Inzwischen gibt es Version 4.x.
ZitatAlles anzeigenWindows Firewall Control version
What's new:
- New: The main window was redesigned from scratch to be more user friendly and intuitive. Now this view can be resized and has a better support for translated strings. All features were reorganized.
- New: Multiple instances of the notification dialog were removed. Instead, when a new notification is generated while an existing one is already displayed on the screen, it will be added to the existing dialog and the user can navigate through all of them very easy.
- New: All icons were redesigned from scratch and the entire visual identity of the program was updated.
- New: A custom installer was created. The file wfc.exe is not the installer anymore. Also, a new updater and a new uninstaller were created. The new uninstaller can be now translated as well.
- New: Added support for defining subnet masks when setting the remote addresses for a rule. For example, you can now define as remote addresses:
- New: The notification timeout can be now set by the user from 0 up to 999 seconds.
- New: Better integration in all views and dialogs with long translation strings.
- New: A lot of new messages were added in the interaction with the user to improve the usability of the program and the understanding of it.
- Updated: The translation file can have any name now. The program will auto search for *.lng files in the program folder and will load the first *.lng file found.
- Fixed: Profile is not synchronized in the Control Panel window if it is opened and the user changes the profile from the system tray context menu.
- Fixed: The notifications are not displayed on screen if the user is logged to the computer via Remote Desktop Connection.
- Fixed: Columns order is not restored on reopening of Manage Rules window.
- Fixed: Rules from Temporary Rules group are automatically deleted on service restart instead of the program restart.
- And many more...
ZitatAlles anzeigenWindows Firewall Control version update
What's new:
- New: Added the possibility to change the default black theme to any color. Just go to the Options tab and choose your preferred color.
- New: Added a new column for Process ID in Recently Blocked window.
- Fixed: The notification sound does not play on the first show of a notification dialog.
- Fixed: The unlock feature did not work in update It is now fixed and also a new message was added in the GUI to inform the user that the program is locked.Installation notes:
1. Just use the updater to update to the new files. That's all.
2. A few more strings were added in the program. Always use the English translation file from the website as a reference.
ZitatAlles anzeigenWindows Firewall Control version update
What's new:
- Fixed: Removed the lag that appears when setting a new profile from Control Panel window. However, the profile is fully changed when the icon is updated.
- Fixed: The service fails to start if another WCF service uses localhost as endpoint making the service impossible to start.
- Fixed: The GUI (wfc.exe) crashes if the service is not available and it can't connect in the default 30 seconds timeout.
- Fixed: "Click here to activate" button remains active in Notifications tab even if the program is in locked state.
- Fixed: "Windows Firewall Control 4" button gets disabled when the program is in locked state even if it does not affect any setting of the program.
- Fixed: The default rule for the WFC updater was changed to the new hosting server.
ZitatAlles anzeigenWindows Firewall Control v. - New release
What's new:
- New: Added the possibility to copy the filename in the clipboard when the user clicks on the filename in a notification. Open file location was moved to the program icon, so pressing on the program icon will open the file location folder.
- New: When the user recreates the recommended rules there is no result dialog to inform the user if the action was completed or not. Now, a new confirmation is displayed.
- Updated: WFC recommended rules for Windows Store in Windows 8 was updated.
- Fixed: A new notification is not displayed if the Location is changed and there is a rule which blocks other Locations. For example, if a browser is allowed for Domain location only and the user switches to Public location, then the browser is blocked without displaying a new notification.
- Fixed: The default rule for the WFC updater is not the correct one on a clean install, only when the user chooses to recreate WFC recommended rules from the Rules tab.
- Fixed: When exporting a policy file it does not overwrite a file with the same name even if the confirmation dialog says that the new file was successfully saved.
- Fixed: When importing a policy file the profile is switched to Low Filtering and the notifications are set to disabled. These two settings are left now like they were before the import.
- Fixed: Update dialog result does not show in the center of the Control Panel window if Manage Rules window is opened.
Quelle: Wilders Security