frameworks: Show confirmation for deleted screenshot.
    Frameworks: Add same named operator configuration for some operators
    Frameworks: Fix a variety of small publicly-reported bugs.
    Frameworks: Prevent MediaScanner infinite loop with invalid path
    Frameworks: Memory leak: parseObbFile.footer
    Frameworks: fix possible buffer overrun and memory leak
    Frameworks: CompoundButton: Let text can be changed by config
    Frameworks: Re-initialize error after attach
    Frameworks: WifiState: Don't aquire transitionwakelock in airplane mode
    Frameworks: Revert "Fix for Concurrency issue reported in 525529"
    Frameworks: Use highp precision for scaled coordination
    Frameworks: NetworkPolicy: Validate policy templates before updating
    Frameworks: Clear the scan list when an empty list is received
    Frameworks: wlan: Error handling on PNO failure due to active P2P session.
    Frameworks: Close sockets on wpa_supplicant termination.
    Frameworks: add app launch timeline instrumentation
    Frameworks: wlan: Fix for delay in PNO scan trigger after p2p disconnect.
    Frameworks: get proper obb mountpoint based on user handle
    Frameworks: Framework: Minimum Vibration Duration (1/2)
    Frameworks: StatusBarWindow: Fix collapse using Back button
    Frameworks: Keyguard: smooth background change derp fixes
    Frameworks: Revert "SystemUI: update internal state right after hiding transient bars."
    Frameworks: PhoneStatusBar: fix massive surface redraws due to animation race
    Frameworks: UsbDebuggingManager: Fix multiple NPEs toggling USB debugging
    Frameworks: Don't rely on gcc extensions
    Frameworks: Fix memory leak in PatchCache
    Frameworks: Add explicit close of Scanner input
    Frameworks: fix multiuser bug in vibrator service
    Frameworks: add config.xml option to permanently force permanent menu key
    Frameworks: SystemUI: add permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE.
    Frameworks: Add Long-Click to Preference Tile
    Frameworks: Custom Tiles
    Frameworks: QS: no need to rebuild the complete QS on orientation change
    Frameworks: SystemUI: Always show translucent decor on recents panel
    Frameworks: make QS again rtl aware
    Frameworks: QS: fix wrong measurement on 4 or 5 tiles per row on settings panelview
    Frameworks: Fix fatal exception due to missing looper for current thread.
    Frameworks: Cursor leakage due to cancellation signal
    Frameworks: Fix visibility of multiple non-fullscreen activities.
    Frameworks: Fix a JNI local reference leak in MediaDrm
    Frameworks telephony: do only run setCellInfoListRate for RIL version >= 8 old ...
    Frameworks telephony: Fix typo
    Frameworks datetimepicker: trds: darker time picker
    Build: qcom_utils: Update list of QCOM_BOARD_PLATFORMS
    Build: Fix cflags for QC targets
    Bionic: libc: Unbreak build for scorpion
    Telephony/InCallUI/Dialer: Remove non intrusive incall ui
    Telephony/InCallUI/Dialer: Add Incoming Call in Background
    Telephony/InCallUI/Dialer: Flip to Mute/Reject Call
    Telephony/InCallUI/Dialer:add decline and answer incoming call action on notifications
    Frameworks AV: tons of upstream in caf branch for caf based devices
    Lockscreen Notifications WIP Some devices have issues turning off screewake
    Performance Control
    Integrated Xposed and GravityBox
    Custom Quicktiles
    And Some more odds and ends tweaks fixes yadda yadda


    Dialer: trds: dialer update
    In-Call: UI from blue to white
    Mms: improved mms bubbles
    Native: Update HWUI config for xxhdpi/2GB devices
    Settings: recover last location state during on/off switch
    Settings: Apn settings fixes / code maintainence (1/2)
    Settings: Fix FC when trying to adjust radio band via *#*#4636#*#* dialer code.
    Settings: Always show band 0
    Settings: fix exception in BatterySipper.getQuickNameIconForUid
    Settings: Dont show "Erase SD Card" when there is none
    Settings: Address adb backup/restore denials.
    Settings: Fix elapsed time formatting.
    Settings: reorder app security to top
    Settings: Bluetooth: Set alias name only through Rename option
    Settings: Bluetooth: Don't set a null alias before unpairing
    Settings: Fix null pointer exceptions in NetworkPolicyEditor
    System core: healtd: Send messages to Android log, not the kernel log
    Frameworks: services: don't clear wallpaper when SystemUI disconnects.
    Frameworks: fix remaining blue dialog dividers
    Frameworks: Sleep Screen Shortcut
    Frameworks: QS: let's welcome LocationTile to 4.4
    Frameworks: SystemUI: Add LongClick SwitchButton (1/2)
    Frameworks: trds: consistent glow for menu dropdown and popup
    Frameworks: privacyguard: Share privacy package name between activity stacks
    Frameworks: Check for homeAsUp status when collapse actionbar widget
    Frameworks: fix possible NPE on power key handling
    Frameworks: Revert "Fix a bootloop problem when /data/system/usagestats/usage-history.xml...
    Frameworks: Fix broken XML parsing idiom.
    Frameworks: XmlUtils#readThisMapXml should handle null keys.
    Frameworks: Fix appwidgets not updating
    Frameworks: Fix blacklist support
    Frameworks: Prevent nullPointerException by updateBondedBluetoothDevices
    Frameworks: NPE in SearchManager.triggerSearch
    Frameworks: Swap volume buttons when the screen is rotated by 90 or 180 degrees
    Frameworks: Show confirmation for deleted screenshot.
    Frameworks: Add same named operator configuration for some operators
    Frameworks: Fix a variety of small publicly-reported bugs.
    Frameworks: Prevent MediaScanner infinite loop with invalid path
    Frameworks: Memory leak: parseObbFile.footer
    Frameworks: fix possible buffer overrun and memory leak
    Frameworks: CompoundButton: Let text can be changed by config
    Frameworks: Re-initialize error after attach
    Frameworks: WifiState: Don't aquire transitionwakelock in airplane mode
    Frameworks: Revert "Fix for Concurrency issue reported in 525529"
    Frameworks: Use highp precision for scaled coordination
    Frameworks: NetworkPolicy: Validate policy templates before updating
    Frameworks: Clear the scan list when an empty list is received
    Frameworks: wlan: Error handling on PNO failure due to active P2P session.
    Frameworks: Close sockets on wpa_supplicant termination.
    Frameworks: add app launch timeline instrumentation
    Frameworks: wlan: Fix for delay in PNO scan trigger after p2p disconnect.
    Frameworks: get proper obb mountpoint based on user handle
    Frameworks: Framework: Minimum Vibration Duration (1/2)
    Frameworks: StatusBarWindow: Fix collapse using Back button
    Frameworks: Keyguard: smooth background change derp fixes
    Frameworks: Revert "SystemUI: update internal state right after hiding transient bars."
    Frameworks: PhoneStatusBar: fix massive surface redraws due to animation race
    Frameworks: UsbDebuggingManager: Fix multiple NPEs toggling USB debugging
    Frameworks: Don't rely on gcc extensions
    Frameworks: Fix memory leak in PatchCache
    Frameworks: Add explicit close of Scanner input
    Frameworks: fix multiuser bug in vibrator service
    Frameworks: add config.xml option to permanently force permanent menu key
    Frameworks: SystemUI: add permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE.
    Frameworks: Add Long-Click to Preference Tile
    Frameworks: Custom Tiles
    Frameworks: QS: no need to rebuild the complete QS on orientation change
    Frameworks: SystemUI: Always show translucent decor on recents panel
    Frameworks: make QS again rtl aware
    Frameworks: QS: fix wrong measurement on 4 or 5 tiles per row on settings panelview
    Frameworks: Fix fatal exception due to missing looper for current thread.
    Frameworks: Cursor leakage due to cancellation signal
    Frameworks: Fix visibility of multiple non-fullscreen activities.
    Frameworks: Fix a JNI local reference leak in MediaDrm
    Frameworks telephony: do only run setCellInfoListRate for RIL version >= 8 old ...
    Frameworks telephony: Fix typo
    Nfc: Fix NPE in RegisteredAidCache
    Camera2: notify the gallery that camera storage path was changed
    Camera2: add ability to call needAutoFocusCall when using continuous picture
    Camera2: fix power key shutter default behaviour
    Camera2: move back out as privileged app
    Gallery2: Storage configuration options gallery side (2/2)
    Gallery2: Fix invalid private access.
    Gallery2: jni: fix C99 inline linking
    Art: Fix NewLocalRef, NewGlobalRef to handle cleared weak globals.
    DownloadProvider: DownloadProvider: don't allow backups.
    DashClock: Fix plurals on gmail and calendar selection
    Browser: Remove Incognito mode from quick controls since it no longer exists in the ...
    Bluetooth: Fix bluetooth phonebook sync problems on some car kits
    DeskClock: Provide compatibility to existing AlarmClock shortcuts.
    DeskClock: trds: fixed bottom bar color
    Torch: move back out as privileged app
    Build: qcom_utils: Update list of QCOM_BOARD_PLATFORMS
    Build: Fix cflags for QC targets
    Bionic: libc: Unbreak build for scorpion
    Telephony/InCallUI/Dialer: Remove non intrusive incall ui
    Telephony/InCallUI/Dialer: Add Incoming Call in Background
    Telephony/InCallUI/Dialer: Flip to Mute/Reject Call
    Telephony/InCallUI/Dialer:add decline and answer incoming call action on notifications
    Frameworks AV: tons of upstream in caf branch for caf based devices
    Added Privacy and pocketmode to Lockscreen Notifications

    Frameworks base: Return: Custom Carrier Label
    Frameworks base: Return: UMS support
    Frameworks base: Handle backup transport registration dynamically
    Frameworks base: Harden against transiently unavailable backup transports
    Frameworks base: Slims Hardware Key Rebinding
    Frameworks base: Speed up the navbar
    Frameworks base: Make menu unlock configurable
    Frameworks base: SystemUI: Pimp-up Media Tile (double tap during play)
    Frameworks base: finally fix carrier lable shows on first boot sometimes
    Frameworks base: use on virtual POWER_KEY own global menu handling
    Frameworks base: TRDS change auto detect light conditions method
    Frameworks base: Add support for ADB over network
    Frameworks base: Notification : Fix app info long-press
    Frameworks base: core: Added national roaming info for Jazztel Movil in Spain
    Frameworks base: core: added national roaming info for Spring Mobil in Sweden...
    Frameworks base: Initialize pointer members to NULL to avoid illegal reference
    Frameworks base: MediaFocusControl: Deny audio focus if notification stream is 0
    Frameworks base: Set Settings.Global.WIFI_SCAN_ALWAYS_AVAILABLE default value
    Frameworks base: Fix error checking in MemoryFile.
    Frameworks base: Fixed stylus eraser being rejected by palm rejection
    Frameworks base: Fixed incorrect calculation of dirty invalidation area
    Frameworks base: FLAG_PRIVILEGED disappears if privileged app is updated and rebooted
    Frameworks base: Only send storage intents after boot complete
    Frameworks base: Remove unused field from AssetManager.
    Frameworks base: Telephony: Modify code to check that PUK code length is always 8.
    Settings: fix Display settings FC on manta or devices without crt mode effect
    Settings: Remove notification pulse and light for devices without LED
    Settings: Add CPU & RAM info.
    Bionic: Moar optimizations
    dalvik/vm: Dalvik startup with a low memory footprint
    Mms: reload default drawable if it changed during the instance
    DashClock: Added condensed font option
    DashClock: Added separator between extensions
    DashClock: Added text density option
    DashClock: Fixed touch feedback, broken in an earlier commit Fixed clock metrics for ...
    DashClock: some TRDS adjustments
    DashClock: add background color choice + add more colors for text then just ...
    DashClock: add preference theme to NextAlarmSettingsActivity
    DashClock: add src api paths back
    DashClock: make actionbar consisten with KitKat theme and fix
    DashClock: disable backgroundcolor preference if opacity = 0
    DashClock: Fix menu overflow button on dslv
    Updates on display-caf, audio-caf and media-caf
    Updates on frameworks native
    Added Hardware Key Support for Supported devices
    Ported OmniSwitch Seems cool screen position disabled at this time

    More to come........
    Creds to Slim, Vanir, AOSP, Dirty Unicorns, LiquidRoms and all devs and our community that has kept myself and the team motivated

    [COLOR=#000000]Keine Flashanleitung vorhanden, also wie gehabt.

    Von einer anderen ROM kommend:

    - Backup des aktuellen Systems
    - Fullwipe (Factory Reset, Format System)
    - Flash ROM
    - Flash GAPPS
    - Flash SuperSu (flashe ich persönlich immer)
    - eventuell anderen Kernel flashen



    [size=10]Device- [color=#660000]Nexus 6;[/COLOR][/SIZE]
    [size=12][COLOR=#4d4dff]GZR- Tesla[/COLOR][/SIZE]

    6 Mal editiert, zuletzt von fraz14 (6. März 2014 um 20:20)

  • Auf G+

    "Pennywise is starting to roll out 4.3 officials so keep an eye out for your device. Changelog has been updated." ...

    Also bald ne neue Version. Die ersten beiden Geräte wurden gestern geupdated

    Gesendet von meinem Nexus 5 mit Tapatalk

  • Hab mein Backup von der Purity wiederhergestellt, mich hat es etwas gestört das noch viel auf englisch ist und das Wiederherstellen mit Google hat gar nich geklappt bis auf Kontakte und Kalender wurde nichts wieder hergestellt (keine Apps und auch keine Wlan-Netze)

    Gesendet von meinem Nexus 5 mit Tapatalk

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