[ROM][N5][5.1.1_r24 (LMY48W)][Layers][UBERTC GCC 4.9.4] LiquidDark

  • nur mal so eine zwischenfrage.....wird es anpassbare pulldown-tiles jemals geben?......habe nämlich irgendwo gelesen, dass diese kacheln in lolipop nicht mehr anpassbar sein sollen......hätte nämlich zb. gerne den sound-button wieder zum schnellen umstellen von klingeln auf vibrieren oder ganz aus.....

  • --- Update ---


    Spoiler anzeigen

    Flashen von SuperSU nicht mehr nötig, Rom is root ;)

    - Keyguard: set carrier text use_all_caps to FALSE
    - Allow adjusting progress on touch events.
    - SystemUI: various fixes to data type display
    - SystemUI: MSim: hide subs label on KeyGuard
    - SystemUI : Fix clear app data crash in recents panel
    - android_servers: Fix the duration argument for CPU_BOOST

    - About Phone: Disable clicks
    - Remove QuickBoot preference if package isn't available
    - Settings: fix custom SIM name lost on reboot
    - Settings: EL AOSP translation fixes
    - Settings: Fix the failing strings
    - Settings: Fix AOSP WiFi AP translations
    - Revert "Bluetooth: Add Manifest configure to fix settings crash issue."

    - update SuperSU ver2.40
    - sepolicy: allow recovery read access to /data/media/ files and dirs
    - Update Reliance RTel APN's.
    - selinux: New rw privileges for themes
    - sepolicy: remove stray + in type statement
    - Change roaming protocol for "telenor.smart" to IPv4

    - Add back in SuperSU to Liquid
    - releasetools: allow devices to specify a custom make_recovery_patch
    - build: fix dopush for SystemUI
    - envsetup: new function cmka
    - releasetools: clean up residual targetfiles-* dirs in /tmp/
    - build: Set QCOM global cflags for secondary arch
    - build: Fix copypasta in 2nd target clang flags
    - Allow repopick to cherry-pick a specific patch set
    - Improve cmremote
    - Enabling sdiv support in ART
    - recovery: set 18x32 on 560dpi as well
    - Switch Rom GCC SM 4.9.3 - December 8, 2014

    - new config GCC_VERSION_ARM

    - update and clean up UBERUTILS/arm-eabi 4.8-4.10 (sm)
    - Track lockclock from liquid

    - Materialize, (1/2)

    ... and more

    LiquidDark für Nexus 4|Nexus 5|Nexus 5X|Nexus 7|Moto E|Moto E 2015|Moto G 2013|Moto G 2014|Google Android One
    Community G+

  • mal ne Frage, wie ist das gemeint. Wollt morgen mal testen:

    Ungültiger Link entfernt

    Also Welcher Menübutton? und wie soll man den Homebutton klicken für wake up? steh gerade auf dem Schlauch...

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Maestro2k5 (14. April 2015 um 01:12)

  • Wieso Show always? Hide on Lockscreen geht bei mir auch. :blush: Was nicht geht ist VPN. Verbindet zwar aber es findet keine Datenübertragung statt. Aber das ist wohl ein lollipop Problem. Unter 4.4 ging alles noch.

  • Neue TREX ROM und Gapps vom 20141230 online :D

    update --- LTR-LP-2014-12-30-hammerhead --- update
    update --- LTR-gapps-lp-2014-12-30-signed --- update

    Download Rom: mobiflip
    Download Gapps: mobiflip

    - tethering: updated ipv6 tethering
    - Remove make file changes to create framework2
    - Telephony: Add new api isMmsDataConnectivityPossible.
    - Revert "base: Enhance Web URL pattern"
    - SystemUI: Fix data tile cannot control card2 data service issue
    - IMS: start and stop dtmf tones
    - Add change to show Invalid card when erroneous card is inserted.
    - NFC: Add interface for offhost to associate to secure element
    - Modify isRoaming to getRoaming from Service state tracker.
    - IMS-VT: Peer capabilities support
    - IMS-VT: Add call modifiable capability
    - IMS: Clean up Conference URI system property.
    - Telephony: Add Call domain extra in ImsCallProfile.
    - Telephony: Add DisconnectCause values for clear code
    - MSIM: Define new intent to send set Uicc result
    - IMS-VT: Multitasking feature
    - Propagate the call substate changed message to the UI
    - Ringtone: set default ringtone for triple slots
    - MSIM: Retrieve the QS Data icon through PhoneId
    - frameworks/base:InCallUI is not coming in but ring is coming in DSDA
    - IMS Call End Reason Info Code Additions
    - Add constants in voLteServiceState for IMS registration
    - IMS-VT: Modification of data usage aidl
    - IMS Call Extras Feature
    - Creating connections for conference event package participants.
    - telecomm: Re-add original ParcelableConnection constructor
    - SystemUI: status bar brightness: store value as int
    - Bluetooth-Wipower: Enable dynamic logging for A4WP
    - Bluetooth: Adds check to verify Bluetooth adapter state
    - Bluetooth: Change userhandle to current from ALL
    - Bluetooth: Enforce BT state check during GATT close/disconnect
    - [1/2] Base: implement App circle sidebar
    - App Circle Sidebar: Support for Configurable Trigger Region[1/2]
    - MountService: allow overriding default storage list with ro.storage_list.override
    - services: AssetAtlasService: prevent IndexOutOfBoundsException
    - SystemUI: Tiny expanding improvement
    - telephony: Update comments for preferred network mode
    - Fix Unused Space at Recents When Search Bar is Disabled
    - [2/2] Left handed navbar during landscape mode

    - Buttons: Prevent toggling disable hardware keys too quickly
    - Keydisabler: fix button light restore logic
    - Fix exception being thrown if CMHW is not installed.
    - Settings Icon: Fix statusbar settings icon
    - [2/2] Settings: Implement App circle sidebar
    - App Circle Sidebar: Support for Configurable Trigger Region[2/2]
    - [2/2] Left handed navbar during landscape mode

    - Switch NDK_GCC_VERSION 4.9 (linux-x86)
    - build: Allow devices to specify a RIL variant
    - core: Get the RIL variant path into the global includes

    - Add CAF RIL variant
    - Remove some useless repos

    - new kernel (Base CM)
    - Switch to arm-eabi-4.9 (SM)

    - Add SIO and FIOPS i/o schedulers
    - block: V(R) I/O scheduler
    - Block: ZEN IO Scheduler
    - block: FIFO IO Scheduler
    - Missing Lines
    - Defconfig: Add IO Schedulers
    - sound_control: initial code push for Headphones gain userspace interface.
    sound_control: add headset, speaker and mic gain interfaces.
    - block: Add TripnDroid IO
    - Makefile: Remove wrapper
    - fs:sync: On/Off Support
    - Makefile: Restructure and Add Graphite Flags
    - Enable loadable and unloadable kernel modules support
    - block: Merge BFQ-v7r7
    - Fix build with sabermod toolchain >=4.8.x in the Makefile

    ... and more

    [size=12]| LiquidDark by TREX |[/SIZE]

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