Hier meine Lieblingsrom. Sie läuft sehr flüssig und stabil. TREX basiert auf Carbon ROM.
[COLOR=#ff0000]Flashen auf eigene Verantwortung!
[size=36][COLOR=#0000ff]TREX by Team T-REX
- Android 4.4.4 (KTU84P) -
- ART Kompatibel -
- TREX-SM-KK-r2.0 -- SaberMod 4.10.0 GCC -- SaberMod Rom toolchains -
- CAF Kernel working -- Theme engine -
-TRDS 3.0 dark base theme "Dark Trex"-
- German menü (Settings) -
- Quiet hours -- Slim PIE -
- Profiles -- Active Display -
- Immersive mode -
- Notification LED Control -
- Network speed indicator -
- Open source google dialer and more -
- Dialoge Transparent -
- Remove Holo Blue Design -- Battery LED Control -- Statusbar Brightness Control -- Customizable Navbar -
- Customizable Power Menu -
- Custom Lockscreen Wallpaper -- Customizable Quicksettings panel -
- Customizable Statusbar -- Lockscreen Targets Customization -- Resents Clear all Button! -- Recents RAM bar -- Lockscreen Blur -
- New CM11 Theme Engine -
- Battery Saver Mode -
- Lockscreen Notifications -- Lockscreen Maximize Widgets Option
- Volume rocker music controls -
- Lockscreen und System sound geändert -- Sound (Nexus 5 Louder) -- Live Volume Steps -
- DSP Manager -- Grafik Engine (BRAVIA Engine with X-Reality Engine) -
- Ram Optimierung Get more RAM and faster responses by disabling verify-bytecode!
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Spoiler anzeigen
[size=14][COLOR=#0000ff]android framework base[/COLOR][/SIZE]
-PackageManager: Fix Service WTF in systemReady()
-PackageManager: Fix logic around upgrading text display
-settings: Enable the status bar double-tap to sleep gesture
-Themes: Use INSTALL_LOCATION_INTERNAL_ONLY for legacy icon packs
-Floating window with Multitasking w AppCircleSideBar [1/3] Patch 10
-Implement App circle sidebar [2/3] Patch 10
-properly check that quickboot is enabled
-Implement DocumentsProvider.createDocument and deleteDocument
-StatusBarView: Ensure to not overload in/out animations
-StatusBarView: Avoid unnecessary calls to mHandler.post()
-ExpandHelper: Improve one finger expanding forced handling
-HOVER: Match notification width on tablets too
-HOVER: Ensure to clear after reparenting all notifications
-HOVER: Fix notification content not being updated
-don't show global actions if shutdown sequence was started
-accounts: don't remove accounts while device is in safe mode
-Show notification on adb over network too
-Fix frontOfTask assignment.
-Theme IME switcher alert dialog
-Keyguard: force marquee effect for carrier text
-Keyguard: fix NPE setting lockscreen wallpaper
-Activity chooser "Always" button is not working
-Wifi: Use bss ->age identifier for wifi scan results
-MountService: Handle UUID in list response
-PackageManager: Add option for single threaded dexopt
-Fix Build
[color=#0000FF]android framework native
android packages apps setting[/COLOR]
-Settings: remove auto_brightness_adjustment_title string
-DisplaySettings: Add hardware-framework support for color enhancement
-Settings: Fix build
[color=#0000FF]android vendor[/COLOR]
android device lge hammerhead
-hammerhead pfad vendor.mk
-new vendor for LG devices
-remove Slim dependencies
-Fix Update hammerhead build fingerprint (KTU84P)
-AOSP blobs (1-3)
[color=#0000FF]android build[/color][color=#0000FF][/color][color=#0000FF][/COLOR]
-Update supported languages
* Remove Uyghur, which has no active maintainer in the past 6 months
* Add Kurdish
-Switch to arm-eabi 4.10 (Kernel) for Hammerhead
[color=#0000FF]android kernel lge hammerhead
trex settings[/COLOR]
-Implement App circle sidebar [2/2] Patch 12
*Add whitelist app to include
*Add Trigger region control
[color=#0000FF]android packages services Telephony[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#0000ff]android packages apps Dialer[/COLOR]
[color=#0000FF]packages apps ContactsCommon[/COLOR]
[size=14][color=#0000FF]android packages apps InCallUI[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[color=#0000FF]android packages apps camera2[/color][color=#0000FF][/color][color=#0000FF][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#0000ff]android packages apps gallery2[/COLOR]
[size=14][color=#0000FF]android packages apps Contacts[/color][color=#0000FF][/color][color=#0000FF][/COLOR]
-quickcontact: fallback to default secondary action drawable
*If the resource package doesn't have a valid resource drawable, then fallback to default drawable[/SIZE]
[color=#0000FF]android packages apps LockGlock[/COLOR]
[color=#0000FF]android development[/color][color=#0000FF][/color][color=#0000FF][/COLOR]
[size=14][COLOR=#000000]----------und vieles mehr----------
[COLOR=#0000ff]update slim 10.06.2014[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Team T-REX auf G+[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#0000ff] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000]- ROM und Gapps herunterladen und auf interne SD-Karte speichern
- Ins Recovery-Menü booten
- Ein Nandroid-Backup erstellen (empfohlen)
- Full-Wipe durchführen: wipe cache/ wipe dalvik cache / Factory-Reset und Format System (wenn Ihr von einen anderen Rom kommt), bei ein update:
WipeCache/Dalvik Cache und Format System
- ROM installieren (select ZIP from SD)
- Gapps installieren (select ZIP from SD)
- Neu starten[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR]
[size=14][color=#000000]ROM:[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Stable Version[/COLOR]
[color=#000000]GAPPS:[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Download[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=#ff0000]Wichtiger Hinweis!!!
Wer Lockscreen- PIN nutzen möchte, muss bitte vorher den SIM- PIN deaktivieren!
Beides zusammen funktioniert nicht, ist noch ein Bug. Wenn ihr beides aktiviert habt, hilft dann nur noch ein (hoffentlich) vorhandenes Backup einzuspielen!
Sobald der Bug behoben ist, wird es hier mitgeteilt!
Falls kein Backup vorhanden ist, hier ein kleiner Trick (danke Montana2) wie ihr die ROM trotzdem ohne Fullwipe zum laufen kriegt. Legt eine SIM- Karte ohne SIM Abfrage ein und deaktiviert den Lockscreen PIN. Dann könnt ihr wieder eure SIM- Karte benutzen.[/COLOR]
[size=14]Das TeamTREX empfiehlt:
Linaro Kernel: [COLOR=#006666]Download[/COLOR]
-O3 Optimized Cortex-A15 - 4.8.3 14.03 Linaro toolchain
Linux 3.4.85
Based on Franco Kernel
[size=14][COLOR=#0000ff] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000]CarbonDev [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]/ [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]Slim Rom [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]/ [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]CyanogenMod [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]/ [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]AOKP