ich möchte euch hier die App: Sidebar Lite | Sidebar Pro vorstellen.
Bekannt ist diese Sidebar speziell vom S3 - da Sie dort durch JB(4.1.2.) zu bekommen war.
Durch diese App scheint es auf jedem Gerät möglich zu sein, eine Sidebar während des laufenden Betriebs(egal ob Bilder, Musik, Film oder App) einzublenden und von dort aus wiederum auf diverse - auf seine eigenen Wünsche - angepassten Apps zuzugreifen.
Ich hab diese derzeit in der Lite-Version auf meinem Nexus 4 am laufen und werde berichten, ob es sich negativ auf den Akkuverbrauch auswirkt.
Hier der quotierte Text direkt von den XDA´s:
Zitat[APP][2.1+] Sidebar - A brilliant new way of multitasking on Android.
ZitatAlles anzeigen
[size=24]Sidebar Lite - Sidebar Pro[/SIZE]
[size=12]- Fast, fluid, and immersive animations are integrated within Sidebar that keep it as quick as possible, yet help to add a dash of elegance to its presence.
- A simple Add button appended at the end of the sidebar summons a menu listing all the apps installed on your system. Simply pick an app, and it will be added to the sidebar for quick access.
- To dock the sidebar, simply select an app or touch outside
- To remove an app, simply swipe it out of the sidebar! Alternatively, long pressing will bring up further options such as inserting and replacing.
- Add widgets: many widgets/toggles are included (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, Sound, Rotation, Brightness, and Torch)[size=18]Customization:[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[size=12]- Starting on boot
- Adjusting the width & opacity of the bar
- Adjusting the color scheme & position
- Enabling/Disabling animations
- Adjusting the swipe sensitivity
- Enabling/Disabling vibration[size=18]Sidebar Pro[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[size=12]Sidebar Pro lifts the limitations put on the lite version and opens access to new customizability as well as functionality - elevating sidebar, to its most impeccable and pure state.[size=18]Development[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[size=12]Sidebar is in constant development. Development began as soon as the idea stemmed well before the debut of Ubuntu Phone and recent such apps. The developer ensures a smooth and polished experience to every single user. User experience is key in making Sidebar the perfect multitasking app for Android. Credit goes to Mark Wei for his StandOut Library.[size=18]Awards[/SIZE][/SIZE]
Sidebar was showcased on the front page of XDA
Sidebar was also the best among Android Authority's Top 7 Apps of the weekSidebar won Best Application at [DLMURL=""]CodeDay Seattle[/DLMURL] hosted by StudentRND.
Here was the prize & Presentation to the judges[/SIZE]
[COLOR=Red][size=12]The Notification[/SIZE][/COLOR]
It has to be there otherwise the system will close the service.How to completely remove it?
*NOTE: This works for 4.1+ only
*NOTE: You also lose all ability of customizing the app by disabling the notification since that is the only way to get into settings.
- Go into the App's info and uncheck notifications (before doing this make sure Sidebar is configured to your liking)[COLOR=Red][size=12]Known Bugs[/SIZE][/COLOR]
- None. Sidebar is thoroughly tested before every update to ensure smooth update from version to version whilst also adding on new features.