[ROM][N5][5.1.1_r24 (LMY48W)][Layers][UBERTC GCC 4.9.4] LiquidDark

  • --- Update ---


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    * android/
    77d2bc5 Add Terminal app
    6205d85 switch new Dark UI

    * frameworks/av/
    d3154d5 MediaPlayerFactory: remove media.stagefright.use-awesome

    * frameworks/base/
    0ae06ee (1/2) Darken Material Dark UI

    * kernel/lge/hammerhead/
    5867168 Defconfig: Enable Fast Charge
    18677b1 fastcharge: Cleanup and fixes
    15f7363 fastcharge: New enhancements
    d47d528 fastcharge: initial Nexus 5 adaptation
    3940663 fastcharge: increase battery charging current to use higher input current
    be764ba sched:features: Disable Gentle Fair Sleepers
    ddef862 bcmdhd: Decrease to 250 ms
    0a4c007 arm/dt: msm8974: Lower GPU voltage constraints
    e87728b KEYS: close race between key lookup and freeing
    e0a8953 net: guard tcp_set_keepalive() to tcp sockets

    * packages/apps/Eleven/
    1074892 Eleven: Fix LocalizedSongSort - Missed Collate keyword

    * packages/apps/Mms/
    1b5f58d Mms: Store backup files as .zip This also fixes sharing issues with Bluetooth and E-mail
    3af13d5 Add support for handling of subscription activation

    * packages/apps/Settings/
    20c38ea (2/2) Darken Material Dark UI
    1116774 Checkboxes to Switches in Ad Blocking

    * vendor/lge/
    7f3ae9a hammerhead: Update blobs to 5.0.1 LRX22C
    9c56efe mako: Update to LRX22C

    * vendor/liquid/
    2150da1 config: Build the new Terminal app


    * android/
    7b34ef9 Revert "packages/services/Telephony to trex"
    9e16670 external_ffmpeg to cm

    * frameworks/base/
    3f2f1e9 Cleanup battery style code

    * frameworks/native/
    f166831 sensorservice: add fusion sensors if all events are supported

    * packages/apps/Mms/
    1b1c50b Mms : Update chips if contacts updated


    * android/
    8395f75 LatinIME to Liquid

    * external/bluetooth/bluedroid/
    34d5b98 a2dp: kill more logspam

    * frameworks/av/
    06f0b85 HLSCustom: Bandwidth switching improvement in HLS
    1ea977c httplive: Support embedded images in audio-only playlist
    22f6020 HLSCustom: Fix compilation issues and support for dual HLS stack
    0778792 HLSCustom: Copying KK-mr2 files from httplive to httplivecustom
    6da6ace nuplayer: Don't assume audio streams have metadata

    * frameworks/native/
    2f179cb libgui: Add pre-MR2-compatible symbol for setPosition
    a40cfcf libbinder: Add legacy MemoryDealer constructor for old Nvidia OMX adaptor

    * frameworks/webview/
    1139f1f Webview: chromium: update icon

    * packages/apps/Calculator/
    5bcfdcb Crash fix: deal with ClassCastException

    * packages/apps/Eleven/
    5ff35e3 Eleven: Fix equalizer not pausing, action bar hiding and 1px equalizer on xxhdpi

    * packages/apps/Terminal/
    704921b Allow access to external storage


    * device/lge/hammerhead/
    738991a hammerhead: add Changelog

    * device/lge/mako/
    7572c60 mako: add Changelog

    * device/samsung/tuna/
    0f4b66e tuna: add Changelog
    94fffc5 tuna: remove custom recovery ui

    * frameworks/base/
    27a9a66 IMS : Incoming Call Barring
    a6a6fbd IMS OMA-DM Intent and ImsReasonInfo Additions

    * frameworks/native/
    798798a surfaceflinger: Track the last surfaceview frame for latency dumps

    * frameworks/opt/net/ims/
    ea1948e IMS : Incoming Call Barring

    * frameworks/opt/telephony/
    0b6b063 ModemPolicy: fix NPE
    14aa80f IMS: Incoming Call Barring
    3291314 Revert "Revert "Fix the roaming searching text display in standby screen""

    * hardware/broadcom/libbt/
    cac0bdf libbt: Add support for using two stop bits
    68c58d0 libbt: Add prepatch support

    * hardware/qcom/bt/
    a8f7a4f Revert "Bluetooth: Compilation Fix for BT bring up"

    * packages/apps/Exchange/
    465752c Exchange: Update icon to Material

    * packages/apps/Settings/
    23777e6 AndroidManifest: add some missing stuff
    c71a237 Settings: Fix no preferred APN
    37bec33 Bluetooth: Refresh UI after checkbox is Unchecked.
    2e488eb Bluetooth: GAP: Reset Alias name during virtual unplug
    cd42fb5 Bluetooth: Don't Initiate Connection if UUID not updated
    9e3f87f Bluetooth: GAP: Handled Null pointer deference in unregisterReceiver
    29af6cb Bluetooth: Security: Add Null check during pairing cancel intent.

    * packages/providers/TelephonyProvider/
    af7e476 TelephonyProvider: Update icon to Material

    * packages/services/Telecomm/
    7ca5fbd Telecomm: Update icon to Material


    * android/
    c9656ae Remove Superuser from manifest

    * build/
    0ca2573 build: qcom: Set the correct

    * external/mksh/
    e553531 mkshrc: Only apply the resize to adb shells

    * frameworks/base/
    f93d14a ResolverActivity: fix null pointer exception
    60457cb PackageManager: Restrict system packages to protected storage
    c833abf [ActivityManager] Use synchronized to protect object
    aa23708 [ActivityManager] Reset ActivityRecord's waitingVisible
    2955bce Layout the config-changed window if it has surface
    f01312b [ActivityManager] fix NPE in ActivityStack.resetTargetTaskIfNeededLocked.
    172a0e3 [ActivityManager] Fix race condition in pss collection
    a5e2bd6 Fix racing condition of mTouchExcludeRegion
    e73cd21 [ActivityManager] Fix NPE when start activity
    dd4c66e APK still has privileged flag after being moved from "/system/priv-app"
    dd0ddc6 Default icon is shown after uninstalling updated priv-app

    * frameworks/opt/telephony/
    8eb697b GsmSST: Disregard any invalid verbose values for timezones in NITZ requests

    * hardware/ti/omap4xxx/
    2af40fd omap4xxx: add flag to allow custom hcw
    5e9740f camera: add missing include

    * packages/apps/Bluetooth/
    59d51b5 Bluetooth: Move CAF strings

    * packages/apps/BluetoothExt/
    7874437 BluetoothExt: Cleanup CAF strings

    * packages/apps/Calendar/
    d2d7603 Calendar: move CM strings to cm_strings

    * packages/apps/Gallery2/
    b5a76dd Gallery2: move CAF strings to codeaurora_strings

    * packages/apps/Mms/
    eb115ce Mms: move CAF strings to cm_strings

    * packages/services/Telecomm/
    44b050a Telecomm: move CAF strings to cm_strings

    * system/core/
    e419108 rootdir: Remove duplicate rule

    * system/extras/
    1b287ea Extras: gitignore su

    * vendor/liquid/
    01aff34 Revert "Revert "Rename Swype Lib""
    0271aaf Remove call for su.te
    79c46a4 Remove more Superuser stuff
    57bd90e Remove SuperUser remains
    ee761bc more fix backup on dirty flash
    7085d23 Fix gapps backup on dirty flash

    LiquidDark für Nexus 4|Nexus 5|Nexus 5X|Nexus 7|Moto E|Moto E 2015|Moto G 2013|Moto G 2014|Google Android One
    Community G+

  • Im multirom läuft es schon mal. Morgen fertig einrichten und wenn dann alles läuft, wird es als primär gewechselt. Wer weis,was das war. Hab mir aber audioFx statt Viper jetzt installiert,damit komm ich einfach besser klar. Gute Nacht.

  • Ich habe jetzt auch mal gemerkt daß für 5.0 ein neuer Thread erstellt wurde :P
    Dieses Wochenende wird es mir bestimmt nicht langweilig werden. Werde dann mal ganz sauber aufsetzen.
    Kleine Frage: Von Pie und Theme-Manager habe ich nichts gelesen. Wird Pie irgendwann kommen? Sind die Cobalt-Themes (denke die kennt ja ziemlich jeder) kompatible mit der Rom?

  • Im multirom läuft es schon mal. Morgen fertig einrichten und wenn dann alles läuft, wird es als primär gewechselt. Wer weis,was das war. Hab mir aber audioFx statt Viper jetzt installiert,damit komm ich einfach besser klar. Gute Nacht.

    Na so hört es sich doch gleich viel besser an wenn es läuft :thumbup:

    LiquidDark für Nexus 4|Nexus 5|Nexus 5X|Nexus 7|Moto E|Moto E 2015|Moto G 2013|Moto G 2014|Google Android One
    Community G+

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