Super SU v.2.76 stable

  • hier noch der Changelog :)

    28.02.2016 - v2.68 - BETA - [COLOR=#0066cc]RELEASE NOTES[/COLOR]
    - su: Add -mns/--mount-namespace option
    - su: Fix issue with sdcard on Note4/5.1
    - sukernel: Fix issue where writing to /dev could truncate early at 64k barriers
    - supolicy: Fix logcat issue on Omni/CM/etc
    - supolicy: Disable AUDITDENY entries, to make debugging easier for devs
    - supolicy: Extend fake-permissive to work with new [COLOR=#0066cc]Samsung[/COLOR] firmwares
    - ZIP: Fix TWRP log truncating and screen output on installs embedded in other ZIPs
    - ZIP: Improve loopback device setup handling
    - ZIP: Add PERMISSIVE flag
    - ZIP: Move variable reading to after /system and /data have been mounted
    - ZIP: Added call to custom patcher script, if any (/data/
    - ZIP: chmod 0751 /su/bin


    OP ist aktuell

  • Neue SuperSU BETA online ... Jetzt eine App für beide "N & M" :P


    SuperSU v2.71 BETA

    Really isn't much to mention about this, other than that all the changes for N Preview have been merged with the main BETA releases, where they were two separate releases before.


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  • SuperSU v2.72 BETA released

    This is a relatively minor update. Support for the patching ChromeOS-wrapped Android boot images has been added (Pixel C), some logcat and fsck issues were fixed in the SELinux policy, and some flags have been added to the ZIP installer.

    Force encrypt

    Some recent devices do not get a signal - for reasons yet unknown - unless /data is encrypted. The SuperSU ZIP installer by default removes the forceencrypt flag from fstab, so you can run your device unencrypted if you want to. In some cases this may cause you to run unencrypted while you want to be running encrypted, such as on these recent devices. That is what the KEEPFORCEENCRYPT flag is for.

    I am open to debate (in the BETA thread on XDA) as to whether the situation should be switched around, keeping the forceencrypt flag enabled by default, and have removing it be the case that requires extra action. It seems to me like those who want to run decrypted may be the more advanced users as well as the minority.


    Not a day goes by since the release of 2.69 - sometimes not even an hour, or a full page in the thread - that somebody doesn't complain or ask about ES File Explorer or Secure Settings or whatever root app not getting root.

    I want to emphasize again that these are bad apps that are hardcoding the path to the su binary. This has always been a bad idea and I have been warning against it since 2012.

    In the early days of systemless root a compatibility mode hack was enabled by default, but this has been disabled since 2.69. It will not come back, because it's a bit of a dirty hack, and I'm not going to keep forcing millions upon millions of users running that hack just for a handful of outdated apps to work.

    You can manually re-enable that compatibility mode by setting the BINDSYSTEMXBIN flag before re-flashing SuperSU, see Download

    I suggest writing the authors of these apps to inform them that their apps will no longer work with SuperSU on Marshmallow by default, and ask them to fix their code. Said fix is generally one line or less, so there really isn't much of an excuse to not just fix it.


    ZIP: Android Authority

    SuperSU BETA thread on XDA: Download

    SuperSU subforum on XDA: Download

    - Add support for ChromeOS boot images (Pixel C)
    - supolicy: Fix logging to logcat for some processes on some firmwares
    - supolicy: Fix fsck of /data/su.img being denied on some firmwares
    - ZIP: Add LESSLOGGING flag
    - ZIP: Add KEEPVERITY flag
    - ZIP: Also read flags from /cache/.supersu (aside from /data/.supersu and /system/.supersu)

    Gesendet von meinem Nexus 6

  • Release notes for v2.74

    SuperSU v2.74 BETA: Samsung Security Policy Updates, and N Preview 3

    Let me just start off by noting that SuperSU v2.74, as well as the previous version 2.72, are fully compatible with Android N Preview 3. So if that is all the information you were looking for, there you have it.

    Samsung Security Policy Updates

    A few days ago many Samsung users suddenly lost root after their devices received a security policy (SELinux) update. As was to be expected, many posts followed about the evils of Samsung and their breaking of root on purpose. Of course the reality of the situation is far less dramatic: any security policy update using this mechanism would have broken root, regardless of the content of said update.

    This issue has been expected to occur for quite some time, but Samsung had not pushed this type of update wide enough before that it could be caught and analyzed.

    Now that I've finally been able to play with it, this new version of SuperSU blocks these policy updates completely, and keeps you on the SELinux policy version embedded in the boot image (with SuperSU's modifications).

    There are several reasons why the update is blocked, rather than patching it with SuperSU's needed changes:

    - Samsung's policy updates are loosely based on provisions inside AOSP to do exactly this, but they have modified it enough that it has become non-standard, and other OEMs may have done the same. As such there is no easy generic way to reliably catch and modify these updates across the board before they are applied.

    - It is my understanding that the security policy update mechanism in AOSP has been deprecated as of N. Probably in favor of just updating the boot image altogether (which includes these policies) via the now monthly OTA (and future seamless?) updates. Keeping that in mind, writing a bunch of extra code just to catch this edge-case that will probably not be relevant for more than a few months, seems like a waste.

    Fixing lost root due to the security update

    In theory, fixing root is as simple as flashing the new SuperSU v2.74 BETA ZIP file in TWRP, or using the updated CF-Auto-Root for your device.

    In practice, this will not work for a fair share of users. To re-systemless-root using SuperSU ZIP's or CF-Auto-Root, if you have already been rooted, requires the stock boot image to be restored. Both methods create a backup of the stock boot image before applying root. During testing of this fix however, it became clear that a lot more users than I had expected managed to somehow lose this backup (clearing cache, factory reset, etc).

    If this backup is no longer on your device, neither flashing the SuperSU ZIP nor re-applying CF-Auto-Root will fix the issue, as both installations will fail.

    If you happen to have a TWRP backup of the boot image, you can restore that. Otherwise, the only solution is to find your stock firmware on a site such as, and either flashing it completely, or extracting the boot.img and manually flashing that, before re-rooting.

    For completeness sake, note that you can get rid of the security policy update by deleting the /data/security/spota folder, if you have any way of doing that - which most users who lost root will not.

    Ramdisk backups

    To reduce the impact of lost boot image backups for the future, starting v2.74, the SuperSU ZIP installer (and thus also CF-Auto-Root) will backup changed files in the boot image ramdisk to the ramdisk itself.

    While this backup is not good enough to restore your original boot image to the exact state required to perform an incremental OTA, it should be good enough to be able to re-flash SuperSU even if the full boot image backup got lost - though I make no claims as to what happens if you mix it with custom kernels.


    ZIP: Beta-OptIn

    SuperSU BETA thread on XDA: ungültiger Link

    SuperSU subforum on XDA: ungültiger Link

    All CF-Auto-Root's have already been updated with this new version of SuperSU:

    - supolicy/sukernel: Prevent security updates to SELinux from being applied
    - sukernel: backup and restore modified ramdisk files, to be able to re-root if boot image backup got lost
    - ZIP: Only show TWRP warning on TWRP v2.x

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von santadomingo (19. Mai 2016 um 19:29)

  • Update von SuperSU auf v2.76 stable!

    - Clear logs now asks for confirmation
    - Fixed memory leak that could ultimately lead to reboots or root not working
    - Fixed an issue that might have causes root loss on temporary unroot
    - ZIP/Systemless: /data/su.img resized from 32M to 96M, to make sure enough space is available for systemless modes such as xposed
    - ZIP/Systemless: launch daemon on post-fs-data, if supported by device (6.0+, fallback to service)
    - CCMT: Added guide screen for new users

    Download per Kaspersky Cloud


  • UPDATE!!

    This thread is for <b>SuperSU</b> releases that are still in testing, and are <b>not</b> yet available through the Play store. The <i>main</i> thread for <i>stable</i> <b>SuperSU</b> releases is located here: ungültiger Link. The changelogs for test releases is also in that thread, not in this one, to prevent duplicating content.<br />
    <br />
    Please keep track of the version numbers in the thread titles, as the latest test release may not always be newer than the latest stable release.<br />
    <br />
    The latest test release is: <br /><br />
    That is a recovery flashable ZIP (I recommend TWRP). If you want to install via APK, it is also present inside the ZIP, in the <i>common</i> folder.

    27.08.2016 - v2.77 - BETA - RELEASE NOTES
    - ZIP/Systemless: Support for hexpatches (Note7)
    - ZIP/Systemless: Additional logging in daemonsu launcher script

  • - © 2016 Coding Code Mobile Technolgy

    Was hat chainfire eigentlich verkauft?


    Die Coding Code Mobile Technology LLC ("CCMT") sei neu gegründet worden und habe bereits große Erfahrung mit Root-Apps gesammelt, doch der bisherige SuperSU-Projektleiter und -inhaber Chainfire habe nicht sagen dürfen, um welche es sich konkret handelt. Und hier beginnt die Sache schon, komisch zu riechen. Hätte er nicht einfach einen Link zur CCMT-Website teilen können, sodass wir einen Einblick in das Unternehmen bekommen, das demnächst in unser Allerheiligstes eindringen kann?

    SuperSu v2.78 vom 1. September 2016, Angeboten von Chainfire


    v2.78 is indeed released today by CCMT. I have not built it myself yet.

    Do they have access to your Play Store account (All your apps) because your name is shown as owner for Super SU - not Codingcode?

    chainfire Antwort:
    They have enough access to upload new SuperSU versions to my Play account, yes.

    Google claims to be unable to move the app to a different account.

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