[COLOR=#ff0000]Weder ich noch Android-Port übernehmen Haftung für eventuelle Schäden![/COLOR]
Jetzt ist er auch für das Nexus 5 verfügbar.
[size=24]Yank555.lu Kernel[/SIZE]
[size=24][size=14]Der Kernel basiert auf Stock Google Hammerhead Source.[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[size=24][size=14]Der Kernel befindet sich noch in der Alpha Phase![/SIZE][/SIZE]
[size=24][size=14]Was könnt ihr von diesem Kernel erwarten[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[size=24][size=14]- flüssiges Verhalten bei guter Akkulaufzeit[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[size=24][size=14]- Stabilität im täglich Gebrauch[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[size=24][size=14]- einige Standard-Linux-Funktionen fehlen in Standard-Kernel (zB Kernel-Modul-Unterstützung ...) [/SIZE][/SIZE]
[size=24][size=14]- eigens programmierte features interessanter Commits von anderen Entwicklern[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[size=24][size=14]Was könnt ihr nicht von diesem Kernel erwarten[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[size=24][size=14]- experimentelle Modifikationen[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[size=24][size=14]- der schnellste, beste, modernste Kernel überhaupt[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[size=24][size=14]Amarullz (Aroma Installer)[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[size=24][size=14]Download nur über das Forum von Yank555.lu[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[size=24][size=14]Mirrors sind nicht erwünscht![/SIZE][/SIZE]
[size=24][size=14]v1.0 02.09.2014[/SIZE][/SIZE]
- - based on Google Hammerhead Kitkat MR2 sources as of 2014-07-12 (Linux 3.4.0)
- using stock KTU84P 4.4.4 ramfs
- changed kernel compression to XZ (make some space for more stuff)
- kernel compilation optimized for size(make some space for more stuff)
- added minimal busybox to ramfs to support kernel config script on boot
- added /proc/config.gz support
- added ntfs support (read/write)
- added exfat support
- added nfs support (v3 & v4)
- added zen scheduler
- added FIOPS scheduler
- added tcp congestion control (westwood+ default)
- added frontcache, zsmalloc
- added zswap (through faux123)
- added LZ4 compression (for zswap as well)
- added powersuspend v1.5 (faux123, Yank555.lu)
- added dynamic fsync v1.5 (faux123)
- added asynchronous fsync by HTC (faux123)
- added CPU OC up to 2.5GHz (faux123)
- added forced fast charge for AC/USB (Yank555.lu)
- added yankdemand governor (just a slightly differently configured ondemand towards saving battery)
- added yankactive governor (just a slightly differently configured inteactive towards saving battery)
- added intelli_plug in-kernel hotplug driver v3.8 (faux123)
- added intelli_thermal in-kernel thermal engine (faux123)
- added faux sound v3.5 (to control sound, you need to buy the 'faux sound' app from PlayStore)
- added CPU freq. HardLimit to v2.1 introducing 2 level touchboost to the Nexus 5 (Yank555.lu)
- added Cpufreq: create/remove percpu sysfs nodes once (Puneet Saxena via faux123)
- added simple GPU governor (faux123)
- added binfmt_elf.c: use get_random_int() to fix entropy depleting (Jeff Liu)
- added IntelliPlug and IntelliThermal support in Aroma script generator