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Die Plaud0recke
und wer war es mit dem entscheidenden Post?
Das ist ne gute Frage.
Vodafone ist schon doof
Wieso doof?
Ach vergilbt mach dir nix.. Hatte über 4k beiträge und 2x gesperrt ohne was zu sagen nur weil ich gesagt habe dass sie wie admin als türke und mods seine türkenkumpel rüberkommen. Hab dann meinen acc löschen lassen weil keiner bereit war zu reden. Hab keinen ärger mehr, hier ist es schön und wohl, wozu noch von der anderen seite reden
die scheren sich nen dreck um die, die immer freundlich sind und helfen wo sie nur können...
Gesendet von meinem E975 / Optimus G mit Tapatalk
Dafür nur 2g wo ich mich aufhalte
Gesendet von meinem E975 / Optimus G mit Tapatalk
So auf geht es in den Zoo
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Geschafft nun Heim...
Nen kleines [size=8]JUHU!
Besonders freut mich das update für Drive!Endlich funzt es "langsam" so wie ich es mir wünsche... :moustach:
[size=24]Google Updates Play Games, Wallet, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drive, Google+, and Camera[/SIZE]
While we haven’t really had much in the way of consistent “Google Update Wednesdays” in the past few months, Google sure knows how to get back in the groove of things when they want to. Throughout the day yesterday, Google unleashed a massive wave of updates to a good deal of its first party Android apps, including Google Play Games, Wallet, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drive, Google+, and Camera. So what’s new in all of these Google updates and how can you get in on the action a bit early? Read on to find out.First up, we have Google Play Games. Yesterday’s update brings a rather substantial user interface update that finally makes the app Material Design compliant. The app dons new animations, a new visual look, and even a revamped icon. All in all, the experience is much more inline with Google’s new Android Lollipop / Material Design look. You can get in on the action, as well as download the latest version of Google Play Services from XDA Portal Supporter MihirGosai‘s Google Play Services and Play Games repository thread!
Next, we have updates to Google Wallet. The latest Wallet update is a massive one, not just in features and functionality, but also in terms of version number. The upgrade from version 2 to version 7.0 is as significant as it would seem, as it brings not only a full Material Design UI update, but also new options to manage your physical Google Wallet card (if you have ordered one), as well as the ability to set low balance notifications and automatically add money to your account. The APK for this and the rest of the updates is available at the end of this post, so do yourself a favor and go use this new version in your local Apple store.
Moving on, we have a few updates to Google’s mobile productivity suite: Docs 1.3.422.14.35, Sheets 1.3.422.12.35, Slides 1.0.952.14.35, and Drive 2.1.424.13.35. The updates to Docs, Sheets, and Slides are relatively minor, bringing a new “Incoming” section in the slide-out “hamburger” menu that enables you to easily view documents that have been shared with you by other users. On the other hand, the update to Google Drive is a bit more substantial, allowing you to now highlight and copy text from PDFs opened within the app, as well as a better search feature. As stated above, all of these APKs are available at the bottom of this post.
Finally, we have a couple of minor updates to Google+ and Google Camera. Bumping us up to version 4.7 (from 4.6), Google+ now has a few very minor UI changes and bug fixes. Similarly, Google Camera 2.4.023 gives us a few subtle UI tweaks in the form of updated settings toggle animations and a new app icon.
As is generally always the case, these Google updates will gradually make their way out to end user devices through the Google Play Store over the next few days. However, we’ve gone ahead and mirrored them on our Google Drive for your early access, sideloading pleasure.
- Google Play Services and Play Games repository thread
- Google Wallet 7.0
- Google Docs 1.3.422.14.35
- Google Sheets 1.3.422.12.35
- Google Slides 1.0.952.14.35
- Google Drive 2.1.424.13.35
- Google+
- Google Camera 2.4.023
[Many thanks to XDA Portal Supporter MihirGosai for the heads up and the APKs!] -
Es lebt jemand
Gesendet von meinem Nexus 7 mit Tapatalk
Happy Halloween von Google+
Gute Nacht
Gesendet von meinem LG-D855
Gute Nacht
Gesendet von meinem Nexus 5 mit Tapatalk
Good Morning
Gesendet von meinem LG-D855
[size=14]Copresence: Google arbeitet an einem Android-Feature ähnlich AirDrop
ZitatVielleicht erinnert Ihr Euch an die Artikel, die über ein Nearby-Feature in Androidberichteten. Es war nie wirklich klar, was diese Funktion eigentlich darstellen soll. Es sieht so aus, als wäre Copresence ein Feature, das genau auf diese Weise funktioniert. Mit Copresence wird es möglich sein, Dateien zwischen Geräten auszutauschen, die sich in der Umgebung befinden. Also im Prinzip wie Apples AirDrop, nur mit einem großen Vorteil, der Dateiaustausch soll auch zwischen Android und iOS möglich sein.
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