[ROM] [4.2.2] [OpenPDroid] CyanogenMod 10.1 - Schubi's Builds (mako)

  • Update!


    ////// NEW in this Build \\\\\\

    # 38234 - Camera: add a GPS indicator to the camera

    # 42953 &
    # 42954 - Pie controls: User defined colours for pie controls

    # 38038 &
    # 38150 - Pie controls: Tweaking UX for pie service

  • Update!


    ////// NEW in this Build \\\\\\

    # 43060 - Allow changing auto-brightness responsitivity
    # 43065 - Improve auto-brightness handling

    # NavigationBar: more height steps (20 to 48dp)

  • Update!


    ////// NEW in this Build \\\\\\

    # 43199 - Notification Light: Fix apps with same name not showing up

    # 43252 &
    # 43253 - Torch: Turn off flash mode when camera is opened

    # Option to disable fullscreen StatusBar
    # Option to disable fullscreen Keyboard

  • Ich habe einen Testbuild hochgeladen und würde gern ein wenig Feedback haben. Da ich schon alles auf XDA gopostet habe, bin ich so frei, hier den englischen Text einzufügen:


    I would like you all to give me some feedback to my recent testbuild.
    The Build itself is completely stable, so its OK for everyday use. Only the new features need some testing.

    md5: be17d02c0bd0a551e5d312109ceb3e05

    New in this build:
    - Option to set Fullscreen Statusbar Timeout (default 10 seconds) (stable, no testing required)

    Highly untested in this build:
    - Add Permissions Management
    Allows the user to revoke individual permissions on a per app basis. Adapted from
    CM7 commits 949eb057d81da7cd0a79fc1fe9cc9c4d989d1c27 and 4a0a352b36b21d0d22713c232baccca84ce13a2d
    to work with 4.2.2. Now ported back to CM from AOKP.

    As long as you leave the master switch off this feature won't affect you in any way.
    Please disable all Settings in OpenPDroid and try this one. Any comments are very welcome!

    - Notification LED when screen is on
    I enabled the notification LED when screen is on, not only when its off. So you'll get notifications e.g. when you're gaming.
    Also the LED isn't switched off only by unlocking the screen. It will stay turned on until you pull down the notifications from StatusBar.
    This isn't switchable up to now, but I'll make it optional in one of the next Builds.

    This build is only available with OpenPdroid. Everyone who is using my ROMs without OpenPDroid could install this one without any problems. OpenPDroid won't block anything unless you tell it to do so!

  • Update!


    ////// NEW in this Build \\\\\\

    # App sidebar from ChameleonOS
    # Don't reset wallpaper when SystemUI disconnects
    # Revert "Torch: Turn off flash mode when camera is opened"

    # 43670 - Pie controls: Fix flickering nav bar in full screen
    # 43701 - Pie controls: Catching activation corner cases

  • Update!
    War ne lange Nacht, aber es hat sich gelohnt!
    Viel Spaß damit :)

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