[ROM][KK][4.4.4 ][KTU84M][N4] Velocity

  • Repos changed
    Updated Toolchains and kernels
    Heads up display- Thanks Jay
    Lockscreen timeout
    Redo battery options- Added text only and dotted line as well as color options- Thanks Jay
    Skia- More optimizations
    System/Core- Various commits from master
    Frameworks/Native- Various commits from master
    NDK- Master Commits
    Added “L” Nav Keys
    “L” inspired system icons
    Frameworks/base- Various master commits
    Art- Master commits
    Bionic- Master commits
    Vendor- Added various qcom and Oppo Adreno libs
    Continuing to remove all references to Dalvik in various repos
    Fix incorrect system time on boot

    Neue Version kommt heute noch. Viele Änderungen und wieder schneller:)

    Nexus 7 Flo Velocity
    Nexus 6 shamu Velocity 7.1
    Pixel XL Velocity
    Huawei Mate 10 pro

  • Alles super und richtig schnell bis auf die Geschwindigkeit im WLAN. Ich brauchte fast 10 Minuten, um g+ zu laden. Bei allen anderen Apps verhält es auch genauso, auch wenn ich von automatisch auf 2,4 GHz bzw 5 GHz wechsel. Vielleicht kann das mal jemand überprüfen.

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von DeeDeeCeleb (9. Oktober 2014 um 20:54)

  • Also ich habe hier über 40 mbits down auf mako, HH und flo. Vielleicht mal den router resetten, oder den wlan kanal wechseln.

    Nexus 7 Flo Velocity
    Nexus 6 shamu Velocity 7.1
    Pixel XL Velocity
    Huawei Mate 10 pro

  • Chad wird solange mit kk weitermachen, bis die sources veröffentlicht werden für L.

    Hier nochmal der changelog, war heute morgen schon unterwegs:

    New toolchains and kernels
    All kernels updated to latest L source (Mako borrowed from Flo)
    Interactive GPU gov removed
    Art- Tons more master commits
    Makefile changes
    Optimizing compiler changes
    Ndk- Master commits
    Bionic- Merge upstream commits
    Removed many more Dalvik references in many repos
    Quiet hours advanced options
    Dialer- Fullscreen, transparency, and other changes
    Rotation options
    Added AOSP keyboard with advanced options (Google is still included)
    External/qemu- Switch to master branch
    Change from clang to GCC compiler in many repos
    Fixed battery color options in landscape
    Updated Play store, Play services, and Google keyboard from new L-Preview
    New Google search and launcher from L-preview
    New nav buttons from the new L preview
    Removed duplicate ringtones and notifications
    Added additional sounds from L

    Nexus 7 Flo Velocity
    Nexus 6 shamu Velocity 7.1
    Pixel XL Velocity
    Huawei Mate 10 pro

  • 11/3/14 (Final KK Release)
    New toolchains and kernels (Kernel is now GCC 4.9.3)
    Art- Runtime tweaks
    Master commits (Lots)
    Build- Cflag changes and other optimizations
    Bionic- Master commits
    NDK- Master commits

    Letztes KK build ist online.

    Nexus 7 Flo Velocity
    Nexus 6 shamu Velocity 7.1
    Pixel XL Velocity
    Huawei Mate 10 pro

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