[ROM] [M] [6.0] Velocity Shamu

  • Running fine, dirty flashed with wipe system, cache, dalvic. SwiftKey is looking weird again, changing the theme helped but still not all themes are working.

  • Also the Whatsapp pop-up window won't pop up, when I receive a new message.

    I hope you can fix those things with another update. I can't go back to anything "slower" now. Totally got addicted to the speed and smoothness of Velocity ROM. [emoji2]

  • I am facing with a Strange dialer issue..
    When I open it everything I see where I should see my fvourite contacts is a blank/white screen...
    Could someone tell me if having the same issue and if is there a way to solve it?

    Inviato dal mio Nexus 6 utilizzando Tapatalk

  • I don't know if it can be useful for you @ctfrommn
    I tried to create two shortcuts/widget from the same contact...
    The first one is a "direct dial" contact...
    The other one is a "contact" schortcut...
    Tapping the second one everything is good,but when I try to direct dial my contact through the first shortcut this is what I get:

    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

  • Thanks, but honestly all I need when issues arise is .....
    a) A reproducible scenario
    b) The last build it worked on

    No amount of logs or detailed information will do me any good. Im not a "coder". The only way I ever fix anything is by straight trial and error based on changes from build to build. Fortunately with this current issue Ive had this exact thing before and know whats Causing it. I'll have this corrected yet today.

  • Not sure if it's of any help then, but on your previous build SwiftKey and Whatsapp pop-up was working fine. I flashed the previous build clean, so something in the current one is causing the problems with SwiftKey and Whatsapp pop-up. Let me know, if I can be of any more help.

  • I dont use Either SK or WA so thats not something reproducible for me. HOWEVER, Im sure its likely related. And by reproducible I mean something I can force to happen everytime by doing a specific activity. Things that happen occasionally are not reproducible.

  • Ok, i will check your out your upcoming build and report back how both (SK + WA) are behaving.

  • Latest build, this is still there:
    facebook messanger

    I can't see the text on fb messenger next to the chat heads when I receive a message.

    Also on Swiftkey some themes are still not displayed right.
    Didn´t recieve any whatsapp message, so i can´t really say if the popup now works properly, will report later.

    Dirty flashed with wipe system/cache/dalvic.

  • No probs, mate. There are lots of themes for SK. Currently using another one, than i used to which is just as good. Also Whatsapp popup is working as expected. I use the beta version and there has been an update during this evening, so this might has been a problem on the whatsapp side, not the ROM.

Jetzt mitmachen!

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