[ROM][N5][5.1.1_r24 (LMY48W)][Layers][UBERTC GCC 4.9.4] LiquidDark

  • Kann ich so bestätigen.. Auch teilweise mit Hells unterwegs! Momentan aber mit dem integrierten sehr zu Frieden

    Ist richtig. Habe zum Test euphoria probiert und da tritt der bug bei mir auch auf (auch ohne custom kernel). Hatte erst busybox im Verdacht,konnte aber bisher den Fehler noch nicht reproduzieren. Bin aber nicht der einzige im Netz, aber bei verschiedenen Roms/Kerneln. Ich werde weiter suchen.

  • Ich hab bei seltsamen Fehlern immer zu erst meine Tasker Profile im Verdacht. Vorallem wenn etwas erst nach einer Weile Auftritt. Am Anfang hatte ich ja den Fehler das das Display Timeout verstellt wurde und dann die Einstellungen abstürzen. War ein Tasker Profil das mit dem Plugin Taskkill die App CarHome Ultra beendete. Vielleicht ist es ja sowas.

  • --- Update ---


    Spoiler anzeigen


    * frameworks/base/
    f7856df Dialog Material Dark UI

    * frameworks/opt/telephony/
    a6b724c MSIM: be more inteligent in giving the SIM a name

    * packages/apps/Mms/
    f2f22c3 MMS - allow copying text from MMS
    5980a41 Mms: fix crash when replying on MSim

    * packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
    e2aa211 Add missing Liquid png


    * frameworks/base/
    3f6c48b Enable some overlays by default

    * packages/apps/Settings/
    26ee387 (2/2) Darken Material Dark UI (all patch)


    * device/qcom/sepolicy/
    01a24c6 common: remove duplicate

    * frameworks/av/
    883dbe7 libstagefright: Make it possible to skip OMX buffer reallocation (2)


    * bootable/recovery/
    1585db4 minui: graphics_fbdev: Fix BGRA panels regardless of depth
    6541d94 recovery: Use ro.product.device instead of ro.build.product
    46752b5 sr: Allow mounting of F2FS volumes

    * device/qcom/sepolicy/
    b68d772 Fix access to crypto/DRM firmware

    * external/libpng/
    3d95f66 Kill more spam

    * frameworks/base/
    2e08785 BroadcastReceiver : Get sender of broadcasts
    2d3a703 Smooth Spinners: Makes the loading "spinner" animation smoother in non-holo apps
    57b51ae LockPatternUtils: don't crash when no profile is selected
    c399541 profiles: clean up default profiles
    b9b89fb Add system setting for t9 search input locale

    * frameworks/opt/datetimepicker/
    37381bd [1/2] DateTimePicker: Add ability to set Month Title layout offset.

    * hardware/qcom/display/
    cae99f7 copybit: Fix type conversion error for GCC 4.7
    68cee49 copybit: Fix type conversion error for GCC 4.7

    * hardware/qcom/keymaster/
    7600f09 keymaster: Set HEAP_MASK_COMPATIBILITY by platform for QCOM_HARDWARE

    * packages/apps/Calendar/
    a517fd2 Calendar - Added provisions to show/hide Floating Action Button.

    * packages/apps/Mms/
    22429e1 Mms:Better Android Wearable support including sending text reply from notification without main device interaction

    * packages/apps/Settings/
    2cfb3ad Remove volume buttons swap option
    4836400 Settings: select text when editing name
    8cb093e Settings: add delete confirmation dialog for profiles
    d3df55e Settings: display Triggers inline with Profile actions
    cff88e4 Settings: make empty profile trigger screens more useful
    993b6b5 USB Settings: Set a sane USB_FUNCTION_DEFAULT
    495b909 Settings: modify AOSP RU SELinux translation
    e280b60 Remove 'Navigation bar' PreferenceCategory when empty
    56360f6 Settings: Fix hiding button backlight option
    a4b949f Check boxes to Switches in PrivacyGuardPerfs
    398f63c Fix hide recents text
    1d482fc Settings: improve CAF strings
    0f780e4 Settings: modify AOSP RU translation

    * packages/services/Telecomm/
    dbf5ca0 Telecomm: Improve CAF strings

    * vendor/liquid/
    acc9fbb APN: Remove deprecated ATT APN, add VoLTE-compatible APN


    * frameworks/base/
    084e99f (1/2) Darken Material Dark UI

    * frameworks/opt/datetimepicker/
    16c5cf2 Datetimepicker : Account for RTL locales when formulating Day labels

    * frameworks/opt/telephony/
    ab77d4c MSIM: changing default SIM name

    * hardware/qcom/bt/
    1d0d45d Fix up building with TARGET_2ND_ARCH

    * kernel/lge/hammerhead/
    ec4d394 derp
    df3c772 TRIPNDROID DEFAULT IO Schedulers

    * packages/apps/Calendar/
    7cb3bea Fix a string for crowdin
    a441d88 Calendar : Temporarily add localizations for YearView in Chinese languages.

    * packages/apps/Camera2/
    aa9b875 Camera2: Samsung 4k Camera workaround.

    * packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/
    8bbee19 Update SIM labels in cell broadcast settings tab view

    * packages/apps/Gallery2/
    48a8e11 Add record time to details view
    22d8deb Fix crash of gallery on showing details
    15561fb Reduce logspam in video player
    65bcb9e gallery: use inJustDecodeBounds in ImageFilterBorder
    22ea845 Gallery2 : Store DATE_TAKEN as milliseconds
    e43e756 Camera: Fix out-of-order operations while setting up the editor
    bb0e3b5 Camera: Ensure background edition complete on back Key
    de6ffed Gallery : Filter picasa specific options
    960dd9c Revert "Gallery2: The settings in the gallery is blank."
    5b3edb5 Gallery2: Modify AOSP EL translations
    94552b0 Gallery2: Remove Chinese CAF translations
    613c095 Gallery2: Set untranslatable
    54a6da3 Gallery2: Remove unused strings
    126b63c Gallery2: Improve strings

    * packages/apps/Mms/
    069aa70 Mms: fix quick message layout on 320dp
    44c5f1f Mms: fix Sent field in details for received messages.
    47594e1 Mms: fix loading avatar for own profile.

    * packages/apps/Stk/
    005c8de Stk: EL AOSP translation modification

    * packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
    798a245 Blacked out Liquid KB

    * system/vold/
    deb839e vold: support more than 1 UMS share

    LiquidDark für Nexus 4|Nexus 5|Nexus 5X|Nexus 7|Moto E|Moto E 2015|Moto G 2013|Moto G 2014|Google Android One
    Community G+

  • hat noch jemand probleme damit die led zur mitarbeit zu überreden für bestimmte apps.......ds funktioniert für mich nicht.......habe es bei skype und quizduell versucht.....sonst bekomme ich wenig nachrichten ausser den schon im system vordefinierten

  • --- Update ---


    Spoiler anzeigen


    * android/
    d989285 Themes: Port to CM12 [3/3]
    1d409e7 MediaProvider and services_Telephony (Dark UI)
    8b920b2 ContactsCommon Contacts PhoneCommon Dialer and InCallUI (Dark UI)

    * device/qcom/sepolicy/
    5e7c74a selinux: Cleanup warnings

    * frameworks/base/
    f23d8ef Themes: Fix GlobalAction Background
    3f360a7 wifi: Framework support for Ad-Hoc WiFi (IBSS mode)
    6179512 Clean up sounds code
    f4a69de Themes: Call startKeyguard() when recreating status bar
    22fe66c Themes: Hide LegacyFontParser and THEME_PREV_BOOT_API_LEVEL
    225ea83 Themes: Port to CM12 [1/3]
    4298760 power: Disable keyboard/button lights while dozing/dreaming
    cdb6289 Allow granting permissions based on signature in <allow-permission/>
    11e4364 ProcessList: Handle invalid state when computing next PSS Time
    29db33e Update RemoteController on Session update
    c0417f7 Changed profile selection to single-tap action
    e247fca MountService: support UMS on any volume
    44ee4a0 Allow setting a per-device default configuration for STATUS_BAR_BATTERY_STYLE

    * packages/apps/Dialer/
    95a4ede derp
    1222061 revert call_stats_nav_item
    9818341 derp2
    eceece0 derp
    564c1b6 Thyrus Black Theme (Dailer)

    * packages/apps/Settings/
    0ae884f Settings/Wifi: Add support for Ad-hoc (IBSS) networks
    4f97fc8 update Theme Icon Color
    1676814 Themes: Port to CM12 [2/3]
    c0ad692 System Profiles: Do not allow user to delete active profile
    fdc0d88 Do not show phone-related stuff if there's no subs
    5ba6fac MSIM: behave as single SIM when appropriate
    4510d03 MSIM: use index as tab key
    cb7857f MSIM - SIM card status: name "SUB x" now "SIM x"
    a4e89b9 MSIM: Data Usage: data connection switch visibility
    44a22c4 MSIM: Data Usage: use the SIM name if available
    6c96263 Update profiles actionbar delete icon
    028ab8d USB Settings: Warn before enabling UMS mode
    3cbf941 USB Settings: Show menu if device has mass storage
    e96aaee MSIM: identify SIM slot id on preferences dropdowns
    0f2a898 Update strings (mostly "cellular data" -> "mobile data")
    4177502 MSIM: Display Carrier Name instead of SIM name

    * packages/providers/MediaProvider/
    34a055c Revert "Revert "Media-Provider: Material Black""

    * vendor/liquid/
    23b90ce build theme engine
    0ea3c3d Clean up sounds code
    45eeb83 sepolicy: Apps need to read themed resources
    ab16c2d Sepolicy: Add theme service as system service


    * device/qcom/sepolicy/
    7f13491 selinux: audio: update policy file for audio
    c6a655d sepolicy: add appdomain permissions for perfd
    46b55b9 SEAndroid: Add sepolicy for surfaceflinger
    9e6e6b7 sepolicy: allow radio to access video_device, smd_device
    4d416de sepolicy: Additional CM-specific mpdecision rule
    b338663 Seandroid: Allow mm-pp-deamon access to unix socket
    394243c sepolicy: Added rule to enable unlink of dpmwrapper socket
    2a2c5b7 Sepolicy: allow RILD to access health monitor device
    8610282 Sepolicy: allow cnd to access ipa_dev.
    703780d WFD: Add directory search permissions for video device

    * frameworks/av/
    61909fb StagefrightRecorder: move WAVE out off ENABLE_AV_ENHANCEMENTS

    * frameworks/native/
    a1a4f7a Themes: Port to CM12 [2/6]

    * frameworks/opt/telephony/
    30be0b7 opt-telephony : fixing boo boo .. compilation error (referencing a static context)
    e6acd94 SmsUsageMonitor: update SMS limits with ContentObserver

    * hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8960/
    fbf6e10 media: Fix cts issues related to VideoEncoderDecoderTest

    * packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
    9bb8873 Fix font layout missing a view
    7e7c0ed Fix launching themes using APP_THEMES category
    a419dde Themes: Port to CM12 [5/6]

    * packages/providers/MediaProvider/
    b0e445f Revert "Media-Provider: Material Black"

    * packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
    3c1b6dd Themes: Port to CM12 [4/6]

    * system/core/
    d89b197 ueventd: Fix bootdevice by-name/by-num link creation


    * device/qcom/sepolicy/
    6cd495b netd: Fix creation of hostapd sockets dir

    * external/vim/
    71a51b1 vim: Tone down FORTIFY_SOURCE for 64 bits

    * packages/apps/Calendar/
    b044a3a Calendar: toggle on delete events overlay to delete multiple events

    * packages/apps/Mms/
    42cdf4b Mms: add tint to mms_play_btn drawable
    5d15220 QuickMessage: bring back mark as read

    * packages/apps/SlimLauncher/
    71e18b1 Merge "Get rid of CheckBoxPreference, this is Lollipop" into lp5.0
    4fe755d Get rid of CheckBoxPreference, this is Lollipop
    19f2256 Fix folder preview sizing
    ae0a216 Bring back icon label settings
    8c77db8 default screen and new overview mode
    19b1d88 Add all gestures back
    d212de4 Add all folder options back
    2e547fa Add back all grid options
    c129539 Launcher: show unread notify info number at APP icon on Launcher
    adee731 Initial SlimLauncher bringup


    * device/lge/hammerhead/
    7202e11 update path proprietary_vendor_lge

    * frameworks/av/
    7083256 fix memory leak in PatchPanel
    20a096d Fix wrong int argument of FOURCC.
    1c9182f Don't signal an error at the end of a short file
    5d6eb16 Stagefright: Fix unused variables, functions, values
    506f4d1 Cast int64_t values to long long before print.
    9350982 libstagefright: Handle EOS for audio in A/V clips
    937f22c audio : Fixed usage of QTI_FLAC_DECODER
    991bf3d audio: execute setVoiceVolume for USB device during inCall usecase
    58f016d Revert "Track volume should be maintained even if track is restored"

    * frameworks/base/
    78d860a QWERTY: Add "www." and ".com"
    f7856df Dialog Material Dark UI

    * frameworks/opt/net/wifi/
    1ca3e40 Wifi: Add IBSS supported method

    * hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/
    5c4b37f audio: Reject incall record request when mode is not IN_CALL
    04912dd audio: Fixed input device check

    * packages/apps/Calculator/
    ff61bbf Retain keyboard layout and expression formatting for base when switching from portrait to landscape

    * packages/apps/Mms/
    a417d17 mms: markAllAsUnread is never called
    939f203 Implement SMS mark for unread (Cyan-348)
    3990c5c MMS: Do not show export option when there are no SMS to backup

    * system/vold/
    8682d64 vold: cryptfs: Disable HW fde for msm8939 64bit
    5a079b7 vold: Clear disk encryption key on first boot after userdata wipe
    da6ecc5 Retry to open crypto block while encrypting the device

    LiquidDark für Nexus 4|Nexus 5|Nexus 5X|Nexus 7|Moto E|Moto E 2015|Moto G 2013|Moto G 2014|Google Android One
    Community G+

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von T-REX600 (17. Januar 2015 um 15:52)

  • Moin.... Wenn ich die pa gapps nehme kommt beim flashen fail. Werden die nicht unterstützt?
    Haben jetzt die die Trex vom 30.12.2014 genommen. Sind das die aktuellen?

    Das sind die letzten von Slim, die apps updaten sich ja eh aus dem PlayStore :thumbup:

    LiquidDark für Nexus 4|Nexus 5|Nexus 5X|Nexus 7|Moto E|Moto E 2015|Moto G 2013|Moto G 2014|Google Android One
    Community G+

  • hat noch jemand probleme damit die led zur mitarbeit zu überreden für bestimmte apps.......ds funktioniert für mich nicht.......habe es bei skype und quizduell versucht.....sonst bekomme ich wenig nachrichten ausser den schon im system vordefinierten

    Bei mir funktionieren alle :D, in der app selbst (z.B. skype) sollten die standart Einstellungen gelassen werden, war aber schon bei Android 4 so ein problem !

    LiquidDark für Nexus 4|Nexus 5|Nexus 5X|Nexus 7|Moto E|Moto E 2015|Moto G 2013|Moto G 2014|Google Android One
    Community G+

  • --- Update ---


    Spoiler anzeigen


    * android/
    8f5e018 LockClock to trex

    * device/lge/hammerhead/
    55050ef hammerhead: set persist.sys.isUsbOtgEnabled to enable USB storage.
    9e07f54 hammerhead: add androidboot.bootdevice
    a440b0a hammerhead: Enable tethering
    73ca694 hammerhead: Update A2DP policy
    59a5433 Add hardware key overlays

    * packages/apps/LockClock/
    b410cf4 update Background Color black (DarkUI)

    * packages/apps/Mms/
    f5590ba Mms: Fix Msim behavior with QuickReply.

    * packages/apps/Settings/
    39e000a Settings: personalization dashboard category

    * vendor/liquid/
    0f8434f sepolicy: new label for io scheduler sysfs nodes


    * external/vim/
    65cd352 vim: Update to 7.4.568

    * hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/
    bd66ae2 8084: Add define for ES705 codecs.
    3a45e74 Bring up voice on apq8084 targets.

    * packages/providers/TelephonyProvider/
    7e4b031 TelephonyProvider: allow specifying a protocol for preferred apn

    * system/core/
    4ec3924 init: Don't wreck things if androidboot.bootdevice isn't set
    1f01e5f Fix building on modern versions of Xcode and OS X.

    LiquidDark für Nexus 4|Nexus 5|Nexus 5X|Nexus 7|Moto E|Moto E 2015|Moto G 2013|Moto G 2014|Google Android One
    Community G+

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