[AOSPA][ROM][4.4.4][official] ParanoidAndroid 4.6 Beta 3 - OnePlus One

  • Wie immer gilt:
    [color=#FF0000]Weder ich, Android Port, die böse Schwiegermutter oder der liebe Gott sind schuld daran wenn IHR etwas falsch macht und aus dem OPO ein schöner Briefbeschwerer wird!
    Benutzt diese Anleitung nur wenn ihr auch versteht was ihr da macht![/COLOR]


    ROM (change logs)


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    Wenn von Stock oder einem anderen Rom kommend:

    1. Ab in die Recovery (CWM oder TWRP)
    2. Wipe data/factory reset
    3. Wipe cache and dalvik cache
    4. Install ROM
    5. Install Gapps
    6. Reboot und freuen

    Bei einem Update rate ich zu:

    1. Ab in die Recovery (CWM oder TWRP)
    2. Format cache, davik cache und system
    3. Install Rom
    4. Install Gapps
    5. Reboot und freuen


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    Custom Settings[Listed in Settings app]
    Wireless & Networks
    ----More ---- Mobile Networks ---- National data roaming

    --------Link ringtone & notification volumes toggle
    --------Play sound when adjusting ringtone with volume buttons
    ----Ascending ringtone
    ----Volume buttons wake

    ----Notification peek
    ----Notification LED

    ----Status bar icons

    ----See through(Lockscreen blur)
    ----Maximize Widgets
    ----Separate device encryption password

    ---- Selector notification

    Backup & Reset
    ----Reset preferences

    ----App Privacy (Google App Ops)

    Dynamic Settings [Not found in Settings app]
    Global Immersive mode <credits to CM>
    Pie controls (activated by turning on immersive mode)
    Quick settings edit (add, remove and reorder tiles)
    Quick settings pull down
    Disable safe headset volume warning
    Enable/Disable clear all recent apps button
    Long press recent apps button to switch to last app

    Standard Features [Non-configurable]
    Advanced Power Menu
    Keyguard quick unlock
    Disable fullscreen keyboard
    Quick settings dual tiles
    Expandable download notification (download speed)
    Volume panel style - Expandable
    Actionable status bar Date/Time
    Long press volume buttons skips music
    Screenshot delete notification action
    Recent apps / Clear all recent apps (context aware button)
    Pause and resume downloads

    Und hier noch ein paar Screenshots

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    6 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Goggle (7. August 2014 um 22:17)

  • Hier der Changelog von heute:

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    4.45 STABLE / 4.5 ALPHA 3

    Week has already begun, but it's vacation time for some members so we had to delay announcement by one day :) Today we're bringing some adjustments to our Recents preview state. This may be the last preview.

    New Recents Late Preview
    - Improved performance a bit
    - Lighter shadows
    - Removed bottom recents label
    - On-The-Spot selectable style for Recents (Stock/New)
    - Code cleanup

    General - 4.45 & 4.5 ALPHA 3
    - Theme Engine upstream patches
    - Misc fixes for our hidden battery feature
    - Fix Hover icon size (fits QS Edit one now, a point more for UX)
    - Some devices related low level misc fixes

    Themers Note
    You may want to look to our recents patches we made for PA:

    Download: http://paranoidandroid.co
    Bug reports: Firefox
    Blog: http://blog.paranoidandroid.co


  • Neues update:

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    4.5 Beta 1
    A tasty #BetaRelease is here!

    For the last few weeks we have been releasing alpha builds and have reached a point of stability for the recents build series. We are currently working on finalizing the new design of recents and fixing minor issues, earning recents a beta tag. You should not be scared about the “beta” in the build name, but instead #StayParanoid and take the release out for a test drive as it is still a fairly polished and stable one. If you stumble upon any bugs or little details that don’t look right in your opinion, you can use our issue tracker to report them.

    Some of the articles for our last week’s alpha build
    Tipprunde ist eröffnet
    Tipprunde ist eröffnet

    Changes in this week’s beta release
    - Significantly increased the stability of recents
    - Patch Google bug 13678484 aka “Fake ID” (https://gerrit.paranoidandroid.co/4656)
    - Make PA specific features work nicely on multi-user (https://gerrit.paranoidandroid.co/4654)
    - Include the latest CM changes for the theme engine
    - Fix the "clear all recents" bug

    tl;dr Download the latest build from [DLMURL]http://paranoidandroid.co/roms[/DLMURL] and feel free to report any issues at Oliver Rennies

  • Und gleich noch eines hinterher:

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    OnePlus One - 4.5 BETA 1 Build 2

    Due to an issue that affected camera stuffs (ROM wise), another OTA update has been pushed with the fix and some device specific improvements.

    NOTE: Latest two Gapps updates and future ones check device model and in case of OnePlus One or one of the Oppos, camera libs and app aren't replaced (or camera will not work with those generic libs). In case you flashed an older Gapps package, you need a clean flash (and yes, it means you need to wipe /system too) if your camera doesn't work.
    The geeky way: you need to delete the backup script that replaces libs flashed with ROM with old broken backupped ones. The script, to delete for who doesn't want to do a clean flash, is located at /system/addon.d/50-backupScript.sh. Then reboot into recovery, re-flash rom, flash latest Gapps, reboot.

    Download: http://www.paranoidandroid.co/roms/bacon/


  • Update ist da

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    PA 4.5 BETA 2

    The #BetaRelease with the sweet looking recents is here!

    This week a lot of work was put into making the new design of recents top notch. The reworked layout will make the recents menu easier to navigate and provide a more eye-pleasing experience in general so #StayParanoid and grab the build for your device.

    What exactly changed:
    - Design improvements for recents
    - The calculator was made themeable
    - Merged upstream Theme Engine changes merged

    IMPORTANT NOTE: We had issues with Flo and Deb builds. We're uploading them tomorrow. Sorry about that.

    Head over to http://paranoidandroid.co/ for the downloads.

  • Hier das neue Update:


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    As many of you might have heard, we are hard at work on the next big thing. However, good things come to those who wait. Since we’re hard at work on Dynamic status bar (more coming soon), this week’s release is a little light, containing only bug fixes for theme engine and card-style recents.



    Fixed blank screen in recents

    Fixed transparent status bar in recents

    Misc fixes to theme engine.

    Builds (NEXUS/OPPO/1+): http://paranoidandroid.co

    Bug Reports: ungültiger Link

    Legacy community (for devices not listed on official site): https://plus.google.com/communities/103106032137232805260

    Blog: http://blog.paranoidandroid.co

    Zu deutsch:
    Da bald das nächste große Ding kommt gibt's heute nur ein kleines Update mit Fehlerbehebungen

  • Soweit ich das sehen kann, scheint da noch ein bisschen mehr für das OnePlus One "drin" zu sein, denn wenn ich das richtig sehe, wurde das OnePlus vom "Legacy" Zweig zum AOSPA Zweig herübergeholt (zumindest sind die entsprechenden Commits frisch von gestern)... Und damit dürfte sich die 1+1 Version schon um einiges von der bisherigen Version unterscheiden...

  • OHA, ist es schon angekommen ?
    Der Grund dafür ist ein eher unschöner, wie ich mittlerweile herausgefunden habe.
    Zwar hat man versucht, den Bacon auch auf das Hauptrepository zu ziehen ( und damit hätte das One dann den gleiche Code wie die Nexi) aber hat es dann aufgegeben und auf Android L verschoben. Das heißt: Das One wird bis dahin weiter mit dem Legacy Code compiliert, und der hat halt nicht zwingend den gleichen Funktionsumfang. In diesem Fall gut, weil vom Bug nicht betroffen, aber für mich schlecht, denn ich hatte gehofft, PA als zukünftige Codebase nutzen zu können, was nun aber erst mal nicht geht...

  • Ist schon ne Hausnummer...So von der Größe her. aber qualitativ extrem hochwertig...
    Und auch keinen Gelbstich

    Edit: zwei Dinge, wo man für diesen Preis Abstriche machen muss: fehlende QI und das fehlende 800er LTE-Band

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von vergilbt (29. August 2014 um 07:21)

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