Quick Heal Technologies Acquires the innovative SurfCanister Technology

  • Es wird die Quick Heal Technologie verwendet.


    1. Protects your system from any kind of malware intrusion.
    2. Safe and Secure banking, shopping and surfing.
    3. Protect your confidential and personal data so malware could not destroy or steal it.
    4. Cleans up your impressions of identity in terms of credit card number, social security
    number, bank or web mail credentials (user name and password) etc..
    5. No malware definition update needed. Users system is still protected from future or modern malware.

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    Quick Heal Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is a leading IT security solutions and ISO 9001 certified company. The solutions are well integrated systems that simplify IT security management across the length and depth of devices and on multiple platforms. They are customized to suit consumers, small businesses, Government establishments and corporate houses. Read More..
    Our Mission

    Identifying the security problems of home user and small businesses all over the world, research on it and bring the innovative, simple and quality solutions which helps home users and small businesses to focus on their individual work as well as company goals.
    SurfCanister – Safe Browsing Technology

    SurfCanister product has been developed based on patent pending Operating System level virtualization technology, which protects user’s system as well as valuable data independent of any ( zero day ) internet malware threat. It also helps user to protect its identity by giving one click cleanup option to erase user’s identity or online transaction specific information which is stored or cached by the browser and could be stolen by the malware.

    SurfCanister is a safe browsing tool which is a need of today’s browsing due to rate of increase in internet threats and dependency of the people all over the world on internet, day by day. This technology does work seamlessly and transparently with existing AntiMalware solutions as well as it strengthens it’s existing protection of AntiMalware by 4x ( four times ). Due to increase in social networking online, people are sharing lot of information and web links across each other but this web link or information could be targeted as a malware so it is very important to have internet threat protection which is independent of malware.

  • Hab ich das richtig verstanden ist es in etwa so wie Sandboxie?

  • [quote user="winchester" post="62360"]Hab ich das richtig verstanden ist es in etwa so wie Sandboxie?[/quote]

    Ich glaube es ist noch etwas mehr wie nur Sandbox. Warten wir mal auf unsere Fachleute im Forum.

  • Beide werfen Dateien weg, beide koennen Dateien behalten, sofern die im vorgegebenen Ordner (Eigene Dateien oder speziell angelegter Ordner) landen. Der Unterschied scheint zu sein, dass Sandboxie alle Programme in verschiedenen Sandboxen laufen laesst, waehrend Sufrcanister nur den Browser in einer Box und die eigenen Dateien in einer anderen Box sperrt. Andere Programme sind nicht in einer Sandbox. Zudem kann man bei Surfcanister Dateien allgemein zugaenglich machen. Bei Sandboxie klingt es so, als wenn man die Dateien nur behalten kann, aber nicht direkt zu anderen Programme schieben kann. Also Surfcanister soll laut Text einfacher sein, da man als User die Grenzen nicht so sieht.

    Ist also wohl mal einen Test wert.

  • Gibt anscheinend einen Release Candidate seit dem 10.06.2013. Changelog ist mir nicht bekannt. Aber nach der Testphase wird das Programm wohl kosten.


    There is a one year free trial version of SurfCanister is available for users to protect against latest threats. SurfCanister is also offering 25% discount on their final release to all its beta users. Visit http://www.surfcanister.com/download to download the beta product.

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