[KERNEL][Nexus 6] hC-b13-L /hC-b9-M [5.1.x/M][20.10.2015]

  • Neue Test Version ist raus :) Bite um Feedback wegen Freeze/Reboots. Sollte etwas passieren, bitte nicht vergessen die Logs aus /sys/fs/pstore anzuhängen, danke :) Chroma Changelog - Google Docs


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    Most of our lives, most of us live in realities determinded by others, imprinted in our brains by education, by religion, by politics, by authorities.
    -Tim Leary

  • Das ist von Router zu Router verschieden. Ich hab keine Probleme mit den M-WIFI Treiber :)


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    Most of our lives, most of us live in realities determinded by others, imprinted in our brains by education, by religion, by politics, by authorities.
    -Tim Leary

  • Mit den neuen hatte ich gestern wieder so einen schönen Abriß des Empfangs mit anschließendem nicht neu verbinden obwohl ich nur 7 Meter vom Router weg war.
    Mit den alten passiert nix, bleibt auch bei gefühlten 30 Metern noch stabil.

    Gesendet von meinem Nexus 6

  • b12 /b6-M3 ist raus: Chroma Changelog - Google Docs

    Viel Spass :)


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    Most of our lives, most of us live in realities determinded by others, imprinted in our brains by education, by religion, by politics, by authorities.
    -Tim Leary

  • Hatte Jemand von euch Probleme mit den letzen builds? Wenn ja, wäre ich froh, wenn ich ein paar Logs bekommen könnte, danke :)


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    Most of our lives, most of us live in realities determinded by others, imprinted in our brains by education, by religion, by politics, by authorities.
    -Tim Leary

  • Neuer Test Kernel: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0rgxck2wp78…VtqoEMAe2a?dl=0 - Lasst mich wissen wie er läuft. Ich denke das ist die letzte Version, bevor die M Sourcen droppen :)


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    Most of our lives, most of us live in realities determinded by others, imprinted in our brains by education, by religion, by politics, by authorities.
    -Tim Leary

  • Offizieller M Kernel ist draussen: 18:02


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    Most of our lives, most of us live in realities determinded by others, imprinted in our brains by education, by religion, by politics, by authorities.
    -Tim Leary

  • b8-t1 braucht das modifizierte boot.img von Chainfire und SuperSU 2.50. Sonst bootet er nicht.


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    Most of our lives, most of us live in realities determinded by others, imprinted in our brains by education, by religion, by politics, by authorities.
    -Tim Leary

  • Neue builds sind raus: Smali FIles for APK Tool 2.x.x


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    Most of our lives, most of us live in realities determinded by others, imprinted in our brains by education, by religion, by politics, by authorities.
    -Tim Leary

  • N6: b10-M

    -merged kernel patch needed for cataclysm rom
    -merged a lot of patches for several subsystems (mdss/slimbus/net/vidc/etc)
    -tuned cfq and bfq for flash memory
    -f2fs is now supported
    -merged some memory management related stuff and other fixes here and there
    -merged a patch for better colors on low brightness (less reddish)
    -compiled with UBERTC 5.2

    Explanation of the different builds:

    hC-b10-M: Selinux enforcing, marshmallow wi-fi driver
    hC-b10-M-old_wi-fi: Selinux enforcing, lollipop wi-fi driver
    hC-b10-M-permissive: Selinux permissive, marshmallow wi-fi driver
    hC-b10-M-permissive-old_wi-fi: Selinux permissive, lollipop wi-fi driver

    Selinux mode:

    I compiled two different selinux modes. Some custom roms out there don't use the patched sepolicy from chainfire, this means these roms need a permissive kernel for root. If you try to boot an enforcing kernel on this roms, you'll end in a boot loop. Don't ask me what you need, since I can't track all roms and I don't know which one of them boot with an enforcing selinux mode. If you'd like to make sure the enforcing kernel boots, you need to flash chainfires modified boot.img from here first and flash my kernel after it: boot.img

    Wi-fi driver:

    Its known some networks don't like the new marshmallow wi-fi driver. People reporting disconnects, not able to connect at all, or an unstable connection in general. If you suffer from this, switch from the marshmallow driver to the lollipop one.




    Have fun!

    Gesendet von meinem Nexus 6

  • N6: b11-M

    -reverted a few patches, which caused a non-working mic on calls for some
    -compiled with latest ubertc

    Explanation of the different builds:

    hC-b11-M: Selinux enforcing, marshmallow wi-fi driver
    hC-b11-M-old_wi-fi: Selinux enforcing, lollipop wi-fi driver
    hC-b11-M-permissive: Selinux permissive, marshmallow wi-fi driver
    hC-b11-M-permissive-old_wi-fi: Selinux permissive, lollipop wi-fi driver

    Selinux mode:

    I compiled two different selinux modes. Some custom roms out there don't use the patched sepolicy from chainfire, this means these roms need a permissive kernel for root. If you try to boot an enforcing kernel on this roms, you'll end in a boot loop. Don't ask me what you need, since I can't track all roms and I don't know which one of them boot with an enforcing selinux mode. If you'd like to make sure the enforcing kernel boots, you need to flash chainfires modified boot.img from here first and flash my kernel after it: boot.img

    Wi-fi driver:

    Its known some networks don't like the new marshmallow wi-fi driver. People reporting disconnects, not able to connect at all, or an instable connection in general. If you suffer from this, switch from the marshmallow driver to the lollipop one.


    If you encounter an issue, please provide more information than just "phone reboots" or something like that. If your phone crashes, you can find crash logs in: /sys/fs/pstore - Just upload them and link me to them. Thank you!



    ungültiger Link

    Gesendet von meinem Nexus 6

  • b12-M für 6.0.1 ist raus: Chroma Changelog


    Gesendet von meinem Nexus 6 mit Tapatalk

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    Most of our lives, most of us live in realities determinded by others, imprinted in our brains by education, by religion, by politics, by authorities.
    -Tim Leary

  • Liegt wohl am Renderserver

    Edit: jetzt geht der Server


    hC-b11-M-old_wi-fi.zip 6.11MB 07/11/2015
    hC-b11-M-permissive-old_wi-fi.zip 6.1MB 07/11/2015
    hC-b11-M-permissive.zip 6.11MB 07/11/2015
    hC-b11-M.zip 6.11MB 07/11/2015
    hC-b12-M-old_wi-fi.zip 6.11MB 09/12/2015
    hC-b12-M-permissive-old_wi-fi.zip 6.11MB 09/12/2015
    hC-b12-M-permissive.zip 6.12MB 09/12/2015
    hC-b12-M.zip 6.12MB 09/12/2015

  • [size=14]N6: b13-M[/SIZE]

    -changed to self compiled UBERTC 5.3
    -updated wifi-drivers (only the ones with the M wifi drivers of course)
    -added a few fixes for ipc_router (which crashed sometimes in the past, caused a hot reboot and the device was laggy and unstable)
    -added a few other network related fixes
    -added a couple of sched patches to improve battery life



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