ROM] [N] [7.1.1] Velocity bullhead

  • Well, no boot issue is definitely kernel toolchain related. Without a device to test on it would take me forever to figure out exactly whats going on so I doubt Bullhead will get anymore toolchain updates, unless of course they fix this issue in source.

  • And round 3......

    • OmniSwitch recents option
    • BT advanced toggle
    • QS: Custom rows, columns, small icons
    • Notification and battery LED's
    • Battery icons
    • Long press battery tile to show cpu usage overlay
    • Proximity speaker
    • Reverse dialer lookup
    • Statusbar date/time opens clock/calendar
    • Bunch more performance related items
    • Usual random fixes etc

    Will be up in a bit

  • Next.....

    • Breathing notifications
    • SMS and Gallery apps updated
    • Expanded desktop and QS tile
    • Disable QS on secure locksreen
    • Auto brightness icon & toggle
    • Lock pattern grid size
    • Navbar toggle
    • Quick pin unlock
    • Block notifications on insecure lockscreen
    • System animation speed slider
    • Round icons and blue System UI like Pixel phones
    • Bunch of QS tiles: Ambient display, Sync, Music, USB tether, Screenshot, Brightness, IME selector, Reboot, and Navbar
    • Advanced reboot menu
    • Bunch of random fixes and enhancements

    Uploading now. I would clean flash if you can, but not imperative.

  • I doubt it matters. There is no "right" image as this is a 7.1 Rom and there are no 7.1 images out as its not official for anything apart from the Pixels. No matter what you use the fingerprint will not match. I would say since this is still October security I would use whatever build number that represented.

  • Next build....should address some BH issues

    • OMS-7 commits and updated masquerade
    • Added standalone file explore
    • More Pixel-iness - Black boot animation, Pixel sounds, updated settings icon, etc
    • Usual fixes, cleanup, etc
    • Updated kernel and toolchain
    • Other random bits and bobs

    Should be up in a bit. Dirty flash is fine, though I would consider wiping system.

  • Hey man, been using your rom for a while now and i genuinely like it. However, i noticed something that bugged me a bit; the power menu icons don't match the somewhat updated design of the 7.1, it still has the old, not materialized ones. Also, an option to hide/show power menu custom elements would be greatly appreciated. i know you don't take requests but this would be a nice little addition, i think. thank you.

  • So, bei einigen hatte ich schon so etwas erwähnt.
    Nach 4 Jahren täglichem flashen brauche ich mal ein wenig Pause. Ich melde mich also erstmal bis auf Weiteres ab. Ob Chad möchte, dass dieser Thread offen bleibt ist seine Entscheidung. Weiterhin viel Spaß mit der für mich besten Rom:)

    After 4 years of daily flashing its time for me to take a break. So I will stop for a while. If Chad still like to post in this thread and leave it open is his opinion only. Have fun with the best rom out there in my opinion :)

    Nexus 7 Flo Velocity
    Nexus 6 shamu Velocity 7.1
    Pixel XL Velocity
    Huawei Mate 10 pro

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