[4.4.4] SlimKat [GT-I9300][stable 9.0][weekly 8.20]

  • [COLOR=#ff0000]Flashen auf eigene Verantwortung!!

    SlimKat ist eine auf AOSP und CM basierende ROM.
    Die Features sind so durchdacht und ausgewählt, dass die ROM schnell und akkusparend ist.
    Bei dieser ROM kommen wöchentliche Updates (weeklys)


    • The real dark Slim - komplette ROM (auch Gapps) wird invertiert mit einem Klick
    • Shortcuts für Lockscreen und Notification drawer
    • Costum Quicksettings
    • SlimPIE
    • SlimRecents
    • Notification Reminder
    • SlimDialer
    • Quiet Hours
    • Slim HeadUps


    • Neuinstallation:

      • Backup vom alten System
      • event. Recovery aktualisieren
      • Fullwipe (Factory Reset / wipe System)
      • Flashen der ROM
      • Flashen der Gapps
      • event. Flashen des Kernels (bei anderem Kernel auch SuperSU flashen)
      • Reboot and have fun :D
    • Update:

      • Wipe Cache/Dalvik (bei neuen Gapps auch wipe system durchführen)
      • Flashen der ROM
      • event. Flashen von neuen Gapps
      • event. Flashen des Kernels (bei anderem Kernel auch SuperSU flashen)
      • Reboot and have fun :D


    • ROM (stable: 8.0)
    • ROM (weeklys)
    • SlimGapps

      • "Hinweis zu den Gapps"

        Hinweis: Bei den Gapps gibt es 3 verschiedene Versionen minimal, normal und full, in dem folgendem Bild seht ihr die Unterschiede


  • hier schon mal der Changelog zur Weekly 3.2

    • Notification Reminders (Another Slim Original Feature)
    • Merge KVT49L
    • Lots of frameworks/opt updates from cm
    • Some qcom/wlan preparation for upcoming moto devices
    • Fix memory leak in Settings
    • Various updates for caf devices in hardware folders and frameworks av/native
    • Updates to hardware/ril from CM
    • Updates to APN list based on CM
    • SlimFileManager fix possible NPE
    • Crespo add fast charge overlay
    • Mako/geeb kernel few changes trying to fix random reboot
    • Various fixes/additions to translations

    denke mal das Build kommt auch bald :)

    Edit: da ist es :)


  • Weekly 3.4 ist da


    Gesendet von meinem Nexus 5 mit Tapatalk


    • Framework: Speed up booting on multicore devices.
    • Framework: Finish fixing Zygote descriptor leakage problem
    • Framework: A background started service is removed from mStartingBackground
    • Framework: Remove java.io.tmpdir assignment in AndroidRuntime.
    • Framework: Fixed a possible infinite loop in JsonReader#skipValue()
    • Framework: Structure device not freed in error case
    • Framework: Tethering: Skip link local addresses when enabling NAT
    • Framework: Fix, MountService now only sends one onShutDownComplete
    • Framework: Release locked buffer when it fails to acquire graphics buffer
    • Framework: EGL14.eglCreateWindowSurface should set producerControlledByApp
    • Framework: Notification Reminder Interval && Fixes (1/2)
    • Framework: Slim recent app screen
    • Framework: SlimRecents - add TRDS
    • Framework: Do proper recent preload on hw key rebinding.
    • Framework: Signal strength: add more checks to signal strength,
    • Framework: Fix GSM signal strength
    • System extras: Avoid underflow on an unsigned int when computering bg overrun
    • System extras: libpagemap: fix memory leak in pm_process_destroy()
    • System extras: use BIONIC implementation of mmap64
    • System extras: procrank: Use %zu for size_t and %d for pid_t
    • System extras: procmem: Use size_t instead of int to remove a potential bug.
    • Hardware ril: libril: Provide support for legacy ril
    • Libhardware: hwcomposer: Add HWC_BLIT compositiontype value
    • Libhardware: Add sound card status parameter
    • Art/dalvik/system core: Remove old fork-and-specialize API
    • Browser: Fix the problem that the favicons on the history page are shown ramdomly
    • Cardslib: Rework expanded/collapse feature on listviews
    • Cardslib: add tiny optimization and use a viewholder + cleanup
    • Cardslib: use viewholder in the different card layouts
    • Cardslib: add trds drawables
    • Frameworks av: Major upstreams
    • Frameworks native: Major upstreams
    • Translations: A lot updates
    • General: as usual a lot fixes and device work and upstream. Check the build specific changelog for it.
  • Sind hier S3 User welche die ROM drauf haben? Ich hab folgendes Problem, die externe SD wird im Datei-Explorer doppelt angezeigt und wenn Bilder gelöscht werden sind sie nach einem Reboot wieder da

    ich hab das gerade mal ausprobiert und die Foto's die ich gelöscht habe, waren nach dem Reboot nicht vorhanden. Ich sehe aber auch keine doppelt angezeigte SD Karte... mmmh komisch...

    [size=8]gesendet von irgendwo[/SIZE]

  • Neue Weekly


    Gesendet von meinem Nexus 5 mit Tapatalk


    Smart pull down to SlimActions
    Notification Reminder new layout and fixes
    Allow SlimRecents to be closed in the middle of animation
    Fix 3rd party recents call on SlimRecents
    Allow IME board alive while SlimRecents is open
    Make SlimRecents multiuser compatible
    Fix random fc on pinch to close all
    Frameworks: go kikat + style tweaks and follow googles colour scheme
    Smooth spinners
    Allow virtual keys to preload recents
    SlimRecents call app details correctly
    PackageManager: Fix reconnection logic in installer
    Massive update from upstream to caf frameworks/av & libhardware
    Some Bionic optimizations for cortex-a15
    Some fixes to our bluetooth repos
    Browser: Various fixes
    Smdk4412: updates to touchwake (kernel and device settings)
    p31xx & p51xx: Bluetooth changes
    Rhine: add radish blobs
    Honami: Various optimization to glibc and rwsem to kernel
    G2: update power profiles
    G2: add usb to ipv6
    Mako/Geeb: Readd sl(aou)b updates, zram optimizations, mpdecision/thermald updates and compile with linaro 4.8.
    Mako/Geeb: Disable boost pulse and depend on cpu governor, set interactive as default
    Update on translations
    Various other fixes and optimizations

  • gibt natürlich auch die 3.8 weekly :D



  • Hatte mal einen kurzen abstecher auf eine Sammy rom gemacht und bin jetzt wieder komplett clean auf die SlimKat 3.8 zurück. In der Standard Galerie habe ich jetzt einfach graue Bilder ??? keine Ahnung was das ist... in Quickpic erscheinen diese aber nicht... echt komisch.
    Bluetooth funktioniert auch noch nicht mit meinem Autoradio... naja aber ich hab auf Sammy keinen Bock und bleibe bei Slim :moustach:

  • Neu SlimKat Weekly 3.9 ist raus.

    ROM: Downloads - i9300 - Slim-i9300-4.4.2.build.3.9-WEEKLY-3389

    Gapps: Downloads - Addons4.4

    Gesendet von meinem Nexus 5 mit Tapatalk

  • Weekly 3.10 ist da



    • Fix SystemUI memory leak and some cleanup
    • Fix linnked volumes does not persist on reboot
    • Fix possible NPE and missing expandable panel
    • Fix lockscreen slider logic
    • Recents do not kill favorite apps
    • Fix kill all recents fc
    • Check if faceunlock is disabled
    • Change sql to improve performance
    • Various small fixes for DSPManager
    • Dialer/UnCallUI/Telephony code cleanup
    • CM upstream to keymaster
    • Quite Hours automatic switch
    • Add "is starred" to quite hours
    • Disable keyguard widget frame
    • Lockscreen rotation optional
    • Fix pin-layout
    • Fix palm rejection (Galaxy Note devices)
    • Fix possible ANR and navigation freeze
    • Fix possible denial with selinux
    • Fix Gallery permissions for extsdcard
    • Massive update to frameworks av, frameworks native, system_core, audio-caf, display-caf, media-caf. for caf devices from cm
    • Various tweaks to jf and d2 devices
    • G2 lots of kernel and device changes
    • Upstream for smdk4412 camera driver
    • P51xx/P3100 fix sim-pin
    • Fix Xperia Z1 6902 ril problem
    • Mako/geeb: Update kernel to 3.4.83 && tune CPU boost
    • Hammerhead: small kernel fixes
    • d2lte: various network fixes
    • Update various translations
    • Gapps: update Google Play Services, added Google Music TRDS version, Playstore TRDS fixes, update Google+
  • Neue stable is da


    Gesendet von meinem Nexus 5 mit Tapatalk

    Changelog zum Build 4.0 stable

    • Framework: Fix LTE tile
    • Framework: SlimPie: turn on HA on highEndGfx devices
    • Framework: Add Landscape layout for ECA
    • Framework: Add support for QC's time_daemon
    • Framework: SystemUI: Remove broadcast from QH toggles
    • Settings: QuierHours service: call with qualified user and introduce controller
    • Settings: Fix possible illegal argument exception
    • Camera2: if camera HAL does not return valid picture formats do not show wrong values.
    • Device specific: several fixes and upstream. See attached changelog on the device download
    • Gapps: Complete rework of the gapps package. Update to Google Music, Google YouTube, Google PlayStore TRDS


    neue Gapps sind auch da


  • Changelog zu Weekly 4.2:

    • SlimRecents fix 50ms unresponsiveness

    • Chamber of Secrets string edit

    • Chamber of Secrets add global database

    • Fix slow start for settigns/sound

    • Fix avrcp absolute volume

    • Do not show Home behind full screen activity

    • Fix Airplane mode on/off

    • Parallel shutdown

    • Great deal of fixes and optimizations for frameworks base

    • TWRP updated to 7.0+ (for devices with recovery in boot.zip)

    • Update busybox

    • Some updates to hardware_qcom_audio-caf

    • Some updates to frameworks_av

    Device specifc

    • Mako/Geeb: Update kernel to 3.4.85 and some code fixes
    • Hammerhead: Massive kernel changes for video handling
    • Honami: Merge sony 4.4 source (we are now CAF)
    • Yuga: Updates to kernel
    • D2/JF starting unified builds
    • I9300/T0lte: Audio changes on rom side
    • G2: Major kernel changes

    Neue Weekly ist jetzt online

    Download Weekly 4.2

  • Changelog zur 4.4

    • Frameworks: Allow Power Notification Sounds for Wireless
    • Frameworks: navigation bar IME cursor control
    • Frameworks: SlimRecents: Make expanded layout pretty
    • Frameworks: SlimRecents: user configurable default expanded mode
    • Frameworks: SlimRecents pass gesture detector to the cardslistview
    • Frameworks: Don't recreate controllers.
    • Cardslib: CardsListView allow to touchevents from swipetodismiss for gesture
    • Cardslib: do not pass trough touch event to gesture listener during swipe
    • Qcom power: Skip build if perf enabled
    • Qcom power: Option for disabling input boost
    • Qcom power: Make NO_TOUCH_BOOST the default
    • Qcom power: This HAL is only for Google devices
    • Qcom power: Additional guards
    • Qcom power: Deal with TARGET_POWERHAL_VARIANT
    • OpemSSL: Add heartbeat extension bounds check.
    • Frameworks av/media/audio/display for caf variants got major CAF upstream
    • A lot device specific kernel and device tree changes (see changelogs shipped with the builds)
    • Translations


    Download Weekly 4.2

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