[ROM][N5][5.1.1_r24 (LMY48W)][Layers][UBERTC GCC 4.9.4] LiquidDark

  • --- Update ---


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    * android/
    bd58f5a Track BeanStalk Mms apk

    * build/
    b6bf766 fix filter TARGET_GCC_VERSION

    * device/lge/hammerhead/
    fd079db dependencies: vedor lg to TM

    * frameworks/base/
    3a35023 Make sure pie stays on after reboot
    0198d72 Base: SlimPie, Navbar customization (1/2)
    0f48849 Revert "Runtime toggle of navbar"
    d3031bd Revert "SystemUI: make long pressing recent switch to last app"
    cc789de Fix bad .9's
    f3d11d6 SystemUI: Fix system ui crash while continuously click flash light tile issue
    cf4c9f9 Camera2 legacy: retry EGL config without EGL_RECORDABLE_ANDROID

    * frameworks/native/
    5691207 Themes: Restructure resource cache [2/2]
    08fce5f Conditionally revert "Revert "sf: Make sure HWC_BLENDING_NONE is set for opaque layer""

    * packages/apps/Mms/
    8c34eca Merge pull request #3 from CPA-Poke/patch-1
    79d3b5a Shorten "Quick Reply" string

    * packages/apps/Settings/
    790d8fe Base: SlimPie, Navbar customization (2/2)

    * packages/apps/SlimLauncher/
    1ff26a3 SlimLauncher: Hidden-apps setting

    * vendor/lge/
    66bfcd5 Merge pull request #77 from invisiblek/g3updates

    * vendor/liquid/
    53916c1 update SuperSU 2.45.zip


    * device/lge/hammerhead/
    55050ef hammerhead: set persist.sys.isUsbOtgEnabled to enable USB storage.
    9e07f54 hammerhead: add androidboot.bootdevice
    a440b0a hammerhead: Enable tethering
    73ca694 hammerhead: Update A2DP policy
    59a5433 Add hardware key overlays

    * external/ffmpeg/
    a9534c4 Get ffmpeg building for emulatorx86

    * external/stagefright-plugins/
    4d92c98 stagefright-plugins: Set default target sample format from codec

    * frameworks/av/
    ebfaafc ACodec: Initialize numChannels and sampleRate for flac codec
    e42e5aa NuPlayer : send the correct streaming info while opening audio sink
    a92052b NuPlayer : Ignore the INVALID_OPERATION error during resume.
    6e2ed02 NuPlayer: Fix for audio mute after call termination
    91b8b1c Media: Make media support DRM file's playing
    c1d0d36 NuPlayer: add implementations of suspend/resume APIs
    d23e63b libstagefright: Add missing check for software encoder
    7daf035 nuplayer: Fixes for PCM offload
    aac30c9 stagefright: Fix AC3 playback
    7ddd36e stagefright: More bit depth plumbing

    * frameworks/base/
    bb2c936 Dummy for CM Perf Profiles

    * hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/
    703bd57 hal: Fix setting of backend samplerate

    * packages/apps/Eleven/
    7573c03 Eleven: Fix crash in LetterTileDrawable

    * packages/apps/Mms/
    31e8e75 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Mms-caf into lp5.0
    30a2d74 Make sure sim filter spinner is visible when empty layout is showing
    8231815 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Mms-caf into lp5.0
    f5590ba Mms: Fix Msim behavior with QuickReply.

    * packages/apps/Settings/
    39e000a Settings: personalization dashboard category

    * packages/apps/SlimLauncher/
    6ca3654 Fix icon labels not appearing when dragged from dock
    29b5afc Fix status bar color when dragging widget
    d46aff3 Add icon scale for dock, drawer, and homescreen
    3d10b4c Search bar fixes and update view to L style search bar
    454d90b Add SlimLauncher actions

    * vendor/liquid/
    0f8434f sepolicy: new label for io scheduler sysfs nodes

    LiquidDark für Nexus 4|Nexus 5|Nexus 5X|Nexus 7|Moto E|Moto E 2015|Moto G 2013|Moto G 2014|Google Android One
    Community G+

  • ichmeine auch obenstehende......werde sie neu downloaden

    ich habe ein kleines problem......das nandroid ist manchmal shcon zu gross....heute konnte ich vor dem flashen kein neues mehr erstellen.....ist ja über 4gb gross
    twrp braucht mächtig platz.......ist cwm kleiner?

  • ichmeine auch obenstehende......werde sie neu downloaden

    ich habe ein kleines problem......das nandroid ist manchmal shcon zu gross....heute konnte ich vor dem flashen kein neues mehr erstellen.....ist ja über 4gb gross
    twrp braucht mächtig platz.......ist cwm kleiner?

    nein, denn es wird ja alles gesichert. kann dir nen usb-stick empfehlen! (usb-otg)

  • ichmeine auch obenstehende......werde sie neu downloaden

    ich habe ein kleines problem......das nandroid ist manchmal shcon zu gross....heute konnte ich vor dem flashen kein neues mehr erstellen.....ist ja über 4gb gross
    twrp braucht mächtig platz.......ist cwm kleiner?

    Backup Kompresion an in TWRP???

    LiquidDark für Nexus 4|Nexus 5|Nexus 5X|Nexus 7|Moto E|Moto E 2015|Moto G 2013|Moto G 2014|Google Android One
    Community G+

  • da muss ich mich erst einlesen, wie man twrp dazu bringt das nandroid drauf zu speichern.....aber danke für den link

    ganz einfach, ins recovery booten, usb-stick dran stecken und im Punkt Mount usb-otg aus wählen. dann backup-menü auswählen und bei Storage > statt internal , den USB-OTG auswählen.

  • --- Update ---


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    * frameworks/base/
    e788ae2 Revert "Squash revert of caf and add Sony's RRO patches"
    5cfe0b7 Squash revert of caf and add Sony's RRO patches
    11da5fd Height of the bottom navigation bar
    8e9ae00 black notification_overlay icon
    1c4c9d7 new notification_overlay icon
    84a4188 update style (notification text)

    * packages/apps/Settings/
    7999648 settings: navigation_bar_height_min_percent">0<
    2925096 Settings: Enforce non-blank profile names
    9b1f9fa apn: Update the add actionbar icon
    d096cb1 Settings: MSim: fix carrier name display
    5823ef7 Settings: Improve battery percentage title
    ca507f6 Tablets don't need to link volumes they don't have
    c81a7bc blacklist: make it possible to unblacklist phone/messages via checkboxes
    7e48642 Profiles: Add 4g as connection options for profiles (2/2)
    e974920 Settings: Create unlinked and linked notification & ring volume options.
    4ee7caf Settings: add a way to fill a profile from the current device state


    * android/
    bf7223c cm: Use PCRE and libselinux from CM Github

    * bootable/recovery/
    1965c23 Revert "minui: graphics_fbdev: Fix BGRA panels regardless of depth"
    5e6490b Allow f2fs to reserve bytes for footer when formatting
    60bd079 recovery:updater: Changes to support 32->64 bit upgrades

    * frameworks/base/
    a9164d7 Revert "Keyguard: Create lockscreen weather, move weatherimpl to utils."
    1ed1d63 Keyguard: Create lockscreen weather, move weatherimpl to utils.
    401ce40 SystemUI: reset timeout when expanding volume panel
    1fffdbb SettingsProvider : Add functions for delimited strings
    938e005c frameworks/base : testNoManagedUsersIfLowRamDevice failure
    3dcfe63 Fix null pointer exception in KeyguardUpdateMonitor.
    17370ec SystemUI: Fix the wrong speech in TalkBack application.
    bdbc22d OBEX: Include NameHeader in final PUT Server Response
    d96f882 frameworks/base: Add HVGA camcorder profile
    7cc51e9 AppOps: fix "contact" delete ops check failed
    11f6929 Keyguard: Avoid null pointer exception
    3186b2ca Phone: Sprint MWI Quirk: Phantom message wait indicator workaround (1/2)
    b0c9dd5 Fix warning
    216e307 Prevent copyNativeLib of package scanning to reduce booting time.
    093220e SystemUI: Fix user profile activity overlapped by status bar panel issue
    b68b22f Framework: Fix GSM signal strength
    9743bb7 USB: AppOps: always show "USB connection" when usb connected
    b2da8cc Fix "ghost" weather display in expanded status bar
    21c95bc AppWindowToken: Handling IndexOutOfBoundsException
    8d22aad Clean host static libaapt
    11ae854 Show Optimizing app dialog on first boot
    863c24f ConnectionSettings: Add 4g as connection options for profiles (1/2)
    d9b5051 SystemUI: Create expandable volume panel.
    45785f8 Implement linked volumes and add upgrade path.
    4ed765c Hide GlowPadView warnings
    b013d2c Themes: Restructure resource cache [1/2]
    cc90bfa storage: Don't list removed volumes in storage list
    aff7af4 Delay Explicit GC from the SystemServer.
    4da25a5 [1/3]frameworks/base: add "Accept all files" option for incoming files via BT

    * frameworks/native/
    f489ba3 frameworks/native: surfaceflinger: Add Group cache
    8437d5c sf: Enable tilerender feature only if needed

    * hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/
    536d2e7 Revert "hal: Fix setting of backend samplerate"

    * packages/apps/Bluetooth/
    ff411b7 [2/3]Bluetooth: add "Accept all files" option for incoming files

    * packages/apps/Calculator/
    d8e8418 Calculator: Remove unused strings
    cfdbfbb Add some simplified chinese translations

    * packages/apps/Calendar/
    629086e Calendar - Bug fixes in DeleteEvents activity
    836ee44 Calendar : Respond to calendar events share intent

    * packages/apps/Mms/
    e66e51f Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Mms-caf into lp5.0
    a1bb02a Revert "Shorten "Quick Reply" string"
    b07ad37 Mms: cleanup resources
    c7f7afb Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Mms-caf into lp5.0

    * packages/apps/Settings/
    4a20be5 [3/3]Settings: add "Accept all files" option for incoming files via BT

    * packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
    c099c04 Clean up string resources

    LiquidDark für Nexus 4|Nexus 5|Nexus 5X|Nexus 7|Moto E|Moto E 2015|Moto G 2013|Moto G 2014|Google Android One
    Community G+

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