ROM] [P] [9.0.0] Velocity Shamu

  • Custom clang toolchain will be returning to Velocity soon. Next build will likely use DTC clang till I can cook my own, but this is the first time since Android M I have been able to get a working build with anything but AOSP clang so very exciting news. Even using a prebuilt DTC chain is noticeably faster than AOSP one. Builds should get significantly faster soon.

  • So, bei einigen hatte ich schon so etwas erwähnt.
    Nach 4 Jahren täglichem flashen brauche ich mal ein wenig Pause. Ich melde mich also erstmal bis auf Weiteres ab. Ob Chad möchte, dass dieser Thread offen bleibt ist seine Entscheidung. Weiterhin viel Spaß mit der für mich besten Rom:)

    After 4 years of daily flashing its time for me to take a break. So I will stop for a while. If Chad still like to post in this thread and leave it open is his opinion only. Have fun with the best rom out there in my opinion :)

    Nexus 7 Flo Velocity
    Nexus 6 shamu Velocity 7.1
    Pixel XL Velocity
    Huawei Mate 10 pro

  • So, looks like no 7.1.1 official for Shamu which isnt entirely surprising. No idea what this means for future development. All builds are now technically "ports", which I guess the current build is also. As long as current 7.0 binaries and kernel source continue to work I think we'll be ok. Looks like source will be out today/tomorrow and Ill be starting completely fresh again so no idea how long for builds and what thell be like.

  • Thats not true. 7.1.1 is officially confirmed by Google on their page, which has been updated today.

    "Today, and over the next several weeks, the Nexus 6, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Nexus 9, Pixel, Pixel XL, Nexus Player, Pixel C and General Mobile 4G (Android One) will get an over the air (OTA) software update to Android 7.1.1 Nougat. Any devices enrolled in the Android Beta Program will also receive this final version."…at-android-711/

    I think its a matter of waiting Chad.

  • Im going to upload my last and final 7.1.0 build for you guys as its such a nice build and Im not sure when the next will be. This is mostly a performance update. This is built with my custom clang toolchain along with a variety of other performance related items. Not sure how it will dirty over the last build, but if you have issues just clean flash. This is substantially faster than the last release.

  • At what point are you guys interested in a build? I haven't added really any features yet. I completely redid the kernel. Current build does have all the pixel stuff added and is extremely fast. I think many previous features won't be added back as that's not really my style. The last few months of builds were very different than my norm and what velocity is really about. This time it will be simple, reliable, and blazing fast. The features I use will come back, but don't expect it to be like it was. Most of my work will be focused on improving my custom clang and making this as fast as possible.

  • At what point are you guys interested in a build? I haven't added really any features yet. I completely redid the kernel. Current build does have all the pixel stuff added and is extremely fast. I think many previous features won't be added back as that's not really my style. The last few months of builds were very different than my norm and what velocity is really about. This time it will be simple, reliable, and blazing fast. The features I use will come back, but don't expect it to be like it was. Most of my work will be focused on improving my custom clang and making this as fast as possible.

    For me, im Always interested in it.
    Because i Always want more if there is more to have :D

    Btw i see that last version uploaded is 05/12, so i guess is not the newer One right?

    Anyway i dont know if you want to grace us with a last 7.1.0 before moving to 7.1.1 (i saw some other devs starting making Roms with 7.1.1r4 already), but if you do, it will be great.

    Do as you feel more comfortable with. Thank you.

  • Here's a taste if you like ....


    This is 7.1.1 and should be clean flashed. Same Gapps and su should be fine.

    Just to report: dirty flash is fine.

    Wipe Dalvik and Cache, flash ROM then flash gapps.

    All working good.
    Yeah i miss alot of features but it feels more polished, and HELL ITS FAST.

    Also i sense less heat when used plugged in charger or while gaming.

    So Chad, this is great. Keep up the good work.

  • Here's a taste if you like ....


    This is 7.1.1 and should be clean flashed. Same Gapps and su should be fine.

    Is there at least OMS in this? I really can't use a ROM all white personally. But I'm not asking you to change your way just asking if it's themeable? Does this have the Dec security patch? Also is this just Aosp stock Nothing extra right?
    Thank for giving us 7.1.1. I did read somewhere that the 7.1.1. official may be here this week for SHAMU.

  • No substratum yet, the commits for 7.1.1 arent merged yet. Yes on the Dec security. And stock AOSP? No, not even close. I just havent really added any features yet. As far as official Shamu source? Great if so. That will add proper kernel source and binaries, but nothing else. This is the same build as the Pixels are getting and newer than Angler/Bullhead source.

  • To be honest im between having more options for customizations and not having them at all.

    I feel fine with the base version because is straight pixel-like 100%, it feels original and pure.

    Either way its Amazing how it renders an "old" phone Pretty much above today standards.

  • Yea, Im going to add the things I personally use but that's about it. Clock/date options, battery icons, LED, and quick pulldown will be about it I think. Maybe a couple cosmetic changes as well and I will add Substratum for you guys.

  • Yea, Im going to add the things I personally use but that's about it. Clock/date options, battery icons, LED, and quick pulldown will be about it I think. Maybe a couple cosmetic changes as well and I will add Substratum for you guys.

    Hey Chad, i saw that i got issues with SMS in the 7.1.1 version. Granted that it could be totally my problem (i dirty flashed, everything, like 99,9% works like before minus SMS) but could you give it a check?

    Thank you.

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