die Weekly 4.6 kam gestern und dazu noch ein Update bei den Gapps
- Framework: Shake to Temporarily Secure && Fixes
- Framework: SystemUI: Custom Tile - add Global && Create Small API
- Framework: Revert "SystemUI: Remove broadcast from QH toggles"
- Framework: Revert "Base: Check ProcessesReady before broadcast"
- Framework: Revert "Insufficient ProcessRecord cleanup when persistent process is killed"
- Framework: SlimRecents: fix sometimes missing first task
- Frameworks: apple can do...we can do as well
- Vendor: Add Hondura Tigo apn
- Vendor: Fix APN typo
- Vendor: apns: Add type default for Sprint.
- Frameworks (caf): Make the default value of in-call noise suppression configurable.
- Frameworks (caf): Call setDirtyRect to update dirty rectangle
- Frameworks (caf): Display: Dirty region propagation
- Frameworks (caf): Fix the value type of def_noise_suppression
- Vendor LGE: Revert "hammerhead: change gps blobs"
- Telephony: Implement SIM card management
- Art: Avoid unnecessary copy of dex_gc_map.
- Tons of device specific upstream and fixes
- Tons of kernel ehancements.
- Gapps update (more google camera compatibility fixes, new YouTube)
General notes:
- If you want to clean flash. Just follow the usual clean flash instructions here
- Dirty flashers do the following: Format system manually....flash SlimKat build, flash new gapps and boot up.
- If you did not update the gapps which were published during the week the notes here are still valid
- Photosphere addon package was dropped now. The new google camera is available over the PlayStore as replacement and can be installed as second camera without problems.
Device specific notes:
- i9300 and t0lte got major camera driver changes. Initial tests seems to work well for us. We need now a wider test. So do a backup of the prior install, install the new build and let us know if it is working better then before
- m7att, m7tmo and m7ul are unified now and for all this devices you just need to download the m7 build. m7spr and m7vzw will stay like it was.