Super SU v.2.76 stable

  • Heute möchte ich euch die App Super SU vorstellen.

    Super SU ist notwendig um eure Apps zu verwalten die Rootrechte benötigen


    • Root Vergabe, Verwaltung und Benachrichtigung
    • Benachrichtigungseinstellung für jede App möglich
    • zeitweise und dauerhafte Rootdeaktivierung
    • Deep process detection (no more unknowns)
    • funktioniert im Recovery (no more segfaulting)
    • arbeitet wenn Android nicht richtig bootet
    • Works with non-standard shell locations
    • läuft im ghost mode
    • Wake-on-Eingabeaufforderung
    • lääst sich als Systemapp einstellen
    • Backup-Skript für CyanogenMod
    • 5 verschiedene Icons für den Launcher wählbar (auch unsichtbar)
    • 4 verschieden Designs
    • App start über Dialer: *#*#1234#*#* or *#*#7873778#*#* (*#*#SUPERSU#*#*)

    [color=#FF0000]Hinweis:[/COLOR] Bei manchen Geräten funktioniert nur ein Code, und bei manchen wird *# nur einmal benötigt statt zweimal.

    zusätzliche Features der Pro-Version:

    • OTA survival mode (no guarantees)
    • farbcodierte Befehle in Verwaltung (input/output/error)
    • Protokollierung für jede App einstellbar
    • gemachte Eingaben lassen sich für jede App überschreiben
    • Rootvergabe oder -ablehnung für eine bestimmte Zeit
    • PIN Schutz / PIN Schutz auch für einzelne Apps einstellbar
    • einstellbarer Countdown für Ablehnung, wenn keine Eingabe erfolgt


    Für bessere Performance empfiehlt der Entwickler der App, die Benachrichtigungen der App abzuschalten.(Pro-Version)


    Wenn das Gerät bereits mit SuperSU gerootet ist empfiehlt sich das Update über den PlayStore zu machen.


    "Changelog älterer Versionen"

    19.05.2016 - v.2.74 - Beta
    - supolicy/sukernel: Prevent security updates to SELinux from being applied
    - sukernel: backup and restore modified ramdisk files, to be able to re-root if boot image backup got lost
    - ZIP: Only show TWRP warning on TWRP v2.x

    10.05.2016 - v2.72 - BETA
    - Add support for ChromeOS boot images (Pixel C)
    - supolicy: Fix logging to logcat for some processes on some firmwares
    - supolicy: Fix fsck of /data/su.img being denied on some firmwares
    - ZIP: Add LESSLOGGING flag
    - ZIP: Add KEEPVERITY flag
    - ZIP: Also read flags from /cache/.supersu (aside from /data/.supersu and /system/.supersu)

    31.03.2016 - v2.71 - BETA
    - Massive speed improvement in handling permissive domains
    - N/RC/BETA merged with normal BETA release

    14.03.2016 - v2.70 - BETA RC
    - Rewrote re-enabling root after temp-disable
    - supolicy: Improve permissive domain handling
    - N: Disable forced encryption
    - N: Fix remounting /system for some apps (relatime becomes noatime for ro mounts)
    - ZIP: call users scripts without setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH

    13.03.2016 - v2.69 - BETA RC
    - su: Escape from audit-based safe mode
    - supolicy: Update to new v30 sepolicy format
    - supolicy: Add support for special case M sepolicy format
    - supolicy: Add support for XPERM rules
    - sukernel: Add support for binary version of file_contexts
    - ZIP: Create mount point in ramdisk instead of script
    - ZIP: Add support for binary version of file_contexts
    - BINDSYSTEMXBIN: Now disabled by default
    - launch_daemonsu: Perform fsck before mounting

    28.02.2016 - v2.68 - BETA - [color=#0066CC]RELEASE NOTES[/COLOR]
    - su: Add -mns/--mount-namespace option
    - su: Fix issue with sdcard on Note4/5.1
    - sukernel: Fix issue where writing to /dev could truncate early at 64k barriers
    - supolicy: Fix logcat issue on Omni/CM/etc
    - supolicy: Disable AUDITDENY entries, to make debugging easier for devs
    - supolicy: Extend fake-permissive to work with new [color=#0066CC]Samsung[/COLOR] firmwares
    - ZIP: Fix TWRP log truncating and screen output on installs embedded in other ZIPs
    - ZIP: Improve loopback device setup handling
    - ZIP: Add PERMISSIVE flag
    - ZIP: Move variable reading to after /system and /data have been mounted
    - ZIP: Added call to custom patcher script, if any (/data/
    - ZIP: chmod 0751 /su/bin

    21.01.2016 - v2.67 - BETA
    - (systemless) Improved deep sleep fix for Samsung 5.1+
    - (systemless) Added fallback method to mounting /su on system boot
    - supolicy: fix bug copying system_server capabilities to init
    - supolicy: replaced transitions: copy capabilities and attributes, silence audits
    - supolicy: work-around shell-based services being executed as undefined_service on Samsung 5.1+
    - sukernel: refuse to patch ChromeOS boot image
    - FSTABSYSTEMRW: flag removed; worked around remount /system r/w issue
    - ZIP: improved handling of loop devices
    - ZIP: detect boot image partition being a symlink to a file on /data, and skip wipe if so
    - Updated translation files

    03.01.2016 - v2.66 - BETA
    - (systemless): Add deep sleep fix for Samsung 5.1+
    - supolicy: Adjust Samsung 6.0 init shell
    - ZIP: Patch recovery SELinux policy
    - ZIP: Improve su.img mounting

    26.12.2015 - v2.65
    - (systemless) Add /su/xbin to su.img and PATH
    - ZIP: Fixed force close issue when custom boot image is used
    - ZIP: Reworked remounting (prevents bugged write to r/o /system on flo)
    - ZIP: Added warning that first reboot may take a few minutes/loops

    20.12.2015 - v2.64 - BETA
    - (systemless) Detect more boot image partition names
    - (systemless) Blank partitions before writing to them
    - (systemless) Ask to restore boot and recovery images on full unroot
    - (systemless) Implement "uninstall competing superuser apps"
    - (systemless) [color=#0066CC]Samsung[/COLOR]: prevent "KERNEL IS NOT SEANDROID ENFORCING" warning
    - (systemless) Cleanup system install properly if present, fixes a number of possible bootloops
    - ZIP: 6.0+: Detect firmwares that can reload sepolicy from /data and use system-based root on these ("allow init kernel:security { load_policy }")
    - supolicy: Additional SELinux patches for M (reduced logging only)
    - Update translations

    10.12.2015 - v2.62 - BETA
    - (systemless) Do not attempt to patch fstab symlinks
    - (systemless) Implement feature to en/disable Superuser
    - (systemless) Poor man's overlay on /system/xbin for compatibility reasons (hopefully temporary) [BINDSYSTEMXBIN]
    - (systemless) ZIP: Add reading setup variables from /system/.supersu and /data/.supersu
    - (systemless) ZIP: Add option to patch /system to rw in fstab [FSTABSYSTEMRW]
    - (systemless) ZIP: Added call to custom patcher script, if an(/data/

    07.12.2015 - v2.61 - BETA
    - (systemless) Fix kernel partition detection for some Intel devices
    - (systemless) Added warning not to allow TWRP to install its own SuperSU version
    - (systemless) Wipe /data/security/ on flash
    - (systemless) Simplified kernel partition detection
    - (systemless) Added /system cleanup if needed, /data cleanup always
    - (systemless) Fix fstab verity removal for devices that do not list partition in the option
    - Full unroot: set partition read/write before writing to it
    - ZIP: Silence many error message writing to TWRP's recovery log
    - ZIP: Added more documentation to the script

    05.12.2015 - v2.60 - BETA
    - (systemless) Fixed ZIP installer breaking Pro
    - (systemless) Added automatic kernel patcher to ZIP installer
    - (systemless) Added sukernel tool
    - (systemless) Bind mount /system/[x]bin/su to /su/bin/su
    - (systemless) Fixed cleanup options in settings
    - (systemless) Now available for 5.1.x (by default for Samsung only, full unroot/reflash system before update)
    - Made reworked context switching available to 5.1.x (testing, should come to more APIs soon)
    - Fixed recursive mount issue on Samsung 5.1.x that could ultimately lead to root being lost

    30.10.2015 - v2.56 - BETA
    - Support for systemless su binary locations

    10.10.2015 - v2.52 - BETA
    - Adjusted more policies for M
    - Fixed an issue with reading logs on M
    - Reworked --context/--cn parameter (testing, currently M only, should eventually move to all APIs)

    08.10.2015 - v2.51 - BETA
    - Add support for x86 PIE binaries

    06.10.2015 - v2.50 - BETA
    - Fixed tapjacking protection not working < 4.4.3 (AOSP issue 54193)
    - Updated libsupol headers
    - armv5/x86 binaries now NDK built instead of AOSP
    - supolicy adjustments for Samsung 5.1.1
    - Removed extra donation feature
    - Toybox support

    02.04.2015 - v2.48 - BETA
    - TWRP/M9 issue fixed

    02.04.2015 - v2.47 - BETA
    - Improved King removal
    - Detect 'OEM' (bad) TWRP

    13.02.2015 - v2.46 - in staged Play roll-out
    - Backupscript adjustments
    - Remove more alternate su binaries

    20.01.2015 - v2.45 - in staged Play roll-out
    - Installer adjustments
    - Backupscript adjustments
    - Updated language files

    07.01.2015 - v2.44 - BETA
    - su.d scripts no longer use logwrapper, this can prevent some scripts from running
    - supolicy timing adjustment (MotoG 2014 fix?)

    03.01.2015 - v2.43 - BETA
    - Backuptool script adjusted again
    - Fix native NPE in username resolution
    - Fix some update failures when coming from a different root tool on 5.0
    - LD_PRELOAD sanitization
    - (C) 2015

    21.12.2014 - v2.42 - BETA
    - Fix rootfs remount issue that could lead to strange behavior on (for example) HTC M7 and M8
    - Backuptool support for /system/su.d
    - Some policy adjustments for CM12

    17.12.2014 - v2.41 - BETA
    - Improved dumpstate work-around
    - Improved killing dead per-uid daemonsu
    - Backuptool support for Lollipop

    16.12.2014 - v2.40
    - /system/su.d now executed for all daemonsu firmwares
    - Adjust sysinit context if present
    - Updated language files

    10.12.2014 - v2.39 - BETA
    - Skip reverse connection watch on firmwares using supolicy (SGS5 5.0 fix?)
    - Fixed daemonsu not starting on truly permissive Lollipop
    - Adjust daemonisation code
    - Small L theme adjustments
    - Updated language files

    07.12.2014 - v2.38 - BETA
    - Watch for and kill dead per-uid daemonsu (SGS5 5.0 fix?)
    - Fix crash on clearing logs on 2.x
    - Fix possible NPE on open
    - Fix possible NPE on en/disable root
    - Moved additional donations to the bottom of settings
    - Small L theme adjustments

    01.12.2014 - v2.37 (Gingerbread?
    - Binary update requires less space on /system
    - Updated language files

    28.11.2014 - v2.36
    - Use material theme on 5.0 when launched from settings
    - Fixed crash on 2.x and 3.x devices
    - Fixed TWRP installer issue for 4.2
    - Updated language files

    27.11.2014 - v2.35 - RELEASE NOTES
    - Fix mount namespace separation somtimes being disabled
    - Donations via IAPs (user request)

    25.11.2014 - v2.30 - BETA - RELEASE NOTES
    - Layout adjustments for Nexus Player
    - Installer adjustments for latest TWRPs
    - Hiding icon now also hides from Leanback launcher
    - Icon replacements
    - ACCESS_SUPERUSER permission is gone

    20.11.2014 - v2.27 - BETA
    - 3rd generation app_process hijack

    19.11.2014 - v2.24, v2.25 - BETA
    - Updated policy patches

    17.11.2014 - v2.23 - BETA
    - Add PID tracer (--id) option to su
    - Updated policy patches

    16.11.2014 - v2.22 - BETA
    - Fixed double refresh icon in logs in Holo theme (one should be delete)
    - Add option to stop asking about disabling KNOX
    - Updated backuptool script
    - Disallow root access via daemonsu
    - Updated policy patches
    - Added kernel patching support
    - API >= 19: run /system/su.d/* after SELinux policy patched
    - Hide OTA survival option on L, not currently supported
    - Adjust app title based on Pro status
    - Fix disconnected daemonsu process gobbling up CPU
    - More L theming

    05.11.2014 - v2.19 - BETA
    - Fixed various issues with 64-bit
    - Fixed various issues with 5.0 path handling
    - Fixed notifications sometimes showing up, even when disabled
    - More L theming

    04.11.2014 - v2.18
    - intermediate Nexus9 version only
    - Fixed various issues with 64-bit
    - Apps fragment logs area hidden and refreshed automatically
    - More L theming

    31.10.2014 - v2.17 - BETA
    - Fix inifinite loop caused by forced language change
    - Fix SIGSEGV in daemonsu on sugote close with non-pty STDIN
    - Clear app's data directories after full uninstall -
    - supolicy now linked dynamically
    - setprop supolicy.loaded 1, and execute /system/xbin/ after supolicy runs at system boot
    - Allow SuperSU GUI to be used without an up-to-date binary
    - More L theming

    25.10.2014 - v2.16 stable-ish
    - Fix UID based grants being forgotten on reboot
    - Fix display names of some edge cases (excluding in logs), and prevent these from being forgotten on reboot
    - Various theme options added
    - Added some basic material theming for L (no backport to 4.x), now default
    - Automatic restart app if theme changed
    - Automatically restart app if language is changed
    - Fixed multilanguage support on L

    23.10.2014 - v2.15 - BETA
    - Fix sugote crash (NDK builds only) (cause for endless loading on apps/logs tab)
    - Fix binary detection if switched from enforcing to permissive after boot
    - Fix supolicy requirement < 19, not used there (yet)

    15.10.2014 - v2.14
    - Moved up PIE, MIPS and ARMV7 support from 4.1+ to 4.2+, fixes installer issues on 4.1 with OTA survival enabled
    (fixes a number of binary update issues)

    10.10.2014 - v2.13 - RELEASE NOTES
    - Improved support for Android TV (adjusted icon, disable some features, use device default theme by default, etc)
    - Updated language files

    05.10.2014 - v2.12 - BETA
    - Parse UID names to numbers manually if the system fails to do it
    - Fix system user not gaining root even if "trust system user" enabled
    - Transition to init context if started in init_shell context (if possible)
    - Adjust boot sequence for encrypted devices
    - Support MCS for -cn/--context switch
    - Silence a larger number of audits on latest AOSP/L
    - Many small changes to fix support for latest AOSP/L
    - Secondary users are no longer able to change trust system or respect CM settings

    25.09.2014 - v2.11 - BETA
    - Fixed several errors in the binary updater related to both SELinux and 64-bit binaries
    - Added experimental supolicy binary

    24.09.2014 - v2.10 - BETA
    - Fix root access being forgotten for apps interested in overlay hide notifications
    - Check for removed apps at boot, and forget their settings if re-authentication is enabled
    - AmazonAppstore support
    - Updated language files

    19.09.2014 - v2.09 - BETA
    - Remove APK restriction to install to ARM and X86 only (issue for MIPS)
    - Adjust recovery binary installer (some commands may have failed in 2.08)
    - Notify interested apps (with root granted) when overlays need to be hidden

    12.09.2014 - v2.08 - BETA
    - Transition to init context if started in kernel context
    - Experimental builds for armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86-64, mips, mips64
    - Fixed erroneous fd close that could cause su session freezes

    08.09.2014 - v2.06 - BETA
    - Fixed occasional freezes and wrong exit code in sugote

    02.09.2014 - v2.05 - BETA
    - Remove busybox dependency in TWRP/CWM binary updater
    - Fixed missing sugote-mksh in backupscript
    - Fixed install script wiping out SuperSU Pro
    - Added option to disable mountnamespace separation

    19.08.2014 - v2.04 - BETA
    - Fix bug where grant as default access still showed a prompt
    - Added reboot button in dialog after binary update
    - Added tapjacking protection - may cause issues with screen dimming apps!
    - Added removing Team Venom SU
    - Added new dalvik-cache paths to clear on package maintenance

    07.08.2014 - v2.03 - BETA
    - Fix exitcode sometimes being wrong when full content logging is enabled
    - Fix automatic OTA survival

    27.07.2014 - v2.02 - RELEASE NOTES
    - Fix internal zygote crashes on L preview
    - Fix issues with L preview when SELinux set to permissive
    - Fix un/reinstall of apps causing a UID mismatch, causing auto-deny
    - Added notification telling user when binary needs to be updated
    - Updated language files

    30.06.2014 - v2.01 - RELEASE NOTES
    - Update normal, TWRP/CWM, and CF-Auto-Root installers for changes in "L" preview (no binary update)

    18.06.2014 - v2.00
    (includes all v1.98 and v1.99r1/2/3/4/5 changelogs)
    - Fixed issue in CWM/TWRP binary updater
    - Update backuptool script for sugote
    - Fixed binary detection issue on 4.2.2 and older
    - Fixed context switch issue that could prevent confirmation popups from showing
    - Fixed some installer issues
    - Fixed an in-app update issue
    - Further updates for new AOSP changes
    - Fix prompt dialog timer display
    - Prevent prompt dialog closing when tapping outside window
    - Requests are automatically denied after 10 seconds if the screen is not unlocked
    - Fixed property access on 4.2.2 and older
    - Fixed busybox-related version detection issue (busybox symlinking FTL)
    - Fixed occasional automatic refresh of displayed logs not happening
    - Added toast display of silently denied apps during screen-off (notifications enabled, HoneyComb+)
    - Fixed casewhere u:r:system_server:s0 context did not work (sugote-mksh added)
    - Tapping outside of popup dialogs no longer closes them
    - Fixed boot complete detection
    - Default for respect CM root settings is now false
    - Updated language files

    18.05.2014 - v1.97 - RELEASE NOTES
    - Massive implementation changes for next version of Android (devs: see How-To SU update and G+ post)
    - Permissive SELinux installs now also use non-system mksh by default
    - Fixed current working directory sometimes not being copied
    - Fixed rare issue that could lead to high CPU use
    - Fixed a few binary update failure causes
    - Some special cases of failed binary update are now auto-corrected at boot
    - Hardcode shell commands to toolbox instead of symlinks
    - Updated language files

    27.03.2014 - v1.94
    - Fix FC for latest Note2 and S5 firmwares

    06.02.2014 - v1.93 - RELEASE NOTES
    - Add --mount-master option to su binary
    - Fix for am crash (no GUI popups) when daemonsu started from an exceptionally early init.d
    - Improved terminal support (changing dimensions)
    - Remove daemonsu STDOUT/STDERR noise
    - Cleaned custom process names
    - Updated language files

    20.01.2014 - v1.91
    - New -cn/--context parameter for su binary (devs: see How-To SU update)
    - Handle mksh being switched out for sh
    - Daemon forces new session immediately at launch (moved up)
    - Fixed reading dynamic properties on 4.4 (update ASAP if 4.4 user)
    - Fixed issue where root wasn't granted on CM
    - Updated language files

    10.01.2014 - v1.89 (non-Play)
    - Add support for Samsung4.4
    - Update copyright notices to 2014

    17.12.2013 - v1.86
    - Fixed non-priv root on some SELinux/Enforcing devices
    - Fixed crash on credit display on older devices
    - Updated language files

    15.12.2013 - v1.85
    - Fix su to non-root user on 4.3+
    - Fix su permission reset on 4.4 (will not be an issue until Samsungcomes out with stock 4.4 ROMs)
    - Fix am crash due to external storage not being defined
    - App now offers to install backup script if ROM supports it
    - Expand trust system setting to include all higher-than-shell users
    - Added credits display
    - Completely removed nag capability
    - Lots of code changes

    26.11.2013 - v1.80
    - Fixed x86 breakage
    - Workaround x86 (bionic) credential checking failure
    - Fixed ZIP oddities that may break installation
    - Binary now denies root if PIN code set previously but GUI not present
    - Su during boot behavior is now configurable (allow if no GUI installed)
    - Renamed temporary internal shell
    - Added question to disable KNOX popups if present
    - Added option to enforce ACCESS_SUPERUSER permission
    - Fixed some devices losing root

    20.11.2013 - v1.75
    - Added xxxhdpi icons (if available)
    - Fixed issues with sd-ext based ROMs
    - Updated language files

    17.11.2013 - v1.72 BETA
    - Fixed OTA survival 4.3 --> 4.4
    - Fixed unresponsive tabs on 2.x devices
    - Fixed white flicker when using dark theme
    - Fixed issue with language resetting on some firmwares
    - Fixed upgrading from CWM SU to SuperSU on 4.3+ without reboot
    - Added mgyun root (vroot) uninstall procedure
    - Added xxhdpi icons (if available)
    - Stop touching .has_su_daemon
    - Several dozen security hardening commits (mini-audit by Kevin Cernekee)

    13.11.2013 - v1.69
    - XBIN mode (some new roots need this)
    - Slightly adjusted binary installer
    - Backup script installation now available for all backuptool-capable ROMs
    - Fixed su-ing to a non-root user not working on some 4.3+ firmwares
    - Fixed BOOTCLASSPATH vulnerability (CVE-2013-6774)
    - Fixed notification sanitization vulnerability (CVE-2013-6775)
    - Fixed possible closed special files vulnerability
    - Updated language files

    10.09.2013 - v1.65
    - Brought back ARMv5 compatibility
    - Fixed compatibility issues with Android 2.x
    - Updated language files
    - ZIP: combined ARM+x86 support

    05.09.2013 - v1.60
    - Added SELinux+Enforcing compatibility (for new SGS4 ROMs)
    - Fixed (newest) CWM versions asking you question that break root if answered wrongly
    - Fixed issue with the TWRP/CWM binary installer
    - Fixed 4.3 OTA survival looping

    31.08.2013 - v1.55
    - 4.3: Reworked OTA survival - should work properly now, and no longer causes OTA errors (also: +i removed from install-recovery)
    - Daemon: client ENV is now provided to su'd calls
    - Updated language files

    29.07.2013 - v1.51
    - Some 4.3 time-handling code caused problems on < 4.3 devices, making some root apps stop working

    29.07.2013 - v1.50
    - Daemon: proper storage mounts
    - Daemon: per-uid mountnamespace
    - Daemon: another exitcode issue fix
    - Daemon: adjusted reload code
    - Daemon: descriptive process names
    - GUI: added reboot advisory after binary update
    - ARCH: Only ARMv7 and X86 are now supported, ARMv5 dropped
    - ZIP: install also to and init.d

    27.07.2013 - v1.45
    - Daemon: fixed exitcode not always being passed from child shell to calling process
    - Daemon: fixed possible credential check bypass
    - GUI: now also updates

    25.07.2013 - v1.43
    - Daemon: code/security mini-audit by Joshua J. Drake
    - Daemon: cwd is now respected
    - Daemon: auto-daemon feature
    - Deamon: fixed cpu spike issue
    - Daemon: symlinks sdcard (temporary)
    - TWRP-based update: fixed script error
    - GUI: Added 4.3 update notice
    - GUI: Removed full content logging global warning
    - Updated language files

    04.07.2013 - v1.41
    - Fixed issue with TiBu in daemon mode
    - Updated language files

    03.07.2013 - v1.39
    - Fixed full content logging with terminal apps
    - Logs now use monospace fonts
    - Added daemon mode for hard-to-root firmwares

    15.06.2013 - v1.34
    - Fixed various problems when accessibility options are enabled
    - Fixed NPE in log screen
    - Updated language files

    07.06.2013 - v1.32
    - Fixed bug in detection ACCESS_SUPERUSER permission
    - Updated language files

    21.05.2013 - v1.30
    - Updated binary to work on some newer Samsungfirmwares
    - Nagging has done its job for now - disabled again
    - Added backup script and CWM SU files to full unroot file removal
    - Added option to remove other superuser apps
    - Updated languages files

    03.03.2013 - v1.25
    - Fixed permission display on Play
    - Fixed crash on open and immediate close
    - Ask again time choice is now remembered per-app
    - Updated language files

    28.02.2013 - v1.20
    - Added basic tablettheme
    - New prompt activity for >= API 14 (Android 4.0)
    - Changed default theme+icon to light+emblem (you can change it back in settings, if you want)
    - Fixed custom dialog box themes in light+darkactionbar theme
    - Fixed issues with the light theme
    - Various minor modifications to UI
    - Several security improvements
    - Added TWRP/CWM binary installer
    - android.permission.ACCESS_SUPERUSER - detection and display (disabled by default, see settings)
    - Fixed process name detection issue
    - Freeloader option (I'm not sure this is staying, so enjoy it while you can)
    - Internal refactoring
    - Updated language files

    23.02.2013 - v1.10
    - Added support for x86 devices
    - Added basic multi-user support
    - Language files updated

    20.02.2013 - v1.05
    - Fixed possible issue with OTA survival
    - Fixed su binary notification freeze issue when suid bit lost
    - Fixed background root command freeze when suid bit lost
    - Improved su binary version and root presence detection
    - Added cleanup stage (detected when needed) before converting to system app, to prevent settings loss
    - Language files updated

    02.01.2013 - v1.04
    - PIN code now survives uninstalling Pro (vuln. fix)
    - Fixed pm freeze in logs/settings (USB debugging)
    - Fixed various util freezes (convert to system, uninstall) (USB debugging)
    - Fixed minor UI text issues
    - Language files updated

    31.01.2013 - v1.03
    - Fixed pm crash in logs/settings
    - Reduce nag frequencey to 10%
    - Add NoNag APK
    - Language files updated

    30.01.2013 - v1.02 - NOTES ON DUMPSTATE (click)
    - Fixed (another) crash on icon change on Android versions older than 4.0.3
    - Launch SuperSU through secret codes: *#*#1234#*#* and *#*#7873778#*#* (*#*#SUPERSU#*#*). Not all phones take both codes. On some phones you need to use single *# instead of double *#*#
    - Update su binary parameter parsing to add Google-naive style params
    - Dumpstate blacklist
    - Language files updated

    29.01.2013 - v1.01
    - Fixed crash on icon change on Android versions older than 4.0.3
    - Adjusted (un)installer code to remove .odex files and remove dalvik caches
    - Adjust default icon in manifest
    - Dumpstate no longer goes into infinite loop (dumpstate shouldn't kill phone anymore, but this has not fixed dumpstate being triggered - workaround !)
    - Language files updated
    - Adjusted update ZIP to remove .odex files, overwrite OTA survival binary, remove dalvik caches

    28.01.2013 - v1.00 - RELEASE NOTES (click)
    - Icon now selectable from 5 options, or hide completely from launcher (see note)
    - Theme now selectable from 4 options
    - (Pro) Added option to grant/deny with a timer (hold grant/deny button in popup for two seconds)
    - Added option to convert to system app
    - Added option to trust system user without confirmation
    - (Pro) Added option to adjust auto-deny countdown
    - (Pro) Added option to PIN protect on a per-app base
    - Added option to auto-refresh apps/logs tab
    - Fixed "ask again" being forgotten
    - CyanogenMod: Added to option to respect/ignore DevOptions --> Root Access setting
    - CyanogenMod: Added option to install addon backup script (survive update flashes)
    - Fixed 7" tablets now use (improved) large PIN panel
    - Free space detection issue work-around (may fix a number of binary installation failures)
    - Alternate remount method (may fix binary installation issues on Android 2.x)
    - Updated su binary parameter parsing
    - Updated su binary to add user-related environment variables
    - Adjusted cleanup and copyright texts
    - Fixed autoclose upon cleanup complete
    - Faster preference text loading
    - Faster settings tab fragment instantiation
    - Reworked native debug logging
    - Reworked shell detection, now includes /system/bin/mksh fallback
    - Adjustments that may reduce problems for S-ON users
    - Added nag message to non-Pro (with option to disable)
    - Language files updated
    * to start hidden SuperSU from ADB shell with root rights: am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n eu.chainfire.supersu/.MainActivity

    04.12.2012 - v0.99
    - More Android 4.2 related fixes
    - Disabled text correction on labels
    - Updated languages

    14.11.2012 - v0.98
    Preliminary update for Android 4.2's multi-user capabilities.
    Only the main user can run the UI and gain root access.
    Secondary user's apps will not be granted root, nor can
    those users change SuperSU configuration.

    This is all temporary. Proper multi-user support is being
    worked on.

    Note that if a non-user process (like ADB shell) needs to
    prompt for root, that prompt will always appear on the
    MAIN user's screen !

    29.10.2012 - v0.97
    - Fixed issue with modified AOSP su binary
    - Fixed wrong translation crashing app on toast
    - Fixed possible exploit (preventive)
    - Modified system and shell user - no longer granted root by default
    - Added "ADB shell" display
    - Added warning to selecting full content logging
    - Added method for apps to disable (by default only) full content logging if known to be problematic (<meta-data android:name="eu.chainfire.supersu.meta.contentlog ging.problematic" android:value="true" />, seeHow-To SU)
    - Updated languages

    29.08.2012 - v0.96
    - Fixed occasional issue with OTA
    - Fixed possible exploit (preventive)

    22.08.2012 - v0.95
    - Fixed action bar icon sizes
    - Fixed a few JellyBean-related issues
    - Added automatic binary updated during boot if needed and possible
    - New logo/icons
    - Updated languages

    16.07.2012 - v0.94
    - Fixed possible NPE crash at startup
    - Fixed possible ANR freeze at boot
    - Fixed possible ANR freeze at package removal
    - Fixed crash with too many logfiles (auto-empties logs!)
    - Updated various internal functions to be async
    - Updated chattr version (fixes some instances of root loss)
    - Added "clear logs" action to actionbar in logs tab
    - Updated languages

    03.07.2012 - v0.93
    - Fixed a possible delay issue (receiver deadlock)
    - Updated languages

    21.06.2012 - v0.92
    - Fixed app detail spinners becoming invisible
    - Fixed app detail button layout (diff. for port/land)
    - Fixed log detail crash at rotate
    - Fixed language override stick at display rotation
    - Fixed display of languages without countries in override
    - Fixed potential low space installation issue
    - Fixed icon rearrange issue (except when low on space)
    - Updated languages

    18.06.2012 - v0.91
    - Fixed root permission check (OTA survival)
    - Fixed a number of possible installation failures
    - Fixed language detection crash issue
    - Added multilanguage support (27 languages and counting)

    11.06.2012 - v0.90
    - Fixed various texts
    - Fixed various crash issues
    - Fixed various non-response issues
    - Fixed possible security issue
    - PIN code now requires verification before changing
    - Added title and navigation to log detail activity

    07.05.2012 - v0.89
    - Fixed stay-on-top issue
    - Fixed possible exploit
    - Improved security

    23.04.2012 - v0.88
    - Fixed a number of performance issues
    - Added re-authentication option
    - Apps now sorted alphabetically
    - Voodoo OTA Root Keeper backup removed at binary install

    26.03.2012 - v0.87
    - Fixed an issue with several apps re-requesting root
    - Fixed a number of reported crashes
    - Fixed a few ANRs

    26.03.2012 - v0.86
    - Fixed a cleanup issue

    26.03.2012 - v0.85
    - Fixed issue if root is disabled during update

    25.03.2012 - v0.84
    - Modified OTA survival behavior - re-enable this setting if needed !
    - Modified SH search order
    - Modified backup shell location
    - Added cleanup for reinstallation option
    - Added cleanup for switching superuser app option
    - Added cleanup for full unroot option
    - If the APK is not installed, root is always granted

    17.03.2012 - v0.83
    - Fix command not visible
    - Fix zombie process freeze
    - Fix zombie process cleanup
    - Fix -c followed by multiple parameters
    - Fix high cpu load issue
    - Fix STDIN closed relay
    - Fix log display bug
    - Fix swipe empty tabs
    - Improved swipe behavior
    - Added app title
    - Added refresh button

    14.03.2012 - v0.80
    - Reversed swipe direction
    - Adjusted touch response
    - Adjusted request queueing
    - Adjusted time counter
    - Non-prompt notifications now async
    - Permissions auto-removed if an app is uninstalled

    12.03.2012 - v0.78
    - Adjusted prompt-on-boot behavior
    - Adjusted request serialization
    - Added swiping between tabs
    - Fixed force user setting
    - Pro: fixed faulty SuperSU restored message

    10.03.2012 - v0.75
    - Adjustment to OTA survival (better!)
    - Slight speedup in Settings
    - Fixed native settings update after temp-re-root
    - Clear data no longer clears PIN code
    - Layout: Prompt: Grant and Deny switch positions (ICS style)
    - Layout: AppDetail: Save and Cancel switched positions (ICS style)
    - Layout: Added xlarge PIN layout

    10.03.2012 - v0.74
    - Proper command escaping
    - Fixed inifinite loop
    - Fixed notification broadcast (should fix all freezing issues)

    09.03.2012 - v0.73
    - Fixed su binary detection problem
    - Fixed two FC's in settings
    - Disabled some debug stuff that was left enabled in v0.72

    09.03.2012 - v0.72
    - Minor adjustments to install script
    - Fixed issue with really old SU version detection

    09.03.2012 - v0.71
    - Fix permission problem due to faulty installation
    - Added error message if device is not yet rooted
    - Cancelling binary update now closes app

    09.03.2012 - v0.70
    - Initial public release



  • [color=#FF0000]Update auf SuperSU 2.62[/COLOR]


    Wenn ihr von einer älteren Version (z.Bsp. 2.52) auf die aktuelle 2.62 updaten wollt solltet ihr euch das hier vorher anschauen



    Download: [COLOR=#0066cc][/COLOR]


    [size=18][color=#FF0000][size=18][color=#FF4D4D]ROOT unter Marshmallow auf den Nexen[/COLOR][/SIZE]


    Wenn Ihr eure Nexen unter Stock Marshmallow rooten wollt, braucht ihr unter umständen eine modifizierte Boot.img. Die Datei gibt es für Nexus 5, 6, 7(1013), 9 und den Nexus Player

    Diese gibt es hier:




    [COLOR=#000000]Chainfire hat die Boot.img geändert damit ihr keine Probleme beim rooten bekommt




    [color=#000000]Beim Auto-Root wird je nach Gerät entweder via Odin oder via Fastboot gerootet.

    Dabei wird das Stock-Recovery installiert [/COLOR][color=#FF0000](vorhandenes Costum-Recovery (TWRP oder CWM) wird überschrieben) [/COLOR][color=#000000]SuperSU-Binarys und die SuperSU-App werden installiert und das Gerät ist gerootet.

    Quelle und Downloads:



  • Aktuelle Version : 1.97

    XDA-Thread Slim-Gapps

    Dürfte sicherer sein, als Superuser in der nächsten Android Version ;)

    Gerade mal geflashed ...

    Mehr zum Thema

    XDA-Thread Slim-Gapps

  • Kann nicht klagen, mit Stock 4.4.2 am N4, N5 und N7 läuft die Version 1.97

  • Für alle LPX13D Tester... :moustach:…sts/ZzXaU1W7Uzm


    Spoiler anzeigen

    [FONT=Georgia][size=12]Moto Z Play
    Nextbit Robin
    Nexus 5X
    Nexus 9
    Fire TV (Box & Stick)[/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT=Georgia][size=12]"In Rente/R.I.P"
    Zenfone2, Huawei T1 10, Nexus 4, CR11S, Moto G/Play, Nexus 5,
    TF700T, TF300T, EVO 3D, A2109A, Wildfire, Defy+, Archos G9 ...[/SIZE]
    Meine Beiträge können Spuren von Ironie und/oder Sarkasmus enthalten!
    Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen lesen Sie die Packungsbeilage oder fragen einen Menschen mit Humorverständnis...[/SIZE][/FONT]

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von MuggelPu (19. Oktober 2014 um 02:16)

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