Don't know don't have mako. Chad is changing security much, so could be related to that. Will tell him.
[ROM] [M] [6.0] Velocity Mako
Don't know don't have mako. Chad is changing security much, so could be related to that. Will tell him.
Thanks. Yes, it is sensor-related as I just noticed did the proximity sensor is not Causing the screen to turn off When It's on my ear during a call. In happy to help or test anything if I can.
Ok just testing Flo, cause normally both are the same. Had no time to flash yesterday's build.
Ok same on flo. All sensors dead. Chad is already working on it.
Ok same on flo. All sensors dead. Chad is already working on it.
Thank you very much, I hope it can be fixed. -
Will be fixed...Mako and Flo are just very finicky.
Sensors are all working in this build. Thank you for the quick fix!
Fasten your seat belts. This is crazy fast.
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