Hells will aber weiß nicht wie
N4 ftw!!!
Hells will aber weiß nicht wie
N4 ftw!!!
Der hells hat kein Bock auf Gebastel. Die neuen Prima Treiber schaffen bei den einen Abhilfe, andere können sich z.B. dann nicht mehr ins Firmennetzwerk einloggen. Auf sowas hab ich keine Lust
Mit einem paranoiden Nexus 4 und hells-Core gesendet
Wie ist der Franco denn so? Habe es so in Erinnerung, dass der Idledrain super war, aber sobald das Display an war, purzelte die Akkuladung davon. Das war aber damals zu r90 bis r96 Zeiten. Hat sich seitdem etwas getan?
* Merge a new patchset from Colin Cross to help on improving r138's Kernel Freezer patches
* Obvious optimisations in the Hotplug/Touch Boost path that I've been improving over time. Should save tons of CPU cycles (ditched constant multiplications for example)
* Fixed a bug where min_sample_time could get stuck with 500ms over time and that could lead to excessive usage of higher frets unnecessarily causing extra heat and extra battery drain
* Automatically online a cpu with a boosted frequency instead of waitinga sample for recalculation of load bla bla. If a core goes online it should bebecause there is a bigger load so to save ms and to get better performancethe core comes online boosted to hispeed_freq that comes from interactive gov;
* Wait 5 seconds before scaling up interactive tunables on high load. Sometimesjust by interacting with the UI around we can *ocasionally* have the four coresonline, but we don't really need the high performance tunables. If we're gamingwe'll hit this 5 seconds easily;
* New first_level default, decreased from 90 to 80;
* Interactive defaults changed: timer_rate to 50000, go_hispeed_load to 95, hispeed_freq to 1350MHz, input_boost_freq to 1188MHz. This should help battery life when the load is low while maintaining some smoothness if we suddenly need the processing power
* Bunch of patches from Linux upstream Kernel and CodeAurora (check git)
r143: * Some fixes and improvements - ignorance is a blessing, trust me!
* Several custom improvements on Interactive's code to save more battery when there is low load and to boost performance when there is higher load requirements. Code changes are on git
There are 3 new tunables that I created, but I will explain then later or if @Miasmic is around he can explain them while I'm not here. Thanks to @Miasmic for testing my crazy **** on his gaming routines, I can say this is a major success  Also its a continuation of r999 changes, just improved.
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* Fix a bug that appeared on r145
* interactive: Optimised more code and removed some useless code
Also increased first_level threshold to 90, I don't feel the need for 80 at this point. Feel free to change though.
Sent from Nexus 4 powered by PAC
Für das, dass franco anscheinend nichts von Governors hält, fummelt er ganz schön am interactive rum (insider von AH) lol
Mit einem paranoiden Nexus 4 und hells-Core gesendet
habt ihr das in der neuen app version auch, dass im status Fenster für power mode nichts angezeigt wird obwohl einer aktiv ist?
also da steht dann "NOT SET" anstelle des richtigen Werts.
r147 ist da. Bringt nur ein paar Fixes
Sent from Nexus 4 powered by PAC
* Attempt to fix 3G/Data related issues that raised on the last nightlies
Also decreased timer_rate to 35000 from 50000 (should increase performance a tiny bit), increased above_hispeed_delay from 10000 to 20000 and decreased first_level threshold of the Hotplug driver to from 90 to 80, again.
Sent from Nexus 4 powered by PAC
* New 100% re-coded Hotplug algorithm
Btw for users on the latest r999, this r150 is different - they are NOT the same.
Der r150 läuft sehr ruckelig bei mir. Und wie ich bei XDA gelesen habe, bin ich nicht der Einzigste. Also wiede zurück auf r148.
joa. ich find die performance auch nicht in Ordnung. immer dieses rumgefummel am hotplugging. bin Auch zurück.
* Fix a bug from r150 that made the device stuttery after a few hours of usage
* Improve performance on light games
r153: * Fix code that was making some phones lag, sorry about that
* Fix a bug that could bottleneck the cpu0 when loading apps or scrolling big lists with images. More detailed info here:https://github.com/franciscofranc…a7993588d443646
* Some improvements on the dirty writeback IO routines (check git)
* Slight change to interactive which should save some mA in the long run without sacrificing performance on UI interaction
* This is probably the last nightly before Milestone 3
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M3 ist da
Sent from Nexus 4 powered by PARANOIDANDROID
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