Super SU v.2.76 stable

  • Eine "kleine" Erklärung zu ROOT/aktuellen Lage unter Android L von [size=14]Chainfire[/SIZE]…sts/VxjfYJnZAXP

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  • Ein interessanter Artikel zum Thema ROOT unter Android L ... Dort wird auch Chainfire´s Erklärung erwähnt. ;)

    Android L: Bald so verschlossen wie Apples iOS?

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  • Update 2.15


    You can find the v2.15 BETA release here: Francisco Franco
    (flashable ZIP, if you want the APK, it's in there in the <i>common</i> folder)

    This beta is focussed only the binary update issues:

    - Binary update failing
    - Binary update succeeding but asking again
    - Binary update never completing
    - Endless loading spinner in apps and logs tab (also related to binary update failure, though it doesn't show it)

    Please test ASAP and report back if it solved your issue or not. Note that I consider the above issues solved until you report them again! So if you test this version and the issue is still present, say so, and explain again what the problem is, or if the problem remains the same, post a link to your previous report.

  • v2.16


    Just posted v2.16 to my server. Get the link from the first post. Exact changelogs are a in the changelogs post.

    This update fixes a number of issues with app grants that disappeared on boot. Should be good now, report any issues like these that persist more than three(!) reboots after update.

    I've also started on polishing up some of the visuals in material style. Most changes are pretty subtle, small color updates, icon adjustments. It's certainly not done yet, but even when it is, it wont be the major 'material haulover' some other apps are receiving - ain't nobody got time for that, I'm more concerned with SuperSU working correctly. The material 'light with dark actionbar' theme is selected by default now if running on L if you've never changed the theme option under settings. If you have, you'll have to select it manually. This will not be backported to 4.x, so don't nag me about that. With all the compatibility stuff in SuperSU already to keep it somewhat working across so many different Android versions, adding another compatibility library to backport material support is simply not going to happen - too many conflicts, no time (or will) to solve them.

    Anyway, be sure to click all the buttons on all your different Android devices and find out where I made it crash due to these theme changes, and report that back to me


    Battery Doctor Beta

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    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von MuggelPu (25. Oktober 2014 um 17:20)



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  •…sts/Smrw9ppuJKJ ;)


    v2.22 beta released - kindly test as I want to upgrade this to a stable release available from all the stores over the next few days

    16.11.2014 - v2.22
    - BETA
    - Fixed double refresh icon in logs in Holo theme (one should be delete)
    - Add option to stop asking about disabling KNOX
    - Updated backuptool script
    - Disallow root access via daemonsu
    - Updated policy patches
    - Added kernel patching support
    - API >= 19: run /system/su.d/* after SELinux policy patched
    - Hide OTA survival option on L, not currently supported
    - Adjust app title based on Pro status
    - Fix disconnected daemonsu process gobbling up CPU


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  • [COLOR=#ff0000][size=18]SuperSU v2.23 BETA - for immediate testing[/SIZE][/COLOR]…sts/jGoDoPPZUdT

    I've just added a TWRP flashable ZIP for SuperSU v2.23 to my download server - see the link in the box at the bottom of this post.

    I was busy writing the 5.0 additions for How-To SUwhen an idea struck me that could fix a number of SELinux policy issues on Lollipop, of which previous attempts to transparently work around resulted in failed boots.

    v2.23 is the implementation of those workarounds. Please extensively test this version ASAP on your Lollipop (and KitKat) Android's.

    A number of root apps that previously would not work may now start working - please post in the XDA thread if so.

    However, there could also be negative side effects, so if something stops working that did work with v2.22, please post about that as well.

    (Note that I am not interested in root apps that did not work and still do not work)

    I want to get a new version to the Play store in the next few days, so time is of the essence.

    SuperSU BETA XDA thread: XDA


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    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von MuggelPu (18. November 2014 um 01:44)

  • [size=18]SuperSU v2.24 BETA - moar testing![/SIZE]

    Yes, another beta update. The test procedure and question is the same as for v2.23, so please read that post:…sts/jGoDoPPZUdT

    During testing of v2.23 it became apparent a few calls still didn't work right. Investigating that issue lead me to the conclusion that the calls that were actually fixed in v2.23, would stop working the next (minor) Android update, due to new security commits in AOSP.

    v2.24 should circumvent that, as well as fix additional calls (namely: am). In theory app compatibility should be the same or better as v2.23, but please test all your apps again to see if everything still works.

    And yes, for those who keep asking, the new docs relating to SuperSU and Lollipop are underway and hopefully will be released in the next day or two.


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  • Kannst ja vielleicht beide in den Titel aufnehmen... STABLE is ja im mom noch die 2.16

    Und vielleicht CF-Auto-Root auch mit aufnehmen weil es ja auch ein allgemeines Tools ist. Für mittlerweile über 50 Geräte! NEU: Alle NEXEN mit Android 5 (Lollipop) dabei!



    too many issues, will investigate and re-release

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    4 Mal editiert, zuletzt von MuggelPu (19. November 2014 um 15:07)

  • Update Marathon :moustach:


    v2.25 out now, supposed to fix the same thing v2.24 did. Please test and let me know!…sts/7sti4Z27usv
    ungültiger Link

    hier sehen, was Google sich gemerkt hat.

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    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von MuggelPu (19. November 2014 um 19:47)

  • hier sehen, was Google sich gemerkt hat.


    Good news everyone, starting one of the upcoming SuperSU updates, modified kernels will no longer be needed for root on Android 5.0 ... !
    18:09 - 19. Nov. 2014[/COLOR]…253476021116928

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  • [COLOR=#ff0000]SuperSU v2.27 BETA - no more kernel patches?[/COLOR]

    This new beta may be doing away with the previously needed kernel patches on Lollipop.

    I should warn you however that this method is more invasive, and has a higher chance of bootloops. Probably the highest-bootloop-risk beta in quite a while. Please make sure you have a backup before flashing it. In case of bootloops, reflash the system partition.

    If you've previously rooted, keeping the old patched kernel will do no harm, but it will also not properly test this beta. I suggest you flash back your device's stock kernel.

    Remember that I rely on all you enthusiasts to test and report back issues. I prefer the reports in the BETA thread on XDA rather than over here, but I will read them here as well. Please include your device, firmware details, stock or patched kernel, and the problem in detail, when you report something.

    XDA has some background details in their portal article, for those interested in that sort of thing: Man-In-The-Middle-Angriff

    SuperSU BETA thread on XDA: Man-In-The-Middle-Angriff

    Again, official docs are coming in the next few days. Let's get this all fixed and tested first, though!

    hier sehen, was Google sich gemerkt hat.

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