[ROM] [L] [5.1.1] Velocity Hammerhead

  • Gibt es noch immer Probleme mit der Google-Now-Geste? Als ich das zuerst hier gepostete Release getestet habe, wurde das Shortcut beim Hochwischen zuerst wieder klein und hat sich nur bei bestimmten Bewegungen wieder vergrößert. Schwer zu beschreiben, aber es war definitiv nicht ein Verhalten wie unter Stock.

    Are there still issues with Google-Now-Gesture? When swiping up from home button on first here posted release, the shortcut wouldn't expand the way it does on stock ROM.

  • Gerade getestet. Leider noch immer das gleiche. Sobald du mit dem Finger weiter hoch fährst, kann sich die Animation nicht zwischen klein/groß entscheiden.

    EDIT: Es liegt an der Animationsgeschwindigkeit. Stellt man sie auf 1x und schaltet das Display aus/ein, ist alles okay.

  • Ich glaube chad meinte den google now swipe.
    Also, wie gesagt bei mir alles in Ordnung und ich habe auch in den Tester hangouts keinen der dein Problem hat.

    Nexus 7 Flo Velocity
    Nexus 6 shamu Velocity 7.1
    Pixel XL Velocity
    Huawei Mate 10 pro

  • [QUOTE = "wupwup, post: 125299, Members: 2981"] Sorry for bothering you, but for me, definitely yes. Animations are Part of a smooth workflow. [/ QUOTE]
    Then use a different Rome if this bothers you. This is my personal Rome and I can guarantee you I wont spend a second looking into this "issue". Im not looking for feedback, bugs, or anything related to either. I allowed this to be shared here but this is a take it or leave it and not project a "normal" Rome like other forums have.

  • @ctfrommn
    Thx for your great Rom, sharing with us.
    I'm very happy about that [emoji106] [emoji2]

    The latest build is amazing. I've never experienced such an awesome speed.
    Keep up your great work and let us be as happy as you are with your rom [emoji122] [emoji122] [emoji122]

  • Then use a different Rome if this bothers you. This is my personal Rome and I can guarantee you I wont spend a second looking into this "issue". Im not looking for feedback, bugs, or anything related to either. I allowed this to be shared here but this is a take it or leave it and not project a "normal" Rome like other forums have.

    Did I ask you to fix the glitch? I know your posts since psx times (which was one of the best roms I've ever seen around) ;)

    While I really like your approach to keep the rom slim and fast, you behave like you were above all other hard working developers with no kind of respect to anyone. This doesn't only apply to this thread, but furthermore on your old forum and hiding your work from publicity. Nevertheless you're a skilled developers and don't owe anything to your users, nothing to say against that.

  • I really don't care what other developers do it don't do. I'm not trying to impress anyone. I have no obligation to release anything anywhere to anyone. This is my personal ROM I built for me. I agreed to share this here because I was asked to. I really don't care what you or anyone else thinks of it or me. Use it or don't use it but don't try to pretend you know a thing about me personally or professionally.

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